♔ 𝕿𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 - 𝕺𝔫𝔢 ♔

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♔ 𝔑𝔦𝔯𝔞 ♔

Despite my attempt, there was little argument to be had. When I return to my room, there are already packs waiting for me, to carry a few choices of clothing and footwear.

It is not denying there is sense in Calix's claim. Xandara is likely to have some answers to the Pario Telum and my abstruse existence, considering it is the Realm of its making. Of course, I recall how Sloan made mention of Ezekiel doing the same, and coming away with nothing, though that doesn't make this a pointless endeavour. Only, I detest the way in which Calix goes about making that point. To force me to my knees, no matter what pretty words followed, was a bastard's trick.

I huff, opening all of my drawers and the wardrobe, pulling together a few outfits for the next few days. There was no mention on how long the trip will be, but a selection of pants, shirts and slip dresses will suffice. I have no reason to impress with my dress sense. The hold I have on my power now is impressive enough.

As I begin to gather my shoes – two pairs of flat soles, and boots for practicality – a presence joins me. I do not need to turn to know who it is. Rather I decide to avoid eye contact at all costs, in the hopes that it will deter her from staying at all. Alas, her footsteps continue into the room, and then there is a soft thump from my bed, where she has sat heavily on the mattress.

"What a timely return. To join us on our escapade, I imagine?" I mutter, stacking the shoes into the pack. It buckles closed easily – the work of the Stygian – and then I look at Libitina, still sat on my knees.

"A happy coincidence." She declares, and then lifts her hand. In it she holds a plain beige envelope, and though she waves it as though in victory, her face betrays that she is far from pleased. "I figured you would want to know. About your friend."

My brows scrunch with light confusion. "What?"

"My personal leave of absence, as Calix named it. I have been in Abutilon – for you." I'm not sure why the wave of emotion comes, so violent that I hardly have the opportunity to swallow it. Perhaps the absence of humour and delight on Libitina's face, how she carries herself today, as though burdened. More likely, the circumstance itself. She owed me nothing, and yet, after only a day, she took herself away, spending weeks of her own time to do something for me. Something I hadn't even asked of her.

My throat burns, the impending sting of tears, and so the word that passes my lips is hoarse. "Sloan?"

There is a tick in Libitina's jaw as she clenches her teeth, the flicker of her eyes downcast as though she cannot bare to look at the expression of hope I know cast across my features. "She is dead."

It hits me like no assault I have ever faced before. My chest caves, hand to my heart. My breath is staggered, unwilling to part from my lungs, as if aware of the gaping emptiness it will leave inside me. I stare at Libitina, waiting for the cruel joke, but it does not come. She speaks the truth, and it has pained her to admit it to me. My eyes fill, the resoluteness of the situation pulling my whirling mind to a screeching stop and forcing me to focus on nothing other than this. She is gone. Sloan is dead.

It was not a thought that had evaded me. In fact, I had spent most of my days burying the possibility completely. There is no burying this – the definitive consequence of my actions. There is not stopping the silent tears that race down my face.

"I took a few days travel to the Court. Camped out in the wooded area and spent the evenings trying to find her. Or a sign. There was no grave, so," her words give, interrupted by the staggered inhale I breathe to contain my sobs. My hand clutches at the cloth on my chest. It feels as though I am squeezing my heart. Libitina sighs before continuing. "I thought that maybe, it meant she was alive. I searched the place every night. Every room I could. Her room – it has dust. It hadn't been used in some time.

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