♔ 𝕿𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 - 𝕿𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢 ♔

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♔ 𝔑𝔦𝔯𝔞 ♔

To walk beside by brother, it still feels like a dream. It feels so far from real, even after I catch him watching me with a splitting grin on his face or feel the squeeze of his hand around mine. All of this time, I had thought him dead. Thought that he had left us and fallen in the process. My heart tugged every time I considered his demise, and each time I considered the fact I would never receive closure.

Yet, he is here now, alive, beside me, marching me down the corridors of the Xandaran castle with a palpable happiness radiating from him. I am sure, once the relief has registered, and the shock has worn, I will be beyond frustrated that he never came home to tell us he was okay, but when I look at him, see the Fae ears that are so distinguishable, I know he stayed far for the right reasons. He has a story, like I have mine, and I wish for nothing more than to sit in only his company and hear it. Even if it takes days – weeks – to revisit the last few years of his life, I'll stay by his side for every second.

The two Guards – one to my left, the other to Darin's right – cannot hold their professionalism to avoid glancing at me in confusion. It seems everyone felt quite the same. No one expected the girl who threw herself from the carriage to be Darin's little sister. Prince Darin. When I catch them watching me, with drawn brows of disbelief, they flush with embarrassment and look forward again. It took longer than I care to admit, for I hadn't even stopped to consider. If Darin is a prince, then I, his blood sister, am nothing short of a princess. They believe they should treat me with the same respect and decorum as the royal beside me.

"Darin," my brother tilts his head to smile softly at me. "How are you –"

"I will explain everything Dee, I promise. When we are alone." He casts his attention over his shoulder to the three that follow us. Calix, Libitina and Tynan. I know what he is insinuating. Just because he trusts me does not mean he extends the same privilege to those I travelled here with.

We continue for a little while longer in silence until we reach an open balcony. The banister wraps around the entire floor, looking out on the space below, lit by a stained-glass skylight. Darin pulls us to a pause and turns to regard his Guards. "You men will accompany The Lord of the Night Court and his companions to stand before the King. I wish for a few minutes alone with my sister."

Despite everything, even wrapped in the blissful surrealism of this moment, my heart stutters. "No. I don't want to leave them." I tell Darin.

I know he is watching me, but I set my sights to the three I came here with. Calix's previous persona has returned – stone faced and impassive. The other two, demon and Kythiran, somehow do not look arrogant enough to dare argue with this prince. "It will not be for long. I'll bring you to them shortly." The Lord watches me, hard and unyielding, and I know without words what he is telling me. The choice is yours.

I manage to offer him a small, almost inconceivable nod. He returns the gesture. "I wish to know where they are going first." It is my only stipulation, and I look towards my brother for his agreement.

He offers such without haste, gesturing out across the floor. "Immediately opposite, to the end of the corridor. The throne room, where the King waits." He speaks to the Guard closest. "They are not to be dismissed until Daenira has been reunited with them."

The Guard nods and salutes, calling an order to his men who shuffle before and behind my company to guide them to their destination. Tynan offers me a brief smile of support, somehow more authentic than any he has given before. Calix does not let his eyes stray from me at all.

Libitina brushes past, pressing the hilt of her dagger into my hand. "You know how to summon me, if you need to." She whispers on a breath as she glides past, her stare a promise that she will come if I call. The effort of comradery settles me somewhat, and I keep my feet firm until they disappear into the corridor as Darin assured.

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