Plantains: Recipe

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You've maybe heard of plantain chips. They're not banana chips but they're even better. You (even less likely) have heard of fried plantain. It's absolutely amazing. Now, hear about plantain pancakes.

Take two (2) big-ish ripe (yellow) plantains.

Cut their skin lengthwise, peel away sideways (plantains don't peel like normal bananas).

Cut them into bite-sized chunks. Take a potato masher (forks will bend, no joke) and mash the plantains. Once they're mashed, use a fork to finish the job since the potato masher has too big prongs to do this properly. 

Add from 1 pinch (per plantain) to 2.5 pinches (per plantain) of coarse salt (you can use fine salt, but I found that I like the crunch).

Take a non-stick (for best results, I guess. You can definitely use a yes-stick pan) pan, cover the bottom with coconut (my personal opinion there: you can use whatever oil you want) oil.

Take a spoonful or three of the plantain mash (depending on pan size) and spread them in a pancake-thin layer on the pan. Spread them as thinly as possible, since otherwise they might not fry through completely. 

Fry them on each side for 1-3 minutes, however crispy you want it to be. Flip, fry for 30 sec - 1 min. 

Prepare a (ceramic) plate (large, like very) with paper towels on it. These will soak in excess oil and make your plantain pancake not taste like oil. 

Wait a couple minutes until it's cool enough to eat. Eat. 
If you wait until it gets cold, it becomes literally the most disgusting thing ever. Do not do this.

(Vote if you tried this and it worked! I'm basing my "approval rating" on the amount of votes divided by the amount of reads times 100)

Life Hacks: Tried and (maybe) True by Me PersonallyWhere stories live. Discover now