chapter 3

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It was the next morning, and you were waiting to hear a car pull up the road. It was getting close to nine o'clock, and you were waiting on the front porch. You were excited about getting to tour the manor and had been ready since seven this morning.

You sat against the old porch swing, your camera bag and backpack sat next to you as you wrapped your jacket tighter around yourself. Your grandmother and uncle had yet to wake up, leaving you to relax into the silence of the morning.

You were nervous.

You had a weird feeling about today, probably stemming from the weird dream you had. It was almost incoherent, a series of flashing images you couldn't make sense of. When you did try to make sense of them, your head started hurting, a pounding headache taking over until you had to try and take some Tylenol, hoping to have some relief before the day.

But that didn't happen, as your headache became pounding and then your vision blurred.

The market was beautiful today as you walked slowly throughout the grass. You had tripped one too many times on it already and you knew your mother would surely punish you greatly if you were to rip the fabric of the gown she made you.

You couldn't help but to move closer to the necklaces, a simple locket catching your eye as you stood in front of the vendor, a couple who seemed to be with child.

"That would look lovely on your neck, Miss." You smile over to the woman, Mary, as she stood closer to you. She held it up to your neck and while her husband, Nicholas, held a mirror up for you to see.

"Indeed, it would, darling. If only our dear nurse had someone to capture her heart so, making the locket well within her heart." Nicholas gestured back, noticing the ever-growing smile come across your lips.

"if only." You turn around to see a man, his features blurred as he held his hand out for you to grasp as he bows a little in your presence. Your hurry to curtsey back, Lord... was surely not bowing to you.

"Please, Lord... do not worry yourself over a simple nurse." You gesture softly for him to stand up, but he only continued to hold his hand out for you. His dimples bright against his cheeks as you finally placed your hand within his grasp.

"You are anything but a simple nurse, milady."

"Y/n, are you alright?"

Your vision returned to see Namjoon; his hand held out to you in the same way the man in your vision was holding his. It shocked you a bit, your body frozen as it tries to determine if you were still hallucinating.

"Y/n?" Only when he asked again did you snap out of it. You quickly took his hand as he helped you off your front doorstep.

"I am so sorry about that. I haven't been sleeping very well, you know? Sleeping in your childhood bed after so long can do wonders on you." You chuckle, hoping he took your words as the joke you intended, letting out a breath when he laughs.

"I bet. Well," He looks at his watch, a simple silver band that seemed to be engraved. "We should be going. I told my brother we would be there by nine." You lean over to glance at his watch to see it was only a couple of minutes from nine o'clock, meaning you were running behind.

"I am so sorry." You apologize as you lean down to pick up your camera bag and backpack, which Namjoon proceeded to take from you and move over to his car, placing them in the trunk.

"Please, Miss Jacquess, do not worry about it. I bet that once my brother sees you, all will be well." You tilt your head a little at his words, not quite understanding why the sight of you would appease his brother but decided not to think about it.

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