chapter 2

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You had just left the house for the library, wanting to get an early start on your research. You had barely slept an hour, couldn't rest with the feeling of someone watching you. Instead, you spent some time going through photos, particularly the photo album your mom had put together when you were in elementary school.

It held old photos, grade school pictures, even artwork you completed in class and your mother put up on the fridge for everyone to see. She had little notes associated with each piece, something you said or what she thought of the piece. It had you smiling as you ran your fingers over her handwriting.

The library was one of the oldest buildings in town, the old worn-down brick was dark, tainted with time and memories. It was one of your favorite places growing up, your mom taking you there quite often after school, and sometimes even during school when you were having a bad day. It was your happy place, where your imagination wasn't shot down or stifled. Where you could read about far off kingdoms and magic wielders.

The door was already opened, allowing you to enter and come face to face with Mrs. Shay, the very women who helped build your love for reading. Your footsteps alerted her to your presence, and when she looked up, the biggest smile grew on her lips as she began to move out from behind the front desk. Her arms were held out, waiting for you to move in, wrapping your own arms around her.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the little darling who used to run my library rampant!" She exclaimed, squeezing you tight once more before pulling back, placing her hands on your shoulders to get a better look at you.

"Hey now! I was such a good kid!" You retorted back, not even fighting the grin that made its way on your face. Mrs. Shay just scrunched her nose at you, shaking her head at your expression.

"You haven't changed, have you darlin'?" With your grin still on your lips, you shake your head, only for her to slap you on the arm.

"Okay darlin', what can I do for you? I know you didn't come back just to say hi to little ole me." Your grin turned sheepish, confirming her thoughts.

"Actually, while I do love and miss you, I had some research I wanted to do, and was wondering if you would allow me access into the town's archives." You bat your eyelashes at the women you grew up admiring, hoping she would take the bait and allow you access. Your stare down lasted for a few moments, ending with Mrs. Shay letting out a long, dramatic sigh and grabbing her keys from the drawer.

"You're a life saver Mrs. Shay!" You exclaim, getting excited as you watch her put her key in the door to the archives, jumping a little in your boots as she twists her hand and pushes the door open.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just remember to put everything back when you're done. I don't need the town council on my back." She wavers her hand at you before closing the door behind her, leaving you alone in a room with hundreds if not a thousand primary documents of the history of the town.

The room seemed to be a storage room converted into the archives, wall to wall bookshelves filled with a mixture of boxes, books, and other artifacts. They were sorted by date or event, which led you to the pre-civil-war section. There wasn't much, just a box of property line records and a small book of death and birth records.

You pulled the box off the shelf only to have a leather notebook fall onto the floor, having been hidden halfway behind the box. You turned around, placing the box on the small table in the middle of the room and moved back so you could pick the notebook up. It was old, and tied together with a leather strip.

Curiously, you sat in the chair at the table, and moved to open the notebook when your phone rang, the ringtone signaling an email notification sounded. Placing the notebook down, you grabbed your laptop from your backpack and opened it up to see an email from Mr. Kelly. His employer wanted to have lunch with you to go over any questions you had.

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