Never ending love

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I woke up this morning with my bright blue green eyes wide with shock and surprise as my little sister was screaming in my face. I looked at my alarm clock and it read 8:00. I jumped up and said


My long brown hair tangled up and poofed up like an Afro.I had no time to fix it up,so I just had to put it up in a normal ponytail. Put on a pink sweater,bright skinny jeans,and black knee boots,then i brushed my teeth,and put on my shoes and ran to school.

By the way my name is kasey and some of my BFFs are piper Martin,Kaitlyn swiggert,and reanna. They are really cool people to talk to and hang out with.Piper with dark brown hair up to her shoulders and brown eyes,and kaitlyn with light brown hair slightly past her shoulders with bright blue pretty eyes.

There is also this guy named Raymond , but every one calls him ray for short. He is the hottest guy in school. Every one has a crush on him. There is also his friends. I think they a only hang out with him so they can learn how to get a girl for once.

Today is Monday,March 4,2013. Over the weekend I realized that my skin was ice cold and I could not get back to normal. Today I told piper about it and she just looked at me. Kind of like she knew somthing and she did not want to tell me.

First period began,so we had to go to math class. The teacher,Mrs.Hillary, always wears black. I tried to tell her that she would look great in pink or blue,and she just looked at me. I looked back at her and just walked away.

When 2nd period began ray walked right up to me and said "kasey, I was wondering if you would what to go to the movies on saturday "? "yes" I replied, with surprise. Then he told me that the science fair was coming up,and he wants to work on it with me!!

Never ending loveWhere stories live. Discover now