In The Soop S1 EP6

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Jun: Y/n we are leaving are you coming Y/n: yes I'm going just getting Jacob backpack that's it Jun: okay [after you went to the car and put Jacob on his car seat] Y/n: who are we waiting Jun: Dino he thought we are leaving at 12:30 Y/n: what Jun: yea but we are planning to leave him Y/n: okay [before you were leaving Dino came running out and after he got in you left after some time you have arrived] Mingyu: this is so cool Jeonghan: it's wonderful Jacob: uncle Min can you teach me Mingyu: sure do Won: do you want to eat fish Y/n: yes that's why I came to catch and maybe cook for everyone if we catch lot Jeonghan: it's nice [you started to record Jun, Jacob, Dino, & Mingyu while they are trying to catch some fish.] Mingyu: I caught one [a guy in a boat came to drop off the food that you order] Y/n: oh thank you. They look good [they guy went to the other house to give Jacob his food] Jacob: thank you [after we finish eating we went back to fishing. You all caught one expect Won. Jeonghan called his dad he past the phone to Won then to you] Jeonghan dad: hey Y/n how are you doing Y/n: good and you Jeonghan dad: good too don't do lot since your pregnant Y/n: I know Jeonghan dad: okay where's Jacob Y/n: with Mingyu, Dino, & Jun in the other boat Jeonghan dad: okay I will leave you guys Jeonghan: bye dad Won & you: bye [then Won called his dad] Won dad: hey Jeonghan & you: hello father Won dad:  hey Jeonghan & Y/n what are you doing Jeonghan: we are fishing Won: we should call your dad Y/n Y/n: dude they are sleeping already Jeonghan: really Y/n: yes but you can record a voice message and he will hear it when he wake up both: okay [after some time it was time to leave and we have finally made it, we all went to the kitchen.] Scoups: I saw Jacob caught a fish Jun: yes he was happy right buddy Jacob: yes it was small Vernon: how was it Y/n Y/n: it was good I got to relax Vernon: nice Y/n: what did you do Vernon: took some Chinse class and talking to a friend Y/n: that's good [after eating you and Jacob went to the lower house and go talk to Woozi] Woozi: hey how was fishing Jacob: good can I go with you daddy tomorrow Woozi: sure [Jacob started to tell Woozi what happen today and talk about how he got a fish] Y/n: have you decided Woozi: yes I did I want to be with you guys. I never notice what I was doing to you both until I notice that this past month I never was there for you both and hanging out. And I love you both so much that I didn't want to lose you both and the baby girl [he puts his hands on your stomach] I miss you both Jacob's laugh, his smile, playing with him and being a father for him. And I also miss you, your smile when you see Jacob doing something, talking about our day, hugging, kissing you, and doing something that you like to do. Y/n: I'm glad you finally notice and we both you love right baby Jacob: yep I miss you daddy [Jacob hugs him and Woozi return his hug] Woozi: I miss you too baby [you give Woozi a kiss on his lips] Y/n: I love you Woozi: I love you too love [after some more talking you all took a shower and to sleep together since The8 was sleeping in the campsite with Vernon] Y/n: good night Woozi: goodnight Jacob: good night mommy and daddy

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