In The Soop S1 EP1

293 10 1

August 29, 2021

{Interview you are sitting with Woozi and Jacob in between you guys. Woozi: we've never really taken a break. So, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do Y/n: yea ever since we debut it we just kept going and never stop to take a rest.} Jacob: mommy I want daddy Y/n: well you can go with Woozi [Woozi walks to you] Y/n: Jacob wants to go with you Woozi: with who are you going with Y/N: I'm going with Jeonghan, Vernon, & DK Woozi: okay Y/N: here [you gave him Jacob bag that has snacks, toys, and water] Woozi: I see you there Y/N: see ya [you gave him a hug and a kiss to Jacob] Vernon: are you okay back there Y/N: yes I'm just going to take a nap Jeonghan: here your blanket Y/N: thank you angel Vernon: hey Y/N we have arrived Y/n: Okay wow so pretty DK: Hi In The Soop Jeonghan: oh, are you saying hi "In The Soop" Jeonghan: Vernon & Y/N say it with us all: hello Jacob: mommy Y/n: hi baby how was the ride Jacob: good Woozi: he slept for a hour then woke and ate his snack Y/N: okay Woozi: do you want to go look around Y/N: sure [you three went to look around] {Interview: Joshua: Leathercraft or pottery Y/n: oh I want do pottery too & I want to paint also Won: telescope Scoups: can we get ATV Hoshi: can you install workout machines} Y/n: can I sit here The8 The8: sure Y/N: thanks Scoups: didn't we already decide on giving Minghao, Y/N, & Jeonghan a room each Y/n: I'm fine sleeping with The8 or Jeonghan Woozi is going to sleep in the van Mingyu: DK & Jeonghan can room & The8 and Y/N The8: I'm fine because I don't move that much [Jacob went with Dino] Jun: what time are we eating together? Y/n: I don't know but I'm hungry Jun: I can cook for you Y/n: really thank you at least someone can cook for me The8: Woozi? Y/n: to be honest I don't know but he didn't want to cook me The8: really why? Y/n: I don't know, I want to be away from him these day and relax and have fun with you guys Jun: you know we are here for you Y/n: I know [you were sitting next to The8 when Hoshi and Woozi came. After some mins the food was already cook so you got some food and some Jacob. That a staff member brought him to you.] Y/n: Vernon are you hungry Vernon: yes Y/n: come eat Vernon: wow [after you got Jacob and went went to the upper house, the staff put a table next to Joshua so you don't have to go down and Jacob was watching Won and helping him build. Dino came in] Won: don't look at the sun. You might go blind Dino: I see something Jeonghan: should I get started Y/n: yes Joshua: Jacob Jacob: yes Jeonghan: what are you doing Jacob: watching a movie Won: okay [you are doing some clay rings and trays now you are waiting for them to dry. Jacob and you are walking around the place. Then you went back with Jun and The8 in the upper house.] 

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