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"Good-ay, motherfucker!!" Richie Tozier greets Stanley Uris as he walks out of his house. Stanley, of course, turns around and begins to walk away. "Beep-beep Richie." Eddie Kaspbrack rolls his eyes. "S-s-stop scaring my friends away!" Bill Denbrough shouts, running after Stan and grabbing him by the wrist.

"Stanie's not scared of me!" Richie protests as the four boys walk to school. "Plus, I've known him longer. He's my friend." He throws an arm around Stan's shoulder. "Well then I guess Eddie's m-my friend!" Bill argues, throwing his arm around Eddie's. "You can keep bird-boy." Richie shoots back, pushing Stan at Bill and pulling Eddie towards himself.

"Oh no! Stan our dads are getting a divorce." Eddie jokes and Stan laughs a bit. "Please! Like Bill could ever pull-" Richie puts his hands under his chin "this." The boys all laugh at that.

"Where the hell are Ben and Bev?" Stan changes the subject as he notices the lack of losers on this walk. They were supposed to meet with them so they could walk to school together. "Probably off- " Richie makes kissy noises and all three boys roll their eyes.

"You really think their dating?" Eddie asks, grabbing on to the straps of his backpack. "I mean, their cute and all but, wouldn't they tell us?"

"I'm with Eddie on th-this one." Bill agrees. "Shocker."  Stan rolls his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" Bill asks. "Hey, don't blame him." Richie says before Stan can answer. "I mean, if my ex was out sucking face with my friend behind my back, I'd probably live in a bubble in denial too." He tells Stan.

"Yeah, you'd actually need a girlfriend for that to happen." Bill says and Richie rolls his eyes at him. On the inside, he was laugh in gay. "And I'm cool with Bev. She can go out with whoever she wants." Bill explains. " All I'm saying is that this group doesn't keep secrets-" Richie actually laughs out loud at this but disguises it as a cough.
"-If they were dating, they would've told us."

As if one cue, Beverly Marsh and Ben Hamscon run up to the rest of the losers, hand in hand. "Whatever helps you sleep at night Billy." Richie whispers, patting the boy on the back before giving Bev a hug.

"What are you guys talking about?" The girl asks from besides Richie, lighting a cigarette. "The fact you never give me anything." He answers, eyeing it like a Hawk. Bev sighs, handing him one and lightning it for him.

"Hey, we still have fifteen minutes if you guys wanna" before Stan can even finish suggesting they go annoy Mike, all five are already running. "wait!!" He shouts before running after them.

The kids enjoyed days like this. When they ran to that farm just before the outside of town, they felt like they were the only people in the world.

"First!!" Eddie yells, hitting the door to mark he was there before all his friends. "How is it that something so tiny can run so fast?"  Stanley asks, panting as he arrives shortly after. "I don't know, he's probably a witch." A familiar voice suddenly says.

"Mikey!" Bill says, joyfully hugging his friend. "Aren't you guys supposed to be at school?" Mike asks, hugging the boy. "We... Had..." Richie answers, trying to catch his breath between words. "Time." He finally finishes before falling to the ground.

"Eds..." he says dramatically as he lays down. "Get your mom... to do... CPR." He closes his eyes as if dead. "Ah, dead a virgin. How tragic." Bev pretenda to wipe a tear. "Hey, fuck you."  Richie sits back up, flipping of the girl.

In the far distance, a faint sound of a bell echos.

All seven kids shear looks.

"...Shit." Ben says before all six that went to school began to run like their young lives depended on it.

"Bye Mike!" Bill shouts, running backwards before turning back to the school.

Mike smiles to himself. "Bye!" He shouts back, but no one hears it:

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