The Kissing Birge

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6 out of 7 members of the Losers club are at the clubhouse. Mike, Stan, Richie and all the people who's name start with a B were playing pocket poker. It was just like regular poker but instead of money or poker chips, you bet whatever garbage is have in your pockets.

"I knock." Richie says, knocking on the floor with one hand and holding his cards on the other. "What do you mean you knock? Bev bet a cigarette and Ben added his lucky pen, either you pay or you fold." Stan says. "I skip." Richie says and Bev rolls her eyes. "You can't skip!" Stan shouts. He grabs the comic Richie had set down to finish later and throws it in the pile.

"HEY! I'm still reading that!" He shouts. "Then play seriously or you'll never know what happens." Bill says and Stan agrees. "Jesus, I was just joki-" Richie get interrupted by Eddie coming in.

"Eduardo Kaspbrak! Where have you been? We have been worried sick!" Richie says dramatically. "That's not my full name." Eddie says, sitting down in the circle. "You do realize that you were supposed to be here a half hour ago?" Mike points out. "Sorry. I got distracted on the way here and had to take the long way by the kissing bridge." Eddie explains.

"The what now?" Richie asks, internally screaming as he regrets every decision he's ever made. "The kissing bridge?" Eddie repeats.


Richie checks his watch. "Would you look at the time?" He stands up. "I've, you know I'd love to stay but I have got to go. Mom want me home for dinner, you know how it is." He makes his way to the stairs.

"Richie, dinner?" Ben asks. "It's 10:30 am."

"Did I say dinner? I meant DINNER, like Denny's Dinner! My mom's British. It makes since. Byeeeeer." He says before slamming the clubhouse door. He's about to run away when he remembers his comic.

He runs back in without a word, grabbing his comic and moving two of Bills cards to show he had a Straight, then running back out.

"What in the genuine fuck just happened?"

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