Fragile Things

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Tay was trying to get around as fast as she could when she heard her mom yell from downstairs.

"Let's get a move on. This family is not late for church." Maddie yelled upstairs

Tay reached into her closet and grabbed her jacket and ran out of her room when she heard people speaking 

"How are you? Where do you gather the temerity and absolute bad manners to begin a movement to recall my husband? Trent is the very finest of gentlemen. And never ever in all of his born days has he done anything but the very best for Serenity." She heard Mary Vaughn say to Maddie

"Mary Vaughn-"

"He will prevail over this clutch pf petty, vindictive hens, who are so hapless at love that they find excitement in maligning good men." Mary Vaughn told her.

"Since it's the Lord's day, I'll say only this. God bless our town founders who ensured that when citizens disagree, there is a process put in place. We stand on the foundation that they laid. You asked me about kicking the hornets' nest. Folks have seen the hornets swarming, and they are waiting for an exterminator." Maddie said as Tay made it the rest of the way down the stairs.

"I won't. What the fuck is your problem. What did you wake and did the Lord tell ya. Let's go harass Maddie Townsend and her family. Just because your husband is mayor does not mean that you can control everyone. The only reason this recall is happening is because 3 thousand people signed that paper. Meaning 3 thousand people of the town don't like you or your husband." Tay yelled at her. 

"Tay.." Maddie said sternly making Tay stop and just glare at Mary Vaughn as Mary Vaughn went from offended to a smile.

"Maddie...Let's take a deep breath...and look at the real issue. You are worked up over your little parking problem. I would be happy to suggest the Town Council reexamine." Mary Vaughn said keeping a smile on her face.

"Well, that would save a lot of trouble. But it's too late to stop the recall. The people have spoken. The Declaration of Independence has been signed." Maddie said as she opened the door for Mary Vaughn.

Mary Vaughn looked at her stunned before walking out Ty came down the stairs. 

"Declaration of Independence. It's nice. Dating a history teacher is really paying off." Ty chuckled

Maddie scoffed as she tried to hide her smile. 

The next day

Tay walked into the local coffee shop and looked around until her blue eyes landed on her boyfriend. She smiled and walked over to him.

"Hey, are you waiting for someone?" She asked 

"Yeah, she pretty cute. It my girlfriend, she big blue eyes and dark brown skin. She loves baseball and green apples. Eats a least one a day." Jackson said laughing as she sat down.

"Do you want something? On me. This is my favorite. You wanna try?" Jackson pointed to his coffee on the table.

"Okay." Tay said picking up the drink and taking a drink

"Ugh Hazelnut?" Tay said as Jackson laughed

"You don't like hazelnut?" Jackson asked and Tay shook her head.

"Well, then we can't be friends." Jackson said

"Good thing, we're not then." Tay smiled as he grabbed her hand.


Everyone was over at Noreen and Isaac house, well not everyone exactly. Maddie, Cal, Tay, Dana Sue, Ronnie, Helen, Erik,Harlan, and Trotter were all over. Noreen had just had her baby and every bought her gifts and stuff and they all came over. Tay was standing in the kitchen in Jackson jersey, jean shorts, and a while pair of tennis shoes. She was talking to her mom when she heard Noreen parents come in.

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