Chapter 25: Hopeful Home

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Deniska POV

"Do you ever plan on doing anything other than sitting at your desk all day?" I asked Ava who just rolled her eyes at me. "Oh.. you woke up like that this morning?" I teased. She sighed and turned her head slightly in my direction. "I don't like you," she said flatly. "No , but you do love me," I replied with a smirk.

She shrugged and got up lazily while mumbling, "Occasionally," as she dragged herself into the kitchen. "Diana off work yet?" I asked slowly following her into the kitchen.

"Nope! Said she's working on something hot," she hollered and I started hearing the keurig. "You know she doesn't like when you drink coffee this late," I lectured leaning against the counter.

"Well Deni she also doesn't like when you leave dishes in the sink all day but here we are," she shot back and I glared at her. "I miss having maids and butlers sometimes. Anyway what do you do on that computer all day? You know if you touch any of the old accounts-"

Ava turned around quickly with a face that almost scared me. Which I might point out is extremely hard to do... even almost. "You and Diana keep going on and on about the old accounts as if I'm a child. I get it. We changed our hair, outfits, names and everything to get by out here safely. I get it!" Her voice was becoming elevated. She took a deep breath and sipped her coffee.

"Black now?" I asked moving past her and over to the sink. "I wanted something bitter. I have a question for you?" she asked as I turned the water on. "I have an answer," I responded.

"What did you think of Diana and I? Your first impression of our relationship ?" she asked and sat on a bar stool at the counter.

"Oof. So toxic. I didn't get it. Diana could do anything and you would stay but it was reciprocated. You could do anything and she would stay. The both of you were moths and the both of you were the flame. You dealt with a lot of Diana's baggage. Honestly... I was never mad at my brother for having a thing for you. It seemed easy to rip the two of you apart. I'm not even quite sure how he didn't succeed. It still puzzles me but here I am...In love with the both of you," I finished and she slowly set her coffee on the counter.

"Anything nice to say?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows. It was hard to tell if she was offended.
I turned towards her, causing me to drip soap water everywhere. "You gals were quite the power couple. Invincible really. Why do you ask?" I inquired looking back at her but she was staring at the floor.

"Just curious..." she said and we heard the front door unlock. "Coconuts!" Diana shouted. We all said something different when we walked in the house so you would know it's us. We never went to bed unless everyone was home. For safety reasons.

We could hear her drop her bag on the couch and her jacket. "I just cleaned this house!" shouted Ava and the sound of Diana backtracking and putting her things in the closet made both Ava and I smile.

"Is that coffee I smell?" Diana asked walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge. "It's not dinner. What took you so long?" Ava asked and Diana closed the fridge. "Uhm... why the attitude?" Diana asked and Ava just glared at her.

Ava had been acting weird all week. She was extremely bitchy and without reason. Diana and I were at a loss. We tried talking to her about it but Ava didn't seem to notice any change in her own behavior.

"Everybody have a good day?" Diana asked slowly and Ava chuckled to herself and said nothing.

"Maybe we could all watch a movie together?" I offered and Ava walked away from the both of us and into the bedroom. She came back out with a card and then threw it on the counter before grabbing her keys and walking out without a word.

Diana rolled her eyes and picked the card up. She opened it up very annoyed before her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide. "Uhm... what is it?" I asked annoyed by the anxiety of what the silence could mean.

She brought the card over to me and I read it three times before accepting that this was real and happening.

"Happy Birthday Ava... Sincerely, Jamie and Dmitri..."

I look at the calendar and realized that Ava's birthday was 8 days ago. "On a scale of-"

Diana threw her hands up in the air and shouted, "The fucking scale is broken Deni! We missed her birthday by 8 fucking days! FUCK!"

"Well... let's just calm down. We just have to fix it. We can do that. We can fix it right? Surely... you've done worse than this?" I smirked and Diana slowly turned her head in my direction.

"If I wasn't too busy trying to figure out how we're going to make this up to our girlfriend I'd entertain your bullshit," she said annoyed and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you so calm about this?!" Diana snapped.

I shrugged, "I never really had a birthday celebration so the seriousness of it is just lost on me. Honestly I think she's just more upset that Dmitri remembered and we didn't."

Diana picked the card back up again and then showed it to me, "Obviously Jamie sent the card. Her name is first," Diana explained but I shook my head.

"Sorry babe, but that is in fact my brother's hand writing. He put his name second to misguide Ava. He wouldn't be himself if he didn't still have feelings for her," I proved and Diana just looked even more confused.

"If he has feelings for Ava, why is he with Jamie?" she asked.

I couldn't change the subject fast enough and Diana immediately figured something was up. "Deni?" she asked in her dominating tone. Fuck... I know why Ava was hooked.

"Jamie's pregnant..."

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