My fiction life

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Hello there my name is cassidy. this is my first book ever so i will try . i know the title is weird but i couldn't come up with really anything so i will start the story soon. No idea when i will update or how many chapters but i hope to do good and no photos either .

Anyway this chapter is just saying all the characters okay but some wont show till later in the story.  And i will not be switching back and forth with people maybe i will not sure i will play it by as i go along i have most of the characters figured out though. Will add characters if i forget or any come to mind.



 MARIE  Casey: An 16 year old girl with brown hair and green eyes and is 5,2. Lives in elsinore ,ca with her mom and brother. she is very nice and careing but she can be mean when she needs to. Marie is homeschool at a place in town she goes to once a week she dosen't like people judging her so she is homeschool she has been to public school though. her sport is archery and it has been for 2 years now. she loves it. but she will not hunt she wants to become a vet a a zoo when she gets out of high school. Marie is not skinny but not fat either and just wears jeans and a tee shirt no make up and sometimes jewerly and let her hair go down most of the time.

PATRICK CASEY : Maries older brother by 17 months and is 18 but not going to colloge yet. he has brownish blonde hair with blue eyes and is 5,9. He is protective and very annoying to marie.And also lives with his mom and little sister.Patrick dosen't do homeschooling and goes to public but misses because of head aches and dose't do sports either. he is gone almost every saturday and sun day to sleep over at a friends house and hang out.  he is skinny and in shape but dose not wear anything but jeans and a tee shirt.

JOANNA CASEY: Joanna is a 46 year old mother raising Patrick and Marie on her own there farther and her husband died in a car accident 9 years ago and the year is 2012 . she is 5,4 and has brownish blonde hair with blue eyes.she is also a smaoker but dosen't drink.

CAMERON OWEN : Cameron is a 17 year old werewolf and soon to be alpha of the pack  in elsinore he has brown hair and brown eyes he is 5,10 . his mate is marie but only him and sam know it.

SAM BLACK : Sam is cameron's bestfriend since the second grade. he is also beta to the pack his mate is amy cameron's younger sister she is 16 and sam is 17 like cameron. he has  black hair and green eyes and is 5,9.

JESSICA PARKER : Jessica is marie's best friend since the fourth grade she is 5,5 and has black hair and blue eyes she is human also .

EMILY WALT : Emily is cameron's ex girlfriend and she wants to be alpha female and will do whetever it takes to be it . She is 5,7 and has blonde hair and blue eyes the town calls her the slut . she is very stupid and most people wonder how she passes her classes.

P.S there might be more character but not sure yet marie is sarcastic and funny she is a half and half when it comes to being tomboy and girly girl. jessica and amy are girly girls though.


Marie: It was a Monday and I just got back from my meeting with MR. Curtis  and it was 12:46 and pat didn't get  out of school till 2  so I went to the high school library  to wait for him to drive us home. Mom was in riverside with aunt Cherie today and it was only the 13 of January for pete sake. as I walk in the library the lady at the front desk instantly reconized me. her name is molly she is in her 50 I think and even though I don't go to a really high school she reconized me because I was always in there I loved to read and she knew I was homeschooled to.she has met my mom tons of times and my brother this being his school and all my homeschooling place is just across the street from the high school .she came up to me and said hi and I said hey.

are you alright dear? said molly I looked at her and said yes  I was so lost in thought about books I forgot she was standing there talking to me. are you done with school already? she asked yea I have to wait for pat he doesn't get out till 2  so do u mind if I stay here and wait and do homework? she said sure but why not ask your mom to pick you up today? she asked . she can't she had to take aunt Cherie to the doctor today for a check up. she said okay and then I went and sat down starting homework. when I finished I got up and looked for another book I just keep going thought  them like there nothing then I found a good adventure book and went to ask molly something. molly do you know if my school might have this book I like it a lot  and want to borrow it . tell you what marie I will let you borrow it because I know how you are with going thought books k she said  thank you molly I will have it back to you soon just as I said that two guys walk in and one stop and look at me the other just said hi to molly.

CAMERON: Sam was telling me a really funny dumb blonde joke and we had to go to the library when it was lunch time  and when we stepped in the door I instantly was stopped by a sent of vanilla and lavender it was my mate Sam knew because I told him thought our mind linking so he walk in acting normal while I stop there still. then I notice a short girl wearing  a dark purple shirt with bootcut jeans with brown hair that went a little past her shoulders and she had green eyes and freckles she knew molly. but I know she didn't go here but were did she go and why was she not in school? then I realized I was starting to stare at her and Sam told me to stop and I did she just kept looking at me and then turned away talking to molly again.

MARIE:I stared at the guy in the blue shirt in jeans with brown hair brown eyes he was kind of cut the other one said hi to molly and then went to find a book . the other guy had a black shirt on with a target on it the guy kept stareing so I stop and ask molly when Patrick would be out ? and she was just about to say something when the guy in the blue shirt came up and said in about a half hour. good I said. when I looked over the counter molly was gone in her office typing something on the computer. then the guy started talking . hi I am  Cameron   what is your name? he asked I am Marie I  am waiting for my brother to get out. why aren't you in school?  he asked with a smile  on his face I  am homeschooled I need  him to drive me home . okay what is his name? his name is Patrick  I said and he then said okay I know your brother he is nice he said yea he is then he asked what year I was in I said sophomore okay I am in junior he said .don't you guys have class? I asked him he said  yea but we need some books for the class we are in he said then I said okay and went and sat down  then he sat with me . then the bell rang a few min  after that and the other guy came back and said  dude I cant find the books MR. ROBBINSON will have to find them he said  then Cameron  said Sam this  is Marie and Marie this is Sam my best friend. nice to meet you I said then the door came open and Patrick walk in looking pissed.

then I said ruff day at work hun? with a evil smile on my face Patrick just looked up and said come on before I call mom and have her lock u up he said with playfulness in his voice.

then Cameron looked at him and said hey dude pat said hey and Sam said hey  then Cameron turned to me and said did pat tell you about the party I am having tonight? pat gave him a look as did Sam and I said no why would you have a party on a Monday? I asked

well its a party for my parents  coming home from a bisnuess trip  you  can come if you like it is from 6 to 9 . he said then walk away with his friend Sam.

PATRICK: cass gave me a smile and said i'm going I then said if you go you cant emberess me deal? she said yes but you cant do the same deal? she said then I said fine. lets go on home I am done with being around school for today k I said she said okay lets go.


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