chapter 4

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Well chapter 4 is here hope you like  please commet and let me know what you think. I am trying so please I don't know how long to make it so let me know how long you want it or thank it should be maybe just ten chapter that's good for a frist book right? this has a surprise to it Emily has a brother named Daniel and he is 25 and trys to help Emily become alpha female nobody has seen Daniel since he was 21 now he is back. also forgot to mention that Marie has a special gift you will find out soon what it is her and her brother and mom and aunt that  know but nobody else and she can control it to some point. I am planning as I go along with the story. Daniel used to be friends with Patrick that is how Daniel know about her gift.

MARIE: When I woke up I was hugging something then I realized I was cuddling with Cameron . I tried to get up but he held me closer and said you don't have to get up you can stay here. then I was about to say something but the home phone rang then I got up to answer it and I didn't know then number but I answered it anyway. On the other  end  a males voice said this stay away from Cameron or I will tell people your secret. then the phone went silent. Then I started to shake in fear then two arms snaked around my waist and turned my around and Cameron said who was that I than said I don't know but he knows me somehow never have I heard that voice before.

CAMRON:  I knew she was scared but didn't know why so I then asked what do you mean knows about you? she looked over at the clock it said 5:38 pm and she said nothing. I knew she was lying so I said your lying why cant you just tell me its no big deal. she said and almost yelled yes it is Cameron I am not aloud to tell anyone and the reason why is because people would think I am a freak or some kind of crazy person there is no way in hell that he knows and I need to figure out who he is I just don't know how he cloud have found out . she said the last part quietly I knew all she said was true but I don't get it she should tell me I am hers and she is mine  what did they find out about her I mean it couldn't  be that bad could it . then she pulled me out of my  thoughts and said I have to go visit my aunt who lives across the street okay I will see you tomorrow maybe if I am back okay she said I nodded hugged her and said goodbye then I changed into my wolf that night and watch her the whole night to make sure she was alright.

MARIE: I decide that since I wouldn't see pat or mom till tomorrow I would spend the night at aunt Cherie's . I texted my mom and said THINGS ARE BAD GONNA SLEEP AT AUNT CHERIE'S OKAY SEE YOU TOMORROW FAMILY MEETING K WE HAVE TO TALK THE FOUR OF US. then se realplied  OKAY NIGHT SWEETIE . then when I reach aunt cherie's I knock on the door and there was my aunt and her dog.

AUNT CHERIE: I was just about to go to bed when I heard a loud knock on the door the dumb dog went running to the door and barking I said shut up dog and answered it was my girl Cassidy I was happy to see her but also shocked it was now almost 9 so I asked her honey what are you doing here so late is something wrong I noticed you have a bag are you staying the night? she then said yes aunt Cherie if you don't mind pat is out and mom is not gonna be home till tomorrow for some reason because of were she is and  there is a problem I need to talk is that okay thought? she asked I said of course honey come on in and we will talk okay she nodded and canme in setting her stuff down and said we have a problem and we need to fix it . I then said what is it she said somebody knows my secret and I don't know how he called earlier I didn't recognize who it was or the number at all she sounded so worried and so was I now then I said don't worry we will find out who it is okay why don't you get some rest watch a little tv and realax then in the morning we will have a family meeting and figure ut what to do okay she said okay and goodnight a I left off to my room to go to sleep and then I slowly drifted off to sleep.

MARIE: I woke up it was one and a woman was standing in the middle of the room she was another ghost I whispered  hi and she said hi  then went out side I followed her to the porch . There are only a few reasons why ghosts come to me one they want to talk yes ghost like to talk. two they need a task done. three my dad sent them yes my dad could send ghosts with a message my dad had this gift and passed it on to me so he can talk to me and give me help and edvice when I needed it we would always talk though but not for a few months now I wondered why? then fourth the ghost well some ghost watch over me and help me some have info on stuff and I am friends with a few ghosts I know weird right.  she walk to over to the chair and said will you please sit she was wearing a skit and shirt kind of a pants suit ( info on ghosts they look like a real person like someone standing in front of you and you can tell they are not here because of a badge they wear its red with a star on it that is how you can tell) I walked over and sat I then asked her name she said it was Katie  she was 35 and was hit by a bus ( you look the same it dosent show how you died it just shows you what the ghosts look like before  they die) I said okay and then asked why have you come?

I am here because your farther told me to send a message she then handed me a paper  that only I could see and she held it with her hand as I read it said this . Dear Cassidy I am sorry I haven't contacted you for a while but I have news important news. there are werewolves in town always has been I didn't tell you before but now you have to know I will not say anymore about that. anyway the call you got earlier it was from somebody your family knows but they will remember soon enough. love you with all my heart dad will visit soon love, dad . then I looked up at Katie   and she said he really misses you are you okay? she asked I then said yea fine but werewolves wow maybe I should have know that after all I can talk to you. she laughed and said your funny but you should get some rest okay I will see you later I have some other ghosts to bug  and some people to haunt I then laugh and she went . then I asked who could know and threated me nobody knows my secret enless somebody slip up.

CAMERON: I looked at my watch it was one when I  then I heard her aunt's door open I was shocked and it was Marie going  out of the house in a black shirt and pink pjama bottoms  and a jacket because it was freezing but it didn't bother me one bit I like the cold. then I listen with my werewolf hearing and she said to nobody that I could see and I had very good vision and I was even using my alpha vision and still saw nobody she was talking to herself maybe. she said yea fin but werewolves wow maybe I should have know I mean I can talk to you. she said and I was so shocked I me who the hell was she talking to I mean she isn't crazy I know that but damn I needed to know I will confront her soon as I have the chance then she went back in the house and I went home to bed.

PATRICK: I was on my way home when my phone started to ring it was cass so I answered it she said hey pat we are having a family meeting when you get home it important its about me . then I said okay as I pulled in the drive way my mom was home so that was cool but aunt cherie was here  I knew because her and mom were on the porch talking an having a smoke I wasn't happy about that but  shit happens as everybody knows they both said hi and to wait in the house I said hi and stepped in the door I had been gone at my friend micks house for four days it was time to come home mom let me miss yesterday I was suppose to come home yesterday but mom let me stay but no clue why for today something was up and I was worried my sister even sounded worried . As I stepped in my mom and aunt were behind me as well cass was on the couch reading a paper and also writing on it . then she said hi can we all talk now aunt Cherie knows but you guys don't she said then I said why does she know? because I spent the night at her house last night and needed to talk to someone in person she  said then stood up well let the family meeting begin she said.

MARIE: as mom and Patrick sat on the couch aunt Cherie sat down in a chair she was giving the go ahead its okay look I sighed and said yesterday the home phone rang I answer it and it was a males voice he said that he knows my secret and should stay away from Cameron then around 1 am a ghost appeared and I got a letter from dad he said it is somebody we know and that werewolves exist. then my mom and brother's jaws litterly fell open and I sighed again then pat jumped up and almost  shouted not trying to he said do you have the number? I said yea its on the phone he then went over scrolling thought the numbers and said I know who it is I just haven't seen him in so many years. he said then my mouth fell open I said well who is it then? he then said Daniel.

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