chapter 2

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MARIE: PATRICK!!!YOU DONE YET!! I YELLED from the front room mom said we can go but to be careful mom trusted us to make the right choice and I liked that about her me and pat have always been careful so no worries mom. Patrick yelled back yea hold on gotta fined my key to the car he said then I said they are right here dumbass I said . Patrick came out and said yea I know now lets go we can still be late he said well than is not my fault you girl ! I said  WILL YOU TWO JUST GO ALREADY !!! mom yelled from outside . I said yea lets go. we hoped in Patrick's car and left  pat had a black truck it was nice and big when we arrived at Cameron's house we knock on the door and Cameron answered he was wear what he had on earlier just a leather jacket over him I did too but change my shirt to a nice blouse. he said hey come on in.

CAMERION: I opened the door and there was my mate and her brother I never thought I would be so happy to find a mate. mom and dad will be so happy but I hope they don't care that she is human thought . I said hi come on in and they did only friends and family were here and some were werewolfs and some were humans. then Sam took Patrick to go get something to drink and talk while me and Marie stood there then I said they came home a few min ago so don't worry  they went up stairs and will be down shortly . she nodded and I asked her if she wanted something to drink she said yea sure and I said follow me we went into the kitchen and she grabbed a bottle of water as did I . I was so nervous being around her I didn't know what to do or say. then her phone rang.

MARIE: I was standing there drinking my water looking around when I looked back at Cameron my phone started to buzz and ring I said exuse me to Cameron and stepped on the back porch were some people were in the back yard and answered it hello I said and on the other end was the guy who I  would be competeing against in the archery ternement  next month he said that i would need to talk with my coach about a few things and then hung up and  sat down and groaned. then i heard footsteps behind me and there was Cameron sitting next to me.

CAMERON: I walked outside to see my mate sit down and groan i wonder who was on the other line? God i love saying my mate it makes my wolf so happy he is being a little inpaitent but he will wait till she is ready. i went and sat down  next to here and asked what's wrong? she said nothing i said you don't have to lie to me what is wrong really she said as i rubbed he back she didn't seem to mind but i wanted to do more i wanted to mark her and kiss her but i will wait. she sighed and said the person i 'm playing against in archery just called me and told me to tell my coach that i have to have a few things dealut with before the match  so that means it takes longer and wont be till the end of next month were it was supposed to be in the begging of the month she said i said well its okay i didn't even know you played archery i said then she turned to me and said most people don't know i do because i am not in public school so i don't have many friends she said. then i asked why are you in public school?

MARIE:I cant belive he asked me that right when i was about to answer Sam came out and said hey guys cam your mom and dad are talking to people in side came said okay and we went in i knew Cameron was  nervous but didn't know why so i left it alone . then when i tried to pull away came wispherd to me no please stay you are the only one getting me thought this . i nodded and said okay  we finally got up to his parents and Cameron said mom dad this is my friend Marie , Marie this is my mom and dad MR. and Mrs. Owens   nice to meet you i said then shook there hands then cams dad said tight grip you have there lady i said thank you i would be surprised if i didn't i said then cams dad said why don't i talk with Marie a bit and we will catch up later shall we ? he asked then i nodded and walked away then cam's dad said so why do u have a strong grip? i said i play archery i have to in order to pull the bow and arrow back he then said okay what a nice sport to play do you hunt ? he asked i said no i don't like to kill things i would only do it if i had to my brother Patrick has tried talking me into it but i wont do it i said then he said i see we talk for almost an hour befor Cameron came and said may i have this dance? he asked i said yes exuse me MR. owen

CAMERON: I went over to Marie and asked her to dance hoping she would say yes she did and we danced then when Patrick came over he said sorry to bother but we have to leave its nearly ten then i nodded look down and say Marie smile at me i said what? and she said nothing i am just surprised that i haven't fallen yet i am very clumbsy she said then i said don't worry if you fall i will catch you she looked up again and smiled and said goodnight Cameron and walked away saying to my mom and dad it was nice to meet them and then walk out the front door.

MARIE: when we left and got in the car i was happy Cameron danced with me i like his dad he is very nice. then i heard Patrick say you like him and he like you then i turned my head and he was smileing at me and then turning his eyes back on the road . i said what!!??!? he said you heard me . yea but how do you know he likes me and why do you care? he said i care because you are my sister and i know because of the look in his eyes when he looks at you and i am not mad i know he has dated and slept with one or two girls but i would be happy if he was your boyfriend he is a nice guy i am sure of it. then i was about to saysomething when we pulled up i finally said how is hea nice guy when he slept with numorus  girls he looked at me and said because Sam has told me a lot about him he is a good guy don't worry plus i can always kick his ass if he hurts you k i laugh and smile.then a half hour later i am in my room reading and then i go lay down to sleep its almost 11 i wonder what Cameron is thinking about then fall asleep.

CAMERON: when all of the guests left mom and dad were on the couch sitting and talking then i went over to them and said  mom ,dad i have some news. they both look at each other than dad asked what is it son? i say i found my mate they look at me with a huge smile on there faces my mom comes over and hugs me and then lets go then dad comes over and shakes my hand and said congratulations son

then they both asked at the same time who is it? i say it is Marie . they smile and dad says that is good new son she is a nice ,smart ,and  strong young lady how old is she? he asked mom still smiling  she is 16 and homeschooled. then i say you guys don't care that she is human?  then my mom says we love her we don't care as long as you are happy and she is . then i say but she dosent know i am a werewolf thought i don't know how to tell her or how she will act. then my dad puts his hand on my shoulder and says she will love you she will evenutly get over it don't worry tell her when you think its right she will not run away because she will miss u to much . now lets all go to bed it is nearly 12 i then said i agree then i fell aslepp dreaming about Marie

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