Together we are forever

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The Indian agents found rozen and his gang

arjun "rozen stop there" shouted with heavy voice

rozen "fuck! How the hell did you find me"

vikram "finding you is our ultimate goal"

rozen "so arjun how is your girlfriend? Is  she dead?" talked in sarcastic way

then Rozen heard a thud from behind

he saw sithara 

sithara "did you miss me rozen" said with a wink

rozen "well arjun your girlfriend is really a tough one to kill"

surbhi "so are we"

rozen " so what are you guys gonna kill me now? In my own place with my gang behind?"

vikram" yeah why don't I kill you with a huge gun or why don't I try new greneds"

The german cops reached the location

Fredrick "rozen get down on your knees"

Rozen "okay" said polietly

Mayank "Mr. Fredrick I still doubt him"

Shardhul "yes officer don't belive him"

then rozen got up from his knees and took a huge gun and pointed at german cops

Fredrick "Rozen put the gun down" yelled

Rozen " why would I do that officer" said with a mystery laugh

then vikram and arjun looked at each other

vikram to rozen "rozen look please put the gun down and I will let the german cops surrender to you"

german cop 1" what the hell are you talking about"

Fredrick "arjun and vikram it's not the correct time to play games"

Arjun "this isn't a game"

then Rozen stopped pointing with the gun

and then arjun jumped towards rozen and pulled the gun from his hands

Immediately vikram shot a bullet into rozen's leg

Rozen fell down 

all the officers and agents surrounded rozen

Rozen "you are not gonna kill me"

then sumanth shot a bullet into rozen's leg 

Rozen grunting "I am not dead yet"

Sumanth "I know"

Nivin "this is not the we want to you to be dead"

few of the people from rozen's gang came from behind and started firing on Indian agents and german cops

Fredrick " officers come on move"

vikram "fire" yelled out loud

sithara "these son of bastards are shooting from back "

Arjun "honey you sure that you are firing bullets because you just recovered"

sithara by pointing gun at terrorists "I can do anything for my country"

Arjun "let's fire"

firing started from both agents side and terrorist side

few of the German cops got hurt by the gun shots

shardhul' how long are we fire like this"

Mayank "yes shardhul is right we have to plan this attack in a different way"

AIM FOR THE REVENGE (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now