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Yooo my first Authors note!

Honestly, did not want to do this, but as of the moment this book will be paused, on hiatus, whatever it is, as will many, if not all, of my other projects. Some may be worked on in the shadows, but I wont be saying much about them.

The Descenders is a little side project that will take a long time to finish and I may never even fully publish that (more information later on in this note), and this book, The Golden Past, is one of my favorite books that I have written ever. I have so many ideas!

But writing went down when my PC broke, and I just do not have the motivation to write as much as I did when I first started writing this book. It is a really bad habit of mine, as when I get busy, i will drop fandoms that I am in and join a lighter ones that are much slower paced! I was into MHA, FNaF, and Genshin Impact all at once, while doing school and passionately drawing every day, but as stress has started to build up, I have dropped MHA, almost completely dropped FNaF (besides the books but they are a guilty pleasure for when I am at school), dropped drawing digitally, and Demon Slayer I have finally gotten back into because my TV was fixed and I could watch it again!

To be honest, when it comes to the Famous Films stories, this may be the only one I finish. I feel so far behind with the lore and I just do not have the time. I have fallen behind on both TheInvisibleDavis videos and TheFamousFilms, and with how often they are being pushed out, it is just causing me a lot of stress! Besides, to even learn the lore of Bryan's AU is so confusing, as it completely contradicts the cannon FNaF lore. It confuses me to no end, and I wish that I could just understand it all better, but I refuse to actually look over every video, take notes of what is different, and learn the entire lore.

So that is that. TheFamousFilms may still be a thing, but I am dropping the idea of future TheFamousFilms stories that I had ideas for, and other fanfics that contradict the FNaF lore. This includes a lot of story ideas that I had, but I am just tired, to be honest.

While I am a student and doing my best to make my future in college easier for myself, do not expect a lot out of me. It may take multiple years for me to even get back on my original habits of posting often, but I hope that is not the case, as I love making people happy!

I know one person who follows me known about my Youtube channel, and I am sorry to say that it is also going into a hiatus. I just do not have the time, nor the patience to do that. I did enjoy learning how to edit, but it became a chore, just like it did when I first did Youtube on a separate channel so long ago. I can make people happy in other ways, and that is what I strive for as a people pleaser, and I know when i push myself to hard to please others, and doing fanfics, youtube, and so much more is too much for me!

I will still be active on Wattpad, answering any questions you guys may have!

And for the ending of this book, I have two ideas. Either a happy ending, or a sad ending. I have the happy ending written out, and the sad one as a idea, but I may go with the sad one to kinda send a message.

I had the idea with the 3.3/3.4 Archon quest on Genshin. You have Scaramouche erasing himself (this does not change the past really, he just erased himself from memory, so anything he caused was forgotten) and he becomes the Wanderer.

But even with erasing himself, everyone he cared about still died, and he regained his memories and became Scaramouche again, but stayed as the Wanderer, no one even knowing who he was before. Scaramouche, Balladeer, all forgotten even after he regained his memories. His own creator forgot him even.

It sends a message, and I want the ending of my book to do that as well. Molten traveled back in time with the knowledge of his past mistakes, ultimately he ends up changing nothing, and still getting the same ending he did before. He was still used, manipulated, and tortured. He looses Bryan and Lefty, but this time it hits harder, because this time he had his past memories and the ones he made with them this time around.

I feel like that will be a better ending for this book, and I still have a lot to tweak with it, but if I end it that way, I wont feel pressured to make another book, and I do not want to feel pressured. It will still continue on as it did canonical, and in the end, it was just a slight change in the beginning.

When I start writing again, i expect there to be only a dozen or so chapters left to write. No more fillers, no more art, just straight up writing and editing so i can focus on what i want to do.

This was all for fun. To me, this was never supposed to put any pressure on me. Not youtube, not school, not art, and not writing, but in the end it all did, so i hope my decisions will be welcomed. I know that some people may be upset with the ending I have planned, but I will also treat you all with the currently written ending as well.

Who knows, maybe the ending will just be another chapter, and the ending i want will just be added on after.

This is my decision, and i am happy with it, and i hope to finish this book in the perfect way, tie the bow and give everyone what they want, or give them something they didnt know they needed!

I do not really care if some people dislike my future approach, but i do not give a flying fuck lol

But, joking aside, i have really bad anxiety, in like all areas, and mild depression. I have always had issues sleeping, and when i can not sleep, it makes it harder for me to stay mentally healthy, and reasons why i do not sleep is stress and anxiety. It is a weird paradox like loop, but i have gotten so much better, and i do not want any type of relapse. That is another reason why i am dropping fan fic writing.

Yes, it is a way to channel my anger, pain and anxiety in a healthy way, but feeling like i need to continue to write is not as healthy when i do not want to.

I just felt like i needed to get this all off my chest and tell everyone!

If anyone wants to know anything about where the story was originally supposed to go, or just talk, i am always open! Can not promise that i will respond instantly, but i always check notifications! It annoys me to have unread notifications lol

(Hiatus) The Golden PastWhere stories live. Discover now