Chapter Eight

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George's POV
"Is everyone ready?" Fundy asks us helping load the rest of the bags into the back of the truck. A lot of 'yes' and 'yeahs' were heard. Sapnap, Dream and I get in the backseat as Karl sits in the passenger's seat next to Fundy who was the one that was going to drive. He still hasn't told us where we're going but who cares. As long as it's far from here. Karl already told Quackity that he would be leaving for a while, He didn't come due to school and work. It was just us five on this trip. I am sitting in between the Americans. For some reason, there is so much tension.

And so the road trip begins. I look over at Sapnap who seems tense. He keeps glancing at Karl. Dream kept dozing off about to fall asleep leaning back on the seat. I intertwine my fingers with Sap's holding his hand tightly. The boy looks back at me and faintly smiles laying his head on my shoulder. Karl eyes us which I notice. Dream looks at us. "That is kind of.. gay" He snickers. I roll my eyes.

"Fundy where exactly are we going?" I ask.

"Las Vegas"

"Las Vegas? Are you serious?" Dream asks not believing it.

"It's where I've been staying for the last two years. I own a club there"

"..well you've been busy," I say slightly annoyed.

"Don't make that face, I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner"

I look back at Sapnap who had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I look at Dream with a faint smile. They make me feel a certain way. It's disgusting- and warm. That's definitely new. What if I just...

I pull both hands up to Dream's face cupping it. I lean in kissing him catching Karl and Fundy's attention who was taking a quick glance at us.

"Oh my god," Karl says. Fundy smiles moving his eyes back to the road.

Dream grabs the back of my head keeping me close as he kisses me back. I feel my face start to heat up. After a minute or two, I break the kiss looking at him. Oh.. crap... He grins. I immediately look away embarrassed. I really did that. Why would I do that? "Fundy, Can you pull into the gas station quick?" I ask and so the ginger does exactly that. Sapnap wakes up soon after.

I get out of the car and quickly speed walk inside not looking back being chased by the American I had kissed. "Hey, George- wait up-" I walk into the restroom still being followed. "George.."

"Leave me alone" I mumble.

He groans and grabs my arm pulling me into an empty stall locking the door. "Stop trying to avoid me"


The boy grabs my face forcing eye contact. He leans in smiling whispering something in my hair making me change to a dark shade of red. Did he just-? Ohmygod. I'm not.. repeating that. No way. He is a lot bolder than I thought he was.

Dream brings his face up to face me kissing me. He slides his hands downwards unbuttoning my jeans. We all know where this is heading...

After 25 minutes or so of an intense make-out session.. and stuff that I will not be talking about- we leave the bathroom and buy a few things the boys wanted. We start heading back into the car.

"What took you guys so long?!" Karl asks. We only took like.. 25 minutes...

"We got the snacks" Dream shrugs throwing them in the car. I get back in the car and Dream after. Fundy starts driving again playing music on the radio. My back hurts, my legs are trembling and I feel like passing out. Jesus. How the hell does Dream have so much stamina?


I can't wait to finally arrive in las vegas. We have a long way to go. I feel my phone ring a few times so I grab it lowering the brightness a bit.

Karl <3
What did you and Dream do?🤨
You were gone for quite a while

I take a glance at him and look back at my phone.

Me :]
We fucked

Karl <3

Me :]

Karl <3
Since when did you have a sense of humor?

Me :]
Maybe it's not much of a lie
In my defense...
I was experimenting

Karl <3
To see if you like men?

Me :]
Not exactly..- but it's irrelevant!
It was all mostly out of impulsive

Karl <3
On the bright side...
You didn't screw Sapnap

Me :]
Would it be bad if I did?

Karl <3
Of course, it would!
He's my ex-boyfriend
And a huge jerk
You're not interested in him.. are you?

Me :]
No, I was just curious

I turn off my phone to feel everyone's eyes on me. "..Did I do something?" I hesitantly ask because everyone is acting weird. Dream I get but what happened while we were gone.

"What did you and Dream do in there?"

"Buy snacks? And use the restroom, why do you ask?" I explain to him and then proceed to ask why he's curious.

"Weird I thought you hooked with him, guess I saw wrong," Karl says completely outing me. I'm guessing it's probably to spite him but still extremely uncool! He can't just say shit like that.. god. The other day he continued to tell me how Sapnap looks at me a certain way which I found weird. I never really noticed it and Dream said he was interested in me so I messed up by screwing his best friend.

"You can't just say shit like that Karl!" I yell at him extremely mad.

"What's the problem?"

"You're the problem! You are so goddamn selfish and fucking problematic! There's no reason to make him feel bad for something you did"

"Are you seriously siding with him-?!"

"You all have issues- shut up and go to sleep or something till we get there Jesus," Fundy says putting the radio's volume higher. I sit back and cross my arms.

"Send me the address, I'll meet you there," Karl says disappearing into thin air.

He's unbelievable. Karl can be so self-centered sometimes it annoys me. I get he's my best friend and all but still... he's being a huge dick. Sapnap really isn't that much of a bad guy.

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