And you are?

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I arrived at Wilbur's and rang the bell. A blonde boy came running to the door and opened the door for me. "Oh, hey! Will this is the girl you were talking about?" The blonde boy said. "Will, is this your friend?" I ask "Yeah, infact, best!" Will smiles. "So can I come in?" I giggle. "Tommy this is not an intruder you have to kick, let her in." Wilbur yells jokingly. "Yeah, yeah." The blonde boy says. I ask: "So I'm guessing you're Tommy?" He smiles warmly with a higher tone in his voice: "Yeah! And you?" "Oh I'm Y/N, nice to meet you!" I try to shake his hand. He shakes mine back. "Hey Will I brought you a gift" I hand him a box of Tylenol. "Oh, I was currently in need of that. How'd you know my address tho? Will says. "Oh Niki told me. Remember? We were at the park hanging out." I respond to him. Tommy yells being the third wheel he is: "Hey guys, I'm still here you know!" We both say: [Y/N and Will] "Yeah, yeah, we know." We all start laughing like idiots.


We ended laughing like maniacs and
I got in my room. I actually invited Y/N too. "When are you gonna stream? You haven't streamed in like forever!" Y/N says practically blaming me for not streaming. "I miss your content!" She continues. I reply jokingly saying: "I'm a busy boy you know." "Yeah, yeah now go stream!" My favourite girl says. Huh? Favourite? What am I thinking? I'm falling for her too fast..


After I said he should stream, he whined: "Hey, but I don't wanna go to the office!" I startled him by: "Then go play Minecraft. You still gotta train for MCC, or you can join Tubbo. He's streaming now." "Hey, you're a planning god." He giggles. "Yeah thanks, let's go now!" I slowly began looking like a tomato. We got in the car and he still wanted to go to his office so he drove us the building. "Hey Will, got the keys?" I asked. He responded saying: "Let me check." I whisper to myself: "And you couldn't do that earlier?" He couldn't understand me and thought he heard something so he asked me: "Sorry, what was that?" I quickly respond because I don't want him to think I'm mad at him: "Oh, nothing. So did you check?" I said as he started realizing he forgot his keys on the counter at his place. "I swear to god the second I'm out if the house I instantly forget something in the house." "It's fine I do that too. Want me to go get the keys?" I say looking at my purse. "Yeah, sure. Here you go" He mumbles as he hands me his house keys. "I actually have spare so you can have these. Niki and Tommy do have my house keys too so it's not really nothing special." He ends his line. "Okay then, thanks." I say running off. I don't really want him to wait here like that. And that's when I realise, what will he be doing in the cold here? So i stopped walking for a sec, turned around to see Will staring at his phone, so I say: "Wait, when will you be staying for the hour I'll be driving to your place?" "Erm, I thought I'd maybe go in the office building if they'll let me in." He responds making me even more concerned. "Just come with me, and then you don't have to wait a whole hour out in the cold. I'm genuinely concerned for you." We laugh it off as we both get in the car. "Hey, Will?" I say seeing him fast asleep. "You were totally up all night right?" He wakes up to that awkward moment. "What was that?" He asks. "Oh nothing. I-" He cut me off again falling asleep. I'll let him be now. I started listening to some music and then Perfume came up. It's a pretty good song so I listened to it for a bit untill Will woke up. "Hey, is it at least good?" He said. I just look in his dark chocolate eyes, staring at him for 5 whole minutes. "Hello?" He waves his hand in front of my face. I finally stop daydreaming and look on the road. He was helping me drive while I got lost in my mind. So embarrassing!


"Hey, Y/N, You okay?" I ask surely being very confused by the situation. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks I guess." She whispers visibly blushing like a tomato. We were silent for the rest of the drive untill we pulled up to my house. I quickly ran in my front door and got my office keys off the counter..


I drove again to the office building. We got there and Will opened the door to the office. He asked me: "Wanna start our stream?" "Yeah, sure!" I excitedly closed my eyes during that sentence. He started streaming: "Hey chat! Y/N, say hi won't you?" I started blushing. The chat was like:
"Oooooo she's blushing"
"Hey, he's mine!"
"Guys let her be. It's not like they're dating or something!"
I say in a sarcastically annoyed tone: "Hey chattttt!" We started chatting after that, quite a lot actually. "I think I'm gonna end it here. Should I chat?" Will says straight to the camera. The chat is filled with: "NOOOOO"
" But it was so shortttttt"
Will giggles at that and in a calm voice he says: "Okay, I promise I'll stream in a few days again." He giggles again. Then he presses the end stream button and starts talking to me: "Hey, wanna go get some coffee with me?" He smiles at me. Gosh I can't with this boy. He's too cute for me! "So yes or yes?" He's such a bad of a liar. I know he's just trying his best to spend time with me. Does he think I don't like him? "Oh, yeah, I'd love to! When though?" Oh shoot I took too much time to reply to him. What is he- "I just wondered if you'd also like to meet Tommy there. I don't know when. We didn't plan it yet. We're just gonna go to the café sometime between 11:30 and 15:30 okay? No more limits, take your time! If you'd excuse me I'm gonna invite Tommy now okay?"

Word count: 1101

My favourite girl.// Wilbur X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now