We're just getting coffee!

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Also, there will be lots of pictures here. Prepare to scroll a LOT. <3


Will called Tommy if he could come. This is what I overheard: "Hey Tommy wanna go get coffee with us?" Will pushed him to say yes. "No sorry, can't come. I wish I could though, I have things to do." Tommy refused to go. "Okay, but you're missing out. Just letting you know!" Will ended the call after that. "Gosh, what did you hear?" We asks me sarcastically. "I do not understand your friendship." I say. "To be honest, I don't understand it too." We both start giggling.

30 minutes later

"Alright, I'm ready." I say. Also, this is what I'm wearing to the café:

Make up your outfit)

I know Niki's style of makeup very well and we share the same style and like almost the same things so I chose to wear her usual. Also, this is what Will was wearing:

When we got out I posted a pic on twitter. And yes, I did like my own post. But then I stumbled upon this rare post and immediately burst out laughing.

Then Will came here, of course asking what's so funny, so of course I had to show it to him. He began fake crying: "What the hell are people posting about me?" "I don't even know but it's legendary." I giggle. "Give me that phone!" "Don't even try!" He chased me through the house till we finally got outside. We began walking to the café because it wasn't so far away. "Hey Y/N, what were you thinking of ordering? Will asked curiously. If course I had to reply: "I still only thought of a plain coffee. And you?" "I don't really know so I was thinking of ordering the same as you since I'm not so good at choosing." "So we're going for a cappuccino?" I ask since I don't want any trouble. "Yeah sure." He says.


Hey guys I just realized I never showed you Y/N's Niki's and Wilbur's room so here you go!



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Let's carry on with the story!

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Let's carry on with the story!

Then the waiter came to take our order: "Hello, what would like to order? Could I start you on some beverages?" She asks. I reply to the waiter: "Could we both have a plain cappuccino? Thank you!" Then the waiter asks: "Okay, would you like to add something else? I can advise you to order the red velvet cake. I personally think it's the best on our menu!" I thought it was a good idea so I asked Will if he wanted some. "Would you like to get some with me?" I asked. "You totally know I couldn't even taste it. It's a waste of money for me!" He says. "No it's not. Could we get two of the red velvet pieces? Also, thank you for sharing with us!" She immediately wrote our order down and began speaking to us. "Oh, no problem. It's my pleasure! Is that all for you today?" We both giggle and say: "Yeah that's all. Thank you!" The waiter walks off and Will starts talking to me. "You know you didn't have to do that." "Yeah, but I could and why not?" I giggle. "Can I ask you something?" He says with a quite serious tone in his voice.


Should I say it? No, it's too early to confess. I should cover it up quick though. "How exactly did you and Niki meet? I never got to hear that!" "Oh, yeah! We met at a fair. She saw me sitting on a bench all alone and thought maybe she could join me. So we talked for a bit and then she asked if she could get my number. So we exchanged numbers and got home. We started calling a lot after that. That's all!" She smiles after explaining to me. You can't say her smile is not the most beautiful. Yes I've fallen for her and I don't even care now. I should confess soon. "Hey, can you hang out again sometime?" I ask her. I really wanna ask her out, but how? I don't wanna get rejected like last time. "Yeah, when?" She asks me. "Like, tomorrow if you don't have other plans tho." "Okay, sure! Where are we going?" She asks. "Oh, I was just gonna find something. Wanna go to the fair? It's perfect, and it's tomorrow!" I say excitedly. "That's a great idea! I was even thinking of going there tomorrow."


I think Hes planning something for me. Is it a surprise? Let's play it cool.
"So when are we meeting there?"
I see him immediately trying to reply to my question. He looks like he's having trouble saying it.
"I guess we could meet at 11:30. Do you think you could make it to the CrossCountry?" "Yeah, it's not so far away so I'd be there at like 11:00. When would you come?" I ask him. He again looks like he's having trouble speaking. Niki told me he had anxiety before.


Shit. Now what? She must be thinking I'm weird by now. Why can't I say it? Is it that much of a problem? I start panicking but then I hear her say: "Hey, Will, you can get through this. I know it's tough, I know how it feels. Do you need your breathing app?" I still couldn't get rid of the panic attack by myself so she pulls out her phone and opens her anxiety app. She has one? I guess it's for the best.
At least she understands me.


He looks a bit weird. Maybe he's surprised I have an app. Gosh I have a brain, so work! I'm really in need of my social skills right now. This is so awkward! The whole point of this is for him to get better now, and I've already done that. How can I start a conversation that will not end up being so damn embarrassing? I'll just try and improvise. "Hey Will, you good now?" "Oh- yeah, thanks. I have a question though." "Yeah?" "How do you know how to help?" "I've gone through my shit already, you know." "Oh, okay. So back to the conversation-" I've been waiting for that. Finally, he started the conversation again! "-we could be meeting like 18 pm. It's when the fair starts!" "That sounds too good to be true." He giggles aster I say that. Gosh his little laugh is so adorable! "May I ask a question totally out of context?" I ask dramatically. "Sure, what is it?" "Do you think I should dye my hair pink?" "Totally, it would look so good on you!" The waiter came back with our drinks after that.

The next day


I woke up a bit moody today. I got straight in the bathroom and as Wilbur told me, I actually dyed my hair and it came out so good. I came out looking just like Niki! I washed it off a bit so it would be a little lighter because I bought hot pink and already bleached my hair before. (Pretend you didn't just read that if you're blonde already okay?)

Word count: 1227

My favourite girl.// Wilbur X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now