Details on Alex

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Like bikes mean motorcycle they said one scooter black matter it was really nice and second was beyond that super fast and neon or blue lights and it had some called tnt stickers I think the model was Roxy I can't remember but it was black and white but like black mainly colored

It's cool and important bc it added to his character on the fact he literally tried did had everything lol Xd uuuf ;3 ♡

Also his first helmet was black idk was it that offroad teen young style then normal to white red offroad style and had black glasses with it to multi colored like rainbow cool detail lol

Plus I guess minor details white bmx and black really unique cool branded bike which he also scratched to make it have metal to side or sides this was also pretty crazy detail rest were as crazy lol Xd not gonna go on to those they are not that important

Oh okay so I guess also he had like steel pipe and baseball bat and chains and knife even knuckle busters and ring that made as knuckle buster for his two front fingers and also necklace cross later animal symbol earing all changed later on basically just to try them lol

And paintball gun multiple clothes lol idk why I have to say all this now but that's it for more details oh and he also weared black mostly and gloves and hood on that's pretty much it

Also last one was unhealthy from food to drugs like smoking but these are just on meaning he did everything lol

And stopped it all at the end

Oh okay so I think one thing that was also main was that he tried run away through the huge forest but returned back bc he didn't know where to go also he fought the Foster people sometimes that's detail on when I said when it got messy basically

so yeah it was hell and grim and dark Iol

But like it wasn't all the way just this was it all

And okay there were times when he almost died but survived and met bear who just wanted to say hi a wolf too middle of the road so on lol Xd okay that's about it lol

there's many more but it's not in the same way here okay lol

Like okay him during night walk home and also go to abandoned building on it's own bc he's not afraid or scared of anything etc there's a lot we don't know and do know but these are this is about it okay lol

before lol list goes on fck sake 😂 okay im done now

Also yeah fine accidents he survived from and his fast bike hitting some idiot on side walk bc they were in wrong ass side and didn't move away he went down and like people freaked out he said he's fine leg just hurt bc he went down with his bike idk if I say this during that

main one there but mind as well do this here too lmao 😂 Xd uuuuf ;3 ♡ Xd uwu ♡ lol Xd

But yeah that's about it here for now uuuuf ;3 ♡ Xd uwu so crazy beautiful and unreal I know as and just like he is bc of he is yes

This the details on Alex.

Taken from original source put into details.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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