{chapter sixteen}

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"You made me feel lonelier than being alone ever did

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"You made me feel lonelier than being alone ever did." -J.B


The cold ocean water numbs my skin. I float on my back and look up at the stars. It's early enough in the morning that they haven't gone away yet. The beach deserted. I stay like that until the water starts to get too cold and start moving against.

I swim back and forth down a small portion of the beach, closer to the shore where the water is controlled. After almost an hour of just swimming, my arms start to get tired and I drag myself out of the water. The suns slowly starting to come up. I go over to where all my stuff is and wrap the towel I brought around me. The cool morning breeze against my bare skin makes me shiver. I dry off the best I can then pull on an oversized white button down over my swim suit.

The one I'm wearing now I had gotten a couple months before the accident. It's a two piece black one. The straps are thin and it has a V neckline. I've been trying to to find a long sleeve one that's cute but haven't had luck. The bruises can be easy to cover up in the water, or depending on where they are, easy excused. But the scars along my arms are not. They are very obvious.

I pull a pair of shorts on, and lay the towel in the sand. I sit down on top of it and look out into the dark water. The sun is slowly brightening it. I sit there and watch the sun rise until it's 5:30 and I start to see a few people start coming down. I grab my stuff and make my way to the car. On my way there, I rinse my feet in the small outdoor shower they have.

When I get to my car, I put my bag in the passengers side and grab the extra towel I brought from the backseat. I lay it over my seat to I don't get it wet. I start the car and make my way out of the parking lot.

The sun is almost all the way up when I reach my house. The sight of my dads car in the driveway makes me shiver. He was supposed to leave for work already. I try to steady my shaking hands as I pull the rest of the way in. Maybe he is gone. He could've had someone else pick him up.

But my hopes die when I see the front door open. I quickly duck down in my seat and hope he didn't see me. Or hope he didn't notice that my car wasn't here before. I sink lower in the seat when I head footsteps come closer.

"Please, please, please," I whisper to myself. "I can't do this today."

A minute goes by and I start to think I'm good. Then my phones rings. The loud annoying ringtone. I almost cry. With my right hand I reach over to my bag and drag it across the console. The ringing growing louder.

"Shut up, shut up," I mumbled.

I pull the phone out and hit the red button without even seeing who was calling me. It starts ringing a minute later. Masons names is written across the screen. I hung up again and quickly type out a text. I hold the phone to my chest.

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