I've Got a Crush on You

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Sunday morning arrived and Rich and I gorged ourselves on poppy seed bagels with cream cheese, and lox while a black and white film played in the background.

"This is nice," I said softly, sneaking a shy glance at Rich.

He grinned at me. "Yeah, it is." He put down his bagel and gestured me over with an imperious jerk of his chin. "Come over here."

I set my coffee mug down on the coaster on top of the coffee table and got up and went over to him. Pulling me down on his lap as best he could, he held me close and I nestled against his bulk, finding to my surprise that I actually liked it. I smiled flirtatiously at him and lean down to plant a kiss on his nose.

He gave me a teasing little bounce. "What do you say we stay in all day today?" He glanced towards the front window that looked out onto the street where it was steadily raining then looked back at me. "Watch a couple of Sinatra movies, maybe a concert here and there, order takeout..." His eyes drifted down to the collar of my t-shirt. "Maybe mess around a little..."

I giggled. Laying my head on his shoulder I gazed up at him, my hand resting against his chest. "Why, sir," I said, upping the southern accent for his benefit. "Whatever did you have in mind?"

He took a deep breath. "Well, Scarlett, honey" he answered in a voice that was a dead ringer for Clark Gable. "First I think I'll kick that old Ashley Wilkes in the balls, provided of course he has a pair, and then, I'm going to throw you over my shoulder like a sack of grits, carry you upstairs and have my way with you. Atlanta can burn for all I care. Because frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!"

I was dying with laughter, tears of hilarity filling my eyes at his impression. "That I'd like to see, Yankee boy!" I reached up and removed his glasses, setting them on the side table then lean down and slanted my lips across his.

He reached up and threaded his fingers through my hair, holding my head in his hands as he returned the kiss. Just like every other time he kissed me, I seemed to melt into his arms. Truly, I don't know how I had lived this long without knowing what it was like to be truly kissed by a man. And while Rich certainly wasn't what I had envisioned for myself, he was certainly taking it upon himself to spoil me for any other guy.

When we finally broke apart, breathless, I gave a small soft laugh. "Damn, you are really good at that."

"What, the impressions?" he asked in a husky, confused voice, shaking his head slightly as if to clear it.

I huffed in amusement. "Yeah, those too," I replied cheekily.

Rich gave a little growl and reached up for my hair, dragging me back down to him for another kiss. Which I happily gave.

"I don't want to go," I said.

"I don't want you to go," Rich replied.

We had just put my overnight bag in the back of his car and it was a bright sunny Monday morning, the rain having finally cleared up and the sun shining on the puddles in the driveway, almost as if to mock us.

"I'm crazy about you, Hadley," Rich continued, using his trademark comment.

I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a tight hug. His own arms went around me and he pulled me even tighter against him as if he would never let go. I felt him press his lips to the side of my neck, kissing me, and I turned my head so that our lips met. It had been such an enchanting weekend, so much more than I had expected. I felt as if my mind and heart had been opened, or rather reopened, in the course of those three days.

"Come back to see me?" Rich asked hopefully, drawing back to look into my eyes.

My face bloomed in a huge smile. "Absolutely!" I exclaimed enthusiastically. "No question about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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