1 - A Weird Feeling

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1 - A Weird Feeling

"Mike!...Mike!...Michael, I swear to fucking god! We're supposed to be on stage in 2 minutes!"

Michael groaned out dramatically when he heard his band mate yelling for him, making him push off the girl that was currently in his lap. She frowned dramatically that their make out session ended too early for her liking, but he ignored it.

He fixed his pants and left the room, being met with a roll of his bandmate's eyes.

"I'm here, aren't I?" Michael grinned sarcastically, picking up his guitar from his guitar tech who already had everything ready for him.

"You were cutting it real close today." His band mate that was yelling for him said. This was the second guitarist, AJ.

"Come on, give him a break!" The leader singer, Oli, said cheekily. He wrapped his arm around Michael's shoulder, playfully ruffling Michael's hair, "Michael can't help it that he can't read a clock."

Michael rolled his eyes, but none-the-less started strumming his guitar as he heard the crowd start to roar. They knew it was only about a minute now until the band would come out onto the stage and start the show.

Michael watched as his bandmates got themselves ready. Oli was singing random notes, AJ was also strumming his guitar, Hayden was adjusting the strings to his bass, and Andy was fiddling his drum sticks in between his fingers.

They then got the cue. All five of the bandmates felt the instant adrenaline rush throughout them as they ran onto the stage and to their rightful, set places.

The venue wasn't that small nor too large. It wasn't a secret to the world that metalcore wasn't a huge popular type of genre. So while the band 5 Seconds of Summer wasn't playing and selling out arenas, they were doing pretty decent for a metalcore band.

Looking at the stage from a fan's perspective, Andy—of course—was in the back on his drums. Oli was in the middle, singing the lyrics. Hayden was to the very right, playing the bass while AJ was in between Hayden and Oli while playing the guitar. Michael was to the very left, playing his riffs.

The strongest amount of adrenaline and excitement always hit Michael at the very beginning of the concerts. After a good three to four songs, it started to dwell down and he started to come back to reality to focus more on the crowd.

So during the fifth song while he was nonchalantly playing their song like he always did, he let his eyes start to scan the crowd that was on his side. He stood on the ledge of the stage with a grin, moving his fingers against the strings and frets.

Michael didn't know it, but he was going to find out very soon: this concert would completely change his life. Because while he was up there playing the show like normal, there was a group of three abnormal men in the crowd with their dangerous eyes set right onto him.

They didn't care about the other bandmates or the songs. The little rockstar who was playing the guitar caught their eyes and they always got what they wanted.

Towards the end of the show, the three pushed themselves to the front by Michael's side. They wanted to see him more up close.

The band was in the middle of a breakdown, one that was mostly focused on the first and second guitars. So Michael took his time to shine; he loved breakdowns in order to show off his fast guitar playing abilities.

In the middle of the breakdown, Michael looked at the crowd in front of him. He felt his heart rapidly increase when he saw three tall men standing right there, smirking as soon as Michael made eye contact with them.

He didn't know why he started to feel so flustered and nervous, but he couldn't let it get to him. Especially not now during a show and during a breakdown.

So he forced himself to look away, focusing on his fingers and guitar. The show continued like that: Michael trying to focus on his guitar and trying to ignore the three stares he felt burning into his skin.

The show passed by fast. Soon the band was side-by-side, bowing and saying their thanks.

"We've been 5 Seconds of Summer. Thank you!" Oli yelled into the microphone.

They did their final goodbyes. Michael threw a few guitar picks out into the crowd. He didn't miss how the one brunette of the unusual group of three men caught one of them.

He shakily ran off the stage, rushing to leave the arena with the rest of the band. They left out from the back, jumping into their set car that was going to take them to their hotel for the night.

They finally had a day off and didn't have to rush onto their tour bus this time.

During the short drive to the hotel from the arena, Michael couldn't help but to look out the window to watch the nighttime lights flash by at their fast speed.

He had a weird feeling in his stomach...And every time he would think about those three men it would only get worse.


Chapter one is up!! ✨🎸

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— ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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