Nick x Reader ANGST

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Thank you so much for requesting, @Glamorous_murderer ! I really appreciate it. 💕 I apologize for writing this a bit late, I hadn't seen the comment until just a bit ago. I hope you like it!

Reader Warning:
Slight cursing
Gore and gruesome scenes


It smelled awful. Wherever we were was muggy and dirty, and the smell of death reeked in the air. It looked so sad too. The sky was a dead yellowish color and looked as though it hadn't seen the sun in a long time.

I couldn't help but curse Nick. We could've waited just a little longer, a little longer, and might've ended up somewhere safer. But no. He just had to shoot the pilot as soon as his skin turned the slightest green.

"What's that look for?" he asked.

I responded with a 'Tch,' then loaded my gun up with ammo.

"I did what had to be done, sweetheart. Did you want him to eat you up like dinner?"

We started walking through the little town of rundown gas stations and ramshackle homes, Coach taking the lead.

"He wasn't entirely a zombie yet, Nick," I said.

"Oh, come on, Y/N. I know you're not as smart as me, but you can't be that dumb."

"Maybe I should just leave you for dead the next time you get straddled by a jockey," I remarked, referring to the time he almost died back at the mall after a jockey got a hold of him. I was the only one there that was willing to save him, the others fed up with his rude and selfish behavior.

"Good. It's better than having you ride my ass all the time," he said.

"Alright, now. This is not the time to be arguing, you two," Ellis said. In the middle of his sentence, a loud, collective shriek of zombies echoed through the town and ran over his words.

Everyone held up their guns and prepared to fire. Just before the horde of infected rolled in, Nick and I shot each other cold glances. Then, it was time.

One covered another as we shot up the mass amount of zombies surrounding us, not exactly aiming correctly and just hoping we were shooting something. Despite how long we've been at this, I was still disgusted at the sickly blood that didn't look red anymore, and the guts of the dead splattering all around and onto our clothes. The only time I'd open my mouth was to shout "Reloading!" Any other time was just asking for something foreign to go into my mouth.

"Charger!—" Rochelle shouted. She didn't even finish the word before a massive, meaty arm ran straight into her and slammed her into a wall. The disproportionately built zombie picked her up and shoved her into the ground as she screamed and begged for help. We were still being brutally cornered by the horde, and averting our attention just for a moment meant certain death.

"Hold on, Rochelle!" Nick shouted. He blasted a few more zombies back, then turned to shoot rounds at the Charger. He was being clawed and beaten by zombies behind him, and I couldn't just leave him like that. I covered him and myself, getting extremely frustrated as I was getting hit when I reloaded.

Finally, the Charger was down, but so was Rochelle. Thankfully, we had most of the horde dead, and we could tend to Rochelle. Though, Nick had already taken up that job.

"I know it hurts, sweetheart, but you have to stop moving so I can patch you up."

I stared at the two of them, not realizing I was giving them a dirty look. I couldn't pinpoint why, but something about what I was seeing ticked me off. There was this sort of pit in my stomach, and I just didn't like it. Of course, I wanted Rochelle to be okay, but I would've preferred me or Coach or Ellis to heal her.

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