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Harley's memories of her past are bathed in the warm hues of happiness and familial love

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Harley's memories of her past are bathed in the warm hues of happiness and familial love. In the backyard of their home, a sanctuary filled with laughter and joy, Harley would partake in weekly tea parties with her mother. The delicate aroma of freshly brewed tea mingled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, creating a haven of serenity.

The sound of her father's tools echoed as he crafted a whimsical treehouse perched atop the sturdy limbs of a grand oak tree, standing tall and sentinel at the far end of the garden. The treehouse, a testament to her father's craftsmanship, became a cherished escape where imagination soared and childhood fantasies took root. The laughter that resonated through its walls encapsulated the pure innocence of those moments.

As Harley reminisces, the garden unfolds like a vivid painting – vibrant flowers swaying gently, sunlight filtering through the leaves, and the carefree melody of her parents' voices. It was a tableau of familial bliss, etched into the canvas of her memory, a snapshot of a time when life was adorned with simplicity and love.

"Are you excited?" Mother asked her "Yes, I'm very excited." The girl said happily not knowing this day everything would change

"My good friend Derek will come over in a while, is that okay?" Harley nodded sipping her tea.

The Greys lived deep in the woods, their home being what every young girl dreamed of, a perfect two story house with a white picket fence and a wrap around porch with a second story balcony window attatched to Harleys room.

Only the Hale's knew where they lived as Harley's mom took care of Derek and his sister after their home was burnt down by hunters.

"Harley, I need to tell you something" her mother said

"What is it, mommy?" she looked her in the eyes, trying to read her emotions,

"Our family has a secret, one I am entrusting to you now. We can do things that normal people can't, and you'll have to go through that soon too. You're almost 9 already, my sweet girl" her mother said

"What can we do?" Harley questioned

"We can turn into wolves, you were born one but your father is also a banshee, so you are very special." Harley looked at her mother

"What, werewolves are real?" Her mom continued "Your father thinks you won't possess the banshee scream, that you will only sense death."

"Death? I don't want to feel people die Mommy! Won't it hurt me?"

"We don't know that yet, but we'll be here to help you." Her mother replied "you shouldnt worry your sweet little head about it, baby. we will be with you forever."

when day turned to night, harley laid in her bed holding her stuffed bunny tightly when she first smelt the sickly scent of smoke. she ran out of her room, trying to find her parents but it was too late, when she reached their room her father told her to run, to leave through her balcony window and find Derek, but she couldnt leave without saying goodbye,

"i can feel it mommy, you were right. ill miss you both so much!" her father looked up at her, not wanting to tell her that her mother was already dead, his throat begging to release his banshee scream but holding it in for his child, his sweet, gentle harley.

"we're so proud of you, petal. we'll see you later." she leaves through the window, finds derek and he carried her to his burned house.

Derek took care of her for years, he knew how much it hurt losing family. Later he told her the truth about the argent's and that they were back.

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