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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗡 𝗔𝗧 𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗧𝗧'𝗦 didn't unfold smoothly; it seemed like a questionable decision for Derek to send the beta wolves in instead of joining them

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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗡 𝗔𝗧 𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗧𝗧'𝗦 didn't unfold smoothly; it seemed like a questionable decision for Derek to send the beta wolves in instead of joining them. Harley found herself at odds with Derek's choice, feeling a mixture of confusion and frustration.

"What the hell, Derek!" Harley voiced her discontent, realizing that the beta wolves might lack the expertise to face the potential threat of the kanima. With an Argent in the mix, Erica's overconfidence could prove problematic. "Derek, they aren't skilled enough to go up against the kanima if it's even Lydia," she argued, aware that Derek's focus on strength might lead them into peril.

Derek's face remained stoic, devoid of emotion or the warmth Harley remembered. The contrast from the days when his expression would light up upon seeing her highlighted the growing distance between them. She felt like she was no longer enough, that she had become a reflection of damage in his eyes.

Unable to reconcile with Derek's decisions, Harley decided to leave and ventured into the heart of the town. Amidst her solitary walk, a familiar voice called out, accompanied by the subtle crackling of a branch behind her. "Harley."

"Kai?" Harley questioned, surprised to see him, and he nodded, taking a seat beside her on the bench. "What the hell do you want?" she scrutinized him, noticing the milkshake in his hand.

"You looked kind of sad, so I got you a milkshake." Kai offered a small smile, extending the drink. "I know you didn't kill my family." He lied, aware of the truth but attempting to build Harley's trust.

"Huh? Yeah, I guess I just wanted to make you mad?" he chuckled as Harley took a sip of the milkshake. "So, what about you knowing what I am?" she inquired, and Kai shook his head.

"I wanted to get to you for dumping me, but I know now Derek made you, so do you still love me?" Kai, playing his predictable card, sought reassurance.

"I don't think I know what that feels like." Harley looked down, contemplating the elusive concept of love. If she could wish for anything, it would be to talk to her deceased parents, but such wishes remained impossible.

"I want you to know I'm not like them, you know." Kai's expression turned serious. "My parents, they were horrible for what they did to you." His cold look conveyed regret.

"You can't say that; they are your parents. They loved you so much, and you loved them. You don't have to say that." Harley felt a conflict within her as Kai held her hands.

"I mean it. You didn't choose what you are." Kai's demeanor transformed from anger to kindness, leaving Harley perplexed.

"Well, try and have a good night." He smiled, walking away, leaving Harley with a sense of unease. "Now, that was just weird," she muttered to herself, only to be startled by another sound behind her.

"What was?" Harley flinched as Isaac popped up behind her. "What the fuck, Isaac! You scared the crap out of me!" She laughed, giving him a playful slap on the shoulder. "Need anything?" she asked.

"You, me and a date" Isaac Lahey's unexpected charm left Harley momentarily speechless. The proposition of a date was surprising, considering the complications it could bring, especially with Derek's protective nature.

"You wish, Lahey," Harley retorted, standing up when he gently grasped her wrist. "What is it, Isaac?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"I mean it, you're amazing. I really like you, if you know what I mean. Just let me take you on a date. We can do whatever you'd like, just say yes." Isaac's usual overconfident demeanor had transformed into genuine sweetness, catching Harley off guard.

"Okay then, but we can't tell Derek. He's pretty overprotective," Harley agreed cautiously, aware of the potential repercussions. Isaac nodded in understanding. "How about eight pm tomorrow?" She suggested with a warm smile.

"Yeah, sure," Isaac replied, his demeanor genuine. "Shall we go home?" he asked, and Harley nodded. They began the journey, their casual walk feeling like hours as they shared laughs and casual conversation, appreciating the simple pleasure of each other's company..


As they entered the apartment, there was no sign of Derek. Harley ventured to the kitchen to quench her thirst, spotting a note on the counter addressed to her and Isaac.

"Harley, Isaac. I'll be back in the morning; gotta do something. So, just lock the door and go to sleep or something."

"Where is Derek?" Isaac inquired. Harley handed him the note, but Isaac mumbled something indistinct. He ambled to the living room and turned on the TV.

"Want anything to drink?" Harley offered, grabbing a glass for herself. She went to the fridge, took out a Pepsi, and poured it into her glass.

"Yeah, could you get me a Mountain Dew?" Isaac requested. Harley fetched the Mountain Dew, closed the fridge, and joined him in the living room.

She handed him the drink, asking, "What are we going to watch?"

Isaac responded, "Whatever you want," and handed her the remote. Harley chose 'Ten Things I Hate About You,' a movie she considered the best ever made. They settled in, enjoying the evening's relaxation.


It was around eleven in the evening. Harley lay asleep on Isaac's shoulder as he continued watching the movie. He stole a glance at her, captivated by the serenity on her face. Deciding to call it a night, Isaac carefully stood up and lifted Harley in his arms, carrying her in a bridal style.

He navigated through the dimly lit loft, reaching Harley's room. With one hand, he gently pushed open the door and entered. Isaac laid her down on the bed, making sure she was comfortable. Tucking her in with the duvet cover, he kissed her forehead softly. "Goodnight," he whispered before preparing to leave.

To his surprise, he heard Harley murmur his name. "I'm sorry if I woke you," Isaac apologized, approaching her bedside.

"It's fine, Isaac. I'm glad I woke up," Harley responded, catching him off guard. Before he could comprehend, she leaned in and kissed him. The unexpected softness of her lips against his own left Isaac momentarily stunned. Fingers entwined in her hair, the atmosphere between them became charged with a sweet warmth.

After the kiss, they were both left in a smiling stupor. "Goodnight," Isaac finally managed to say, walking toward the door with a content smile.

"Goodnight, Lahey," Harley replied as the door closed behind him. She decided to unwind a bit and turned on the TV, putting on 'Avatar.' Secretly harboring a crush on Zoe Saldana, Harley drifted into sleep within a few minutes, thoughts of Isaac lingering in her dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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