Chapter 8: The Research

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Rose had a rough morning with all of her subjects and found something suspicious on the floor, she picked it up and it was a page of the fairytale she kept on reading. She couldn't understand why but it was breaking time for all of them, and Calista approached Rose while eating as usual and said "Hey, what's the matter?" "It's nothing. Just feeling stressed about academics and that's all," Rose sighed. Calista responded as her eyes turned blue with concern "You can tell me what's going on. I'm not going to be angry." "It's that Legend of Princess Alianora who got the Sleeping Spell and it gave me nightmares afterwards" she answered Calista. Her eyes turned purple with shock "What? How could anyone create that spell?" "Some unknown witch or wizard affected Princess Alianora that made her sleep," said Rose. Calista's eyes turned yellow with joy and had an idea "Perhaps we can do some research about the Sleeping Spell, its incantation of words, and the cure for it!" At break time, Rose and Calista went to the library and searched books about sleeping spells. After gathering the books, they were able to find one and Rose & Calista read the information about the Sleeping Spell, the incantation, and the cure. "So, there is no such thing as a sleeping spell that lasts forever, great." Calista spoke in a confused manner as her eyes turned orange with confusion. Rose was shocked "How can this be possible?" "Do you think it's Amortentia or true love's kiss like the fairytales?" Calista smirked as her eyes turned teal with mischief. "Calista!! You don't need to mention it out loud!" Rose hissed at Calista. She laughed and scoffed it off but then her eyes turned purple with anxiety, and she panicked "What if there was no cure and Alianora dies?" "Calm down, Calista. There might be a cure and we have to find it to break the spell and save Princess Alianora." Rose soothed Calista. Then Mrs. Pince saw Rose and Calista talking and said "Ladies, your classes will begin in 5 minutes so please leave the library before you're late." "Well, I guess we have to talk about this later," Calista was agitated as her eyes turned red. 

Rose Weasley and The Sleeping NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now