Happy birthday♡

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Yesterday Izuku, Bakugou, and Todoroki arrived at Otheon. Deku didn't tell Rody yet so he could surprise him on his birthday (which is today!)! Though, that part was hard since there were a bunch of Humarise supporters on the streets and they had to try to convince them to stop. And because of that, they were caught on the local news.

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"IZUKU?" Rody exclaimed to himself. He was watching the news and he suddenly sees Deku and the other two. His boyfriend was in Otheon? Why did he not say anything?? He jumped up and started getting ready to go. Except, he forgot he needed to watch Roro and Lala. "Shit," he said under his breath. Roro and Lala then came from their room.

"Brother we saw big bro Izuku on tv!" Lala said exitedly.

"Were you going to see him?" Roro asks.

"Yeah- but I hafta' watch you guys.." Rody sulks.

"Stop being a big baby and take us with you!" Roro demands as he takes Rodys hand with his other joined with Lala's.

"W-Wait guys!" Rody stammeers as he's basically being dragged out the door. And before he knew it, they were on their way to see him.

— — — —

"These Humarise protesters are really startin to piss me the hell off!" Bakugou groans.

"I agree. They are becoming very worrisome. I hope this trip isnt going to take longer than intended," Todoroki adds. Izuku agrees. He thought the affects of Humarise themselves would of stopped people from liking them in general, but he guesses not. Heros being on the more unpopular side here isnt making it any better too. What are they going to do? More importantly, will he even have time to be with Rody? Today is his birthday and he couldn't even find the time to tell him happy birthday because of these pesky Humarise Followers. Izuku sighs to himself and closes his eyes. All of this is stressing him out more than it should.

Suddenly, the boys hear footsteps and heavy breathing.

"More of them? I thought we talked some sense in those fuckers!" Bakugou yells. Except, those people weren't more protestors, they were Rody and his siblings.

Izuku looks up and sees the one and only. Rody Soul. His heart skips a beat and its like hes falling in love all over again.

"Yo hero! What are ya doing here?" Rody says breathing hard. Trying to play it cool as if he didn't just run at least an hour to see him.

Izukus cheeks turn pink and his heart beats faster. He runs to the Otheon boy and jumps right on top of him.

"Rody!!! I missed you so much you have no idea! I wanted to tell you I was coming, but wanted to keep it a surprise! Although, those Humarise protestors made it difficult to keep it a secret.. Anyways I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.. Oh and happy birthday!-" Izuku began to mutter like usual and Rody couldn't keep up anymore. He's just happy his boyfriend is here. Sure calling and texting was great, but nothing beats seeing him in person. Rody pushed his upper body up and kissed Izuku. He put Dekus fluffy hair behind his ear and deepened the kiss. Once he backed away, he smiled.

"I missed you too," was all he said. Izuku ended up crying and hugging him tightly. Rody was laughing and hugged him back.

Meanwhile, Todoroki and Bakugou were watching this whole entire scene.

"Jeesh is this is soap opera or something?" Bakugou asks rheotorically.

"I don't know. Maybe we could be like that once in a while," Todoroki said with a gentle smile. Bakugou blushed and brushed him off.

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