I Love You.

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It was the next morning. Birds were chirping, the sun was shining. It was a pretty good feeling. Rody sluggishly got out of his bed and headed to the bathroom. His hair was honestly wayy to long, but if Izuku liked it, he could tolerate it. He brushed his teeth, put his hair in a braid (Thank you Lala for teaching me how to braid) and went into the living room. Something was odd though. Where was Roro and Lala?

"Roro? Lala? Where are ya?" Rody called out. There was no response. He checked their rooms, the kitchen, nothing. Paranoia was what Rody was feeling right now, and it didn't make it any better that Rody saw the front door a bit cracked open. Pino was basically screaming with sweat coming down her fur. He rushed to open the door and heard a crunch under his foot.

"Huh? What's this?" Rody picks up a yellow flower and there's a note too. It says,

You're always filling me with joy and making me so happy. This new beginning with you and me is one of the best things to ever happen. This Daisy represents our blooming relationship~

What the hell? Rody thought to himself. He has no time for this, he needs to look for Roro and Lala! He picks up the flower and the note though. As he keeps walking to find his siblings, he sees another flower and a note. He bends down to pick it up and it reads,

You are always looking after Roro and Lala and it's so admirable. It's one of the things I love about you. And the look in your eyes when you're talking about planes, you're so passionate about it. This orange tulip represents this~

Wait- this asshole mentioned Roro and Lala! And how did they know about my interest in planes? Rody furrowed his eyebrows and kept on moving forward. This was getting weird.

— — — —

It's been like an hour or two and Rody had at LEAST 20 flowers in his hand and the same amount of notes too. They were all really really cheesy as well. At this point Rody sort of had forgotten about his missing siblings and was just interested in these notes. The next flower Rody saw was a lilac! A-hah! Rody knew what this flower was.

You were the first person I have ever felt this deeply about, I'd like it if we'd stayed together forever. Light purple lilacs symbolize first love, so..~

Rody shook his head and smirked. Whoever this person was definitely had a way with words. Rody kept walking until he bumped into something, or someone.

"Ah- Sorry I can't really see anything at the moment.." Rody sighed with basically a bouquet of flowers in his grasp.

"Took ya long enough! We've been waitin' like an hour for you Rody!" A familiar voice said. Rody knew that voice!

"Roro? What are you doing out here? I told you and Lala that you are not allowed to play outside without me knowing!" Rody dropped the flowers and was checking on his siblings.

"Big brother! Dont worry about us! Big bro Izu has been waiting for you!" Lala said as she pointed at Izuku, Bakugou, and Todoroki. Rodys eyes widened and he started to laugh. Of course these cheesy notes and flowers were from him. He stood up and walked to the three boys. Todoroki was on the left side of Izuku, holding a sign of an arrow pointing at Deku, and Bakugou was mirroring Todoroki, doing the same thing. Izuku was all red and he held a sign saying "Be mine?" and some roses.

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