chapter 2

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4 moons past since an panther kit was seeing the rift between her parents growing as the kits saw their father a bit less an that was sharpwater fault as she had started growing bitter twords Leopard dawn and maple kit was siding with his mother as shade kit an panther were on their fathers side. The small family growing father apart as their father was starting to talk to larkcall more an sharpwater was talking to gingernose.

She felt sadden by this as she always saw their family to be the best. She was by herself as she heard paw steps as she looked an saw it was shadekit. She smiled purring happily as she enjoyed his comfort as he was the only one who really understood her. He placed his tail on her back as he said " hey bughead you know what today is ?" She looked at him confused as she said " what ? " He looked at the high branch as he said " our warrior journey begins! We are becoming apprentice today, no more nursery. " Her eyes lit up as she jumped with excitement "yea!!! We are gonna show this clan we are the best....." the two stopped to think about maple kit

He had became cold an heartless with them saying they were just brainless kits following dreams that would never come true. They just separated from him leaving him alone as they stayed together. The two heard Cooperstar call a clan meeting as the two bolted to the clearing as cats began to gather their brother maple kit sat beside them sitting up tall as their mother looked at her an shadekit disappointingly, she then  saw her father his eyes full of pride and happiness that all she needed as she sat tall beside shadekit.

Copperstar looked at the three proudly as he cleared his throat and he said" Maplekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as maplepaw. Your mentor will be Gingernose. I hope Gingernose will pass down all he knows on to you." He called ginger nose forward as he continued"Gingernose, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from lakepuddle, and you have shown yourself to be honest and smart. You will be the mentor of maplepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to them." The two touched noses as The crowed cheered " Maplepaw! Gingernose! Maplepaw! Gingernose "

Soon the clan would quite down as he did shadekit as he was named shadepaw an his mentor was larkcall. He finally called her name as she walked twords him nervously he smiled as he said " don't he nervous panther kit your doing great. " she smiled at the encouragement as he said "Pantherkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Pantherpaw. Your mentor will be Onehare. I hope Onehare will pass down all she knows on to you." He called onehare an said

"Onehare, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Lionnut, and you have shown yourself to be brave and patient. You will be the mentor of Pantherpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to them." The she cat touched her muzzle and whispered " I'll do my best " the clan cheered " Panther paw! Onehare! Panther paw!Onehare!" Then Copperstar said " that concludes this meeting clan dismiss." They were swarmed by the clan an the three elder apprentice as they welcomed them. Panther paw was full of excitement and energy as she said '' shade "paw" can you believe it were apprentice!" He smiled at her an said" it awesome! Larkcall said she an your mentor Onehare were going to go explore the territory. "

She was jumping in excitement as she said " so cool I bet it is as beautiful as Father tells us." He nodded as Onehare,Gingernose an Larkcall walked twords them maple paw looked at them with...anger? What did they do wrong ? Panther paw had so many questions running threw her head but was interrupted when Larkcall said " now you three we are going to show you the territory today since we believe tomorrow is a better day for hunting or battle training. " She said " that sounds amazing!" She bounced up as maple paw looked away embarrassingly as Onehare said " that energy of yours will be of good use Panther paw "

She purred at the praise as Larkcall said " let's go while the suns high." Panther paw looked at shadepaw and she said " race yo-" she didn't finish as he ran ahead as she yowled " hey! Not fair!" She laughed as she chased after him their mentors chuckled at the sight as maple paw watched in silence. The two reached the entrance as it was a tie. She was breathing heavily as she said " Ha! It was a tie " Shade paw pushed her playful and said " I let you catch up mousebrain" She fell over as their mentors catches up an they were off.

The 6 walked threw the beautiful maple forest as their leaves were vibrant reds,orange, and yellows as panther paw looked around in ah. She then saw everyone stopped as she turned to look as it was a tall and huge oak tree as it was surrounded with flowers, shiny stones and feathers. Onehare broke the silence as she said " This is Elders oak where we bury our fallen or where most elders choose to be their final resting place. The three looked around as they said nothing as they could feel a bit if sadness coming from Onehare as she spoke. Larkcall said " let's go their still places to see. " Everyone left as Panther'paw was kinda glad they left she was getting a weird feeling.

Soon they reached a few large stones in the middle of a circle of trees sun shining straight down them. Gingernose said " these stones are popular for cats to climb sunbathe on but this place is where the clan founder maple was first staying at. Shadepaw an panther paw looked at them in aw as maple paw grumbled something as the group continued. They stopped an what looked like a sand pit as Larkcall said " this is where most of out training will be held as it is safe for battle training. " They three nodded as Onehare said " last place of the day is leaf pool. They nodded an left the silence made Panther'paw feel tense as if they were being watched. The group got to the pool of water as Onehare said " this water has been the very life source for our clans for generations...." Onehare didn't finish her sentence as larkcall hissed " intruders !" Panther paw jumped as she stood beside her brothers her claws out in fear

Soon a patrol appeared as they didn't have a sweet earthy sent like they did no they smelt of crowfood and feathers. She hurd Gingernose say " Raven clan Warriors" the patrol looked at them as one said " what are you doing on Raven clan territory?" Larkcall walked forward and said " I should say the same frostgoose" The tom hissed " how dare accuse us " she said " our border right over their birdbrain!" He tom stared daggers into larkcall as the other cat said" Frostgoose let's go NOW " he looked at the cat as the group disappeared before they could leave maplepaw mumbled "cowered" the Raven clan patrol stopped as the apprentice hissed " what that you sap licking foxheart." Maplepaw stood face to face with the apprentice as he said" you hurd me you crowfoo-" an without a hesitation the apprentice attacked as the Raven clan apprentice was older and had more experience too. We were about to go help when Gingernose stopped us " he has to learn '' was all that he said

We watched in dismay as the apprentice brutality clawed an attacked maplepaw. Soon Frostgoose got the apprentice as they left saying nothing leaving maple paw in a small pool of blood Larkcall and Onehare quickly grabbed the apprentice as they were hurrying back to camp as Pantherpaw looked at shade paw what a day.

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