When the sun goes down

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After a little while of hanging out with the boys and getting to know them better they tried to get you to join them back on the boardwalk.
"Oh come on Y/N! It'll be fun" Marko said. He wore a patchwork jacket with a plain white shirt that was cut off at his midriff underneath and had curly blonde hair that trailed down his back.
"I appreciate the offer but I should probably go home" you replied.
"We don't bite" Dwayne joked. He had long straight black hair and wore a leather jacket over his bare chest.
Everyone, including you, laughed at the comment. You thought for a bit, surely it wouldn't matter if you stayed out for a while longer. You were 18 after all and your parents were pretty chill about you staying out late. Plus it wasn't like you had to be up too early for work the next day.
"I guess I could hang out a little longer," you said with a small smile and shrug after a short while.
The group around you cheered and smiled while they lead the way back onto the boardwalk.

You didn't do anything in particular, most of the time you were just joking around and generally having fun with the boys. It was a weird feeling and to think that you had only met them about an hour ago was crazy. You felt like you belonged with them and as if you had known them your whole life but logically you knew you hadn't which made you slightly upset. Before you could get too upset Paul called you over to a shop.
"Which one?" he asked holding up two music tapes, a kiss one and a guns n roses one.
You thought for a few seconds before replying "the kiss one" you say with a small smile before joining the other three boys a little further up the boardwalk.

When it was around 12 am and the pier had closed you decided it was a good time to go home. You tried explaining to the boys that you were perfectly okay walking home by yourself but none of them would listen to you and you ended up riding behind David on his bike, giving him directions to where you lived. Once they stopped outside your house you climbed off the bike and said goodbye to all of them. They waved back before they rode away as you stepped inside your house and went to bed. You were thankful that you didn't have work until tomorrow evening as you were quite tired and wanted a lie in tomorrow.

The next day was pretty slow and boring though it wasn't really different to any other day. You did your usual chores of cleaning your room and doing laundry before you sat and listened to music for the rest of the day until you had to leave for work.

You had hoped your shift would be at least a tiny bit more entertaining than the rest of your day prior and while having the two brothers around for a while made it at least bearable you still found it extremely boring. You didn't understand why though and guessed it was just because you missed how fun last night was. As if they had read your mind the group of David, Dwayne, Marko and Paul walked in. None of them bothered with even looking at the comics and instead just walked up to the cash register where you were sitting reading some random comic that you had picked up earlier that day purely because of boredom. David cleared his throat which caused you to be a little startled and jump. You looked up and instantly calmed down when you realised who was in front of you. You closed the book, put it down on the counter and greeted each other.
"I didn't expect to see you guys here," you said once the greetings were finished.
"Normally you wouldn't" Paul commented. He had long blonde hair that was quite wild and wore a mesh shirt underneath a black coat that ended at his waist.
"We were looking for you" Marko added.
You raised an eyebrow at the group in confusion and David exhaled a small sigh.
"We wanted to chill out with you again tonight if you wanted to as well of course" he offered.
You smile at all of them "I'd really like to but I'm kind of at work right now" you said as you gestured around the building.
"We could always wait out the rest of your shift with you?" Dwayne suggested as he was looking around the group as if he was looking for approval which they all seemed to give.
You shrugged. Having the guys around would help the time pass more quickly. "Sure" you smiled "just don't scare the customers away" you joked.

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