You better not make a sound

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You panicked as you tried to think of how to get home or even to the pier but you realised that you didn't know how far you were from either of those places. Surely the Broadwalk wouldn't be too far, considering you were on the beach, but even with that, you weren't completely sure which direction it was since you couldn't see any lights anywhere which made sense since it was most likely closed by this time of night. And even if were able to get away, the boys would most likely go looking for you and neither area around the boardwalk nor in your house seemed like super safe places from them. Before you could think about your escape plan any further you noticed the four boys making their way over to you.
"Shit." You whispered to yourself.
You tried not to show any fear on your face but you realised that you were probably failing at that when you saw the worried and possibly hurt looks on their faces. It was hard to pinpoint exactly what emotion they were showing but you could tell they never meant to scare you by making you witness the horrors they had just committed. It was strange to see, moments ago they were viciously killing people and didn't seem to care who they hurt in the process yet the look in everyone's eyes told you that they felt terrible for scaring you. Nevertheless, you were still terrified, they could still kill you any minute.

"Y/N?" Dwayne asked softly as he took a baby step towards you.
You took a step back as you shouted "stay away from me!"
The group of boys in front of you simultaneously took a few steps back away from you, with the dark-haired one taking an extra step than the others so they formed a straight line.
"Y/N... we're not going to hurt you," David said. Normally his voice was rough but this time he spoke to you with the same softness as Dwayne had used just moments before.
You glared at the leader with suspicion. "You expect me to believe that? Expect me to trust you? After I just watched you all murder innocent people?" You shouted angrily and were slightly offended that they thought you were that nïave.
The boys were silent, clearly trying to think of what to say in response to you. You took a breath and looked at the ground, slightly fidgeting with your fingers anxiously.
"Why haven't you killed me yet? You've had plenty of times you could've. Heck, you could right now if you want to." You say looking up slightly through your eyebrows.
Marko opened his mouth to speak but David glared at him which made him close it. David went to take a step forward but caught himself before he did.
"Can we talk about this back at the cave?" David asked you.
You thought for a bit. "Promise me you won't kill me if I do go back there with you?" You asked back. You don't know why you asked since as you had just pointed out they hadn't before now and they could kill you here if that was their plan.
"We haven't yet have we?" Paul repeated what you had said moments before
"Okay." You said after a short while. You guessed it had to count for something that you weren't already dead.

You observe the four as they walked past you and to their bikes as you stayed back a little before joining the group. You watched as they got on their bikes and hesitated before you climbed on behind Marko. Everyone was silent for the duration of the ride which at first you didn't mind but the longer it went on it made you anxious. The guys also seemed to be driving more cautiously which was weird. It wasn't completely safe but it was noticeably slower than you were used to with them.

As soon as you arrived at the edge of the cliff and the boys had climbed off their vehicles Marko offered his hand to you so that he could help you off but you declined his proposition and opted to climb off yourself. You all walked down the rocky steps into the cavern. Once most of the light sources were lit you all sat around David's wheelchair, with the boys in a slight semi-circle opposite you. After a few minutes that were spent in a silent and awkward atmosphere you spoke.
"Why haven't you killed me yet?" You asked again.
David exhaled a breath "we didn't know you were human. At first, we thought you were one of us." He spoke
"When did you realise?" You questioned quickly.
"The first night we were at the beach." The platinum blonde replied "after everyone else had left. We could smell your blood and since you were the only one there we knew you had to be human at that point." he specified.
You didn't know vampires could smell blood you supposed that somehow made sense.
"Why didn't you kill me then? After you found out?" You asked with a confused expression on your face.
There was a brief silence in the room where you began to nibble on your fingernails to help with your nervousness.
"We didn't want to..." Dwayne said, his voice was bearly a whisper so you mentally thanked the silence for the fact that you were able to hear him at all.
You looked over at him with visible perplexity.
"At that point, we considered you our friend and we didn't want to hurt you," Marko explained for Dwayne.
"You didn't want to hurt me?" You repeated as a question.
"Pretty pathetic, huh?" Paul said with a slight scoff "vampires don't want to hurt a human because they're friends."
You let your guard down slightly as you let out a small giggle "yeah you're right. Pretty pathetic of you guys." You joked "but why did you take me to the beach tonight?" You asked in a serious tone of voice.
"We were hungry," Marko stated with a shrug.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "You were hungry?"
The curly-haired boy shrugged again. "Yeah."
"We can't always think straight when we're hungry." Dwayne chimed in.
"So you took me to watch you murder people because you were hungry? I guess I understand you're vampires or whatever and that's what you have to do to eat but why did you take me?" You asked.
"We didn't think you'd exactly enjoy being left in a cave somewhere you didn't know on your own," Paul said sort of matter-of-factly.
You laughed slightly as you gently shook your head before sighing. "Well no, I wouldn't really like that." You admitted.
There was another brief silence before David leaned forward in his chair and spoke.
"Y/N, now you know the truth can we trust you to not tell anyone?" He asked.
You didn't wait long before replying "you can trust me." You stated. You thought about making a joke but thought it probably wasn't the best idea. Everyone smiled at you. You went to each of them and wrapped your arms around each of their figures in turn. Even if they're vampires, they're still your friends.

For the rest of the night, you all went back out but since the boardwalk was closed the boys took you to one of the few diners that were still open. They said it was because they owed you since they had eaten and you hadn't yet but you thought it was just because they felt bad about earlier. You hadn't been there long and hadn't much before you said you were full so the boys ate the few chips you had left before you all exited the building.

You wish you could've spent more time with the four but you had work tomorrow evening and realistically needed to get sleep so you needed to go home and this time you didn't argue when the boys offered to take you home. It wouldn't have made a difference even if you did.

When you reached your front yard you climbed off Paul's bike and hugged each of your friends before you bid them all goodbye. You walked into your house and into your room before you flopped onto your bed and instantly fell asleep.

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