Time well spent

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The next day you wake up a little later than usual though it didn't bother you much since you didn't have much to do today. You rode out of bed and changed into your usual kind of outfit of a band shirt, black ripped jeans and leather jacket. You did your usual chores and waited for a few hours listening to music until 1 pm. You walked to the door, pulled on your favourite pair of boots and grabbed your bag. You pulled the door open and walked out, closing the door as soon as you stepped outside.

You had walked your usual route to the comic store and waved at the Frog brothers as you walked towards the counter they were standing behind.
"Hey" you smile when you had reached them.
They both greet you as they cleared the few things on the surface of the counter. When they had finished they came from behind the surface so you could switch places them. You guys chatted for a short while until the two brothers had to go home. For a few hours were alone other than the occasional customer until your friends walked in.

You smiled as you finished helping the latest customer and focused your attention towards your friends and greeted them as usual. You weren't doing anything particular but somehow time seemed to speed up, like it normally does when you were around the boys, until the end of your shift. The boys helped you tidy and lock up before the five of you decided to get something to eat. At first, none of you could decide what to get but eventually, you settled on Chinese and so headed in the direction of the nearest place. You walked in and ordered whatever food you wanted and waited. Once you had collected the good you and the guys headed out to the bikes before riding them to the cave.

Because of how fast everyone drove their bikes you had to hold onto both bags full of food and Paul's mid-section quite tightly
You really hoped you weren't hurting him continuously apologised in case you were though you didn't know if he could even hear you over the sound of the wind rushing past.

Soon you arrived outside the entrance to the cave you thanked Dwayne and Marko as they took a bag each from you and Paul helped you climb off the back of his bike. You followed them all down the few thin rocky steps that lead to inside the cliff.

You saw Dwayne hand the bag he had been holding over to David before going around the cavern with a torch and using it to light the candles and barrels that were dotted around. You offered to light the light sources but Dwayne declined your offer and so you just sat down on the edge of the fountain facing Marko, Paul and David who had already sat down and were now sorting through the food. Dwayne joined you all and picked up two boxes of noodles and handed one to you, which you took before he sat down beside you on the fountain edge.
"I don't think I've ever had food from this place before." You said as you examined the logo of the restaurant on the box "it's pretty good."
Everyone hummed and nodded in agreement. It then dawned on you. These guys were vampires. How were they able to eat food? Didn't they need to drink blood? You asked them these questions.
"Yeah, we still need to have blood but I guess eating food is more just for fun. It still tastes good but if we eat or don't eat food doesn't matter" David explained
"Okay... so what about blood? You said you need it, so how often do you need to drink it?"
"Well that depends on how much you're having each time and how hungry you are but I guess for us it's generally once every few days." The platinum blonde explained again "but of course, we can go longer without it if we have more before." he shrugged "like I said it really depends on how much you're having each time"
You nod and mumbled "okay"

Once you had finished your food you were all discussing taking you home until you checked your bag for your keys.
"Shit." You say looking at your watch.
All four boys looked at you with confusion written on their faces.
"I forgot my keys and it's midnight." You explained "my parents will be asleep and will be pissed if I woke them up at this time. And that's if I manage to wake them up."
Your breathing sped up and you whispered swears to yourself.
"Hey it's alright," Dwayne said, lightly rubbing your back.
"It'll be okay" Marko added, coming over to you and crouching down to your eye level as he spoke.
You saw Marko look over to David and Paul and followed his sight line to see all your friends looking at each other as if they were having a full conversation non-vernally. You were about to look back down and rack your brain for a way to get inside without angering your parents when David noticed you looking and spoke.
"You could stay here" he offered.
"Are you sure?" You asked. Ou didn't want to be a burden
He nodded. You calmed your breathing and thanked him and the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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