Chapter 1

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Haven wakes up finding herself lying on the ground with her hair and clothes soaked in water. She slowly uses her arms to push herself up from the wet soil. She grunts as a sharp pain pulses through her body, especially her legs. "What happened last night?" The thought running through her head as she looked at her surroundings. Tall trees towered above her tiny figure. Behind the girl was a lake that had a somewhat enchanting feel to it. The mucky waters pulled her in like it was calling her. She sat up leaning her back on a nearby tree. She was scared and had so many questions like "how did she get out here?" Or "was she in the lake, is that why she is drenched in water?". Finally letting out a breath she stood up groaning. The pain in her legs was excruciating, but she had to get back home. Home. Which way was home? She immediately checked her pockets for her phone. "Damn it!" She cursed under her breath as she began to walk. She seems to be in the middle of nowhere by her lonesome with no form of communication. Snap! Whipping her head around she checks her surroundings once more. She lets out a shaky breath while rubbing her arms trying to get some warmth. "Hello?" The word came out more of a whisper. No answer. Haven continues to stroll through the woods at a faster pace than before. A shiver goes down her spine as she feels like someone or something is watching her. She begins to sprint through the trees, leaves crunching below her feet after each step. Her breathing begins to quicken and heart begins to palpitate. She keeps turning her head back to see if she can see what she's running from. Thud. Her body collides with something and she hits the ground. She looks up to see a blue and black jeep. Holding her head she turns to look back into the woods that she just ran out of. "Whoa! Are you okay!?" A voice calls out from behind her. Standing back up she turns to face where the voice came from. A boy was running up to her with a concerned look. He now stood in front of her staring at the young girl. "I- um I don't know. I woke up in the woods and- um thought someone was following thing I know I run into this jeep." She spoke with a slight nervousness to her tone. The boy had a shocked look to his face as he shrugged off his flannel to wrap it around the freezing girl. She gladly accepted it pulling it around her tightly. "Come on let's get you somewhere warm. I don't live too far from here." He said as he opened up the jeep door motioning her in. She climbed up scooting herself in the passenger seat. He slammed the door causing her to jump a bit. Then he climbed up into the driver's seat quickly starting the car. "I'm Eli...y-you don't have to tell me your name. I- I just thought you would feel more comfortable if you knew my name...and I'll stop talking now." The green eyed boy said looking over at her obviously concerned for the girl. She gave him a small smile grateful for his kindness and wanting her to feel comfortable. "I'm...Haven." She spoke softly wrapping the flannel around her tighter. She looked out the window as he begin to reverse the car out of the spot it had been parked in. Haven looks back into the woods paranoid as to what might have been lurking in them.

First chapter done! I know it's short I'll try to make them longer as I write more. Tell me what y'all think and hope y'all liked it!

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