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Something that i have learnd in my 25 years is that promises are the sweetest lies. Putting my trust in the male species was the dumbest thing i ever did.

Its a sunny morning in New York and I'm on my way for an interview with "Rodriguez Marketing Firm". I hope i get the job. I need to earn as many dollars as i can to get back in the game. I want him..... "Which floor ma'am?" an unknown man said temporary blocking me out of my plan. "15". There was silence the whole time till my lift finally reached the 15th floor. I love silence its my biggest weapon and strength. I stepped out of the lift and along with me was a man who also got off the same floor as me. I didnt notice this guy but he looks powerful and he so bigger than me with a suit as smart as weekend's.  He seems 6'4 foot tall with black hair and strong arms. He looks like a personal professional bodyguard. He entered the Rodriguez Marketing Firm same as me. He went straight through a large door and vanished.

The receptionist, "Excuse me ma'am, may i help you?". And after that i came to know i was standing at the reception for almost 2 minutes and still starting at the door that guy went through. I wonder who he is. His aura was powerful and something just like danger. "Um Hi, I'm Jade Campbell and I'm here for an interview for PA. Here's my application for the interview." The receptionist took that application from my hand went through some computer files and without saying anything went through that exact same door i was staring at for the last few minutes with my application file .

The receptionist came back with nothing with her hand and said, "Come with me, Miss Campbell. Mr Rodriguez is waiting for you. Good thing you are on time. He hates people who aren't punctual." And than it clicked me that guy who i was in lift with with whom i came with was Mr Rodriguez.

We went through that huge door and than i saw 2 offices one with name plate of "Mr Zion Rodriguez" and the other name plate read "Mr Kendrick Rodriguez".
Suddenly we stopped and the receptionist turned to me and said, "The next few minutes are gonna be spiraling. I hope you had a heavy breakfast." And than we opened the door to the office of Kendrick Rodriguez the 2nd partner of the Rodriguez Marketing firm. It was him. The same man i walked through with. He was signing some papers and as we walked into the office he looked up saw me in the eye and went back to the papers. The 1 second eye contact was so powerful. I felt my whole body on fire and as if his eyes never left me.

Kendrick waved me to sit in the chair. Before i was sat it was only me and him in the room. I could sense the tension in the room. After a few seconds of silence Kendrick Rodriguez said, "Ms Campbell, why Rodriguez Marketing Firm?" I didn't hesitate and immediately replied, "Mr Rodriguez, your firm is the only firm in the market that has the same strategic plannings and marketing techniques that i implement in my day-to-day circular activities. I like to work with someone who wont hesitate in my ways of working." Kendrick," Hmm... what is something you would like to change about this firm?" "Mr Volquez, your competitor, is still your competitor while you can easly beat him if you win over his biggest client who is your brother's aka my ex boyfriend's current girlfriend, Miss Yasmine. Miss Yasmine has companies in almost every field and she is your brother's girlfriend and still she isn't your client but Mr Volquez's." After a minute of silence Kendrick said, "I admire your bravery Miss Campbell. You made a mistake by mentioning that my brother Ronald Rodriguez is your ex boyfriend." I smirked and replied, "No, i didnt you already knew exactly who i was when you i walked in that lift and along the door with you. It was me who almost forgot who you were until i entered your office and saw that pen you were signing the papers with. Its the classic Rodriguez pen." "Hmm, you are a good observer Miss Campbell. Your application makes you a perfect suit for the job i have for you in my mind but how can i be sure that you are here for the job and not to gaslight me and my brothers." "If i ever did want to gaslight you or any of your other 2 brothers i would have already. I still have the pendrive." Kendrick face seemed like he didnt know that seems like Ronald did afterall not tell Kendrick or Zion. I had never met Kendrick or Zion before god forbid i have still not met Zion. Had Ronald not did the fucking mess he did I would have at least got to met his brothers and it was at the moment when i walked in the office i came to know that Ronald real last man was Rodriguez. That bastard will have some of..... "Jade, in return of what will you give me that pendrive?" "Kendrick you can have the pendrive and whatever god damn thing you want but i want you to give me the job. And yeah i know whats your next question is gonna be so let me save you the words. I'm willingly ready to come into a contract with you that i wont by any means sabotage anything or will do anything that will ruin the reputation of your firm or your family but in return i want you to treat me like any other employee of yours." "Ms Campbell, I'll give you the job but under one condition if you ever cross me or my firm for your vendetta against my brother you will be done. You have no idea of my powers." "Mr Rodriguez, believe me i have the idea of your powers. Had i not known i wouldnt be here right now in your office."

After a few minutes of silence Kendrick called his assistant who seemed very sloppy when he entered the office and Kendrick firmly said, "You are fired." He turned to me and said, "You can start from tomorrow after i draw up some papers." With this he got up from his seat and without hearing anything that i had to say or his assistant he went out of the huge doors of his office.
And the game begins....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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