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"I specifically asked you to prepare the presentation by 9.where is it?" Kevin asked in low yet dangerously cold voice. He asked to head of accounting department, Savin.

He shifted in his seat uncomfortably before clearing his throat to speak " I.. I still have some work to do it" that piece of Shit keep saying same things since last Friday but still 'some' work on it pending... Great

" you know what, if you don't want to work anymore than say it dont give me same fucking excuse every time, I'm giving you 8 more hours after that if I still didn't see that fucking report then on my table then no need to come from tomorrow onward.. Get the hell out of here "he yelled Angrily

" I'll boss " He said correcting his tie, wiping the sweat off his forehead and nearly run out the door flame.

" why torturing poor souls Mr. Best friend " Zach come through the door and plopped himself in the seat front of the table.

" What do you want ? " Kevin asked Leaning back in his seat looking at him

" don't ask dude, I've an annoying best friend and he is a great pain in ass. Tell me what should I do to knock some senses in him. "he said dramatically like he was not talking about the man sitting in front of him.

Kevin rolled his eyes on his good-for-nothing best friend with a deep sigh he get up, standing in front of glass wall looking down at city view thinking about what happened two days ago. That was the first attack on the love of his life... Sofia

After she tell him how she didn't care about her life and proudly stand in front of death despite knowing everything. He decided to appoint few highly trained bodyguards for her and strictly told them to protect her secretly as she never like people following her everywhere.

And he is thankful to God for it as according to him that was the best decision he ever take. He was even afraid to think what if...

" why are you here? "Kevin asked again

" really? Dude you're not picking my calls so.. " Kevin cut him off and said sarcastically

" so you decided to grace me with your highness presence ... How great of you ".

Before Zach reply to him, office door suddenly opened and sofia walked in smiling sweetly with lunchbox in her hand.

She looked at zach surprise to find him here" Zach how are you? " he stand up and give her a friendly hug before saying

" I'm good, how are you? "

" I'm as good as ever " she said with a bright smile

" yeah she's really great " Kevin said with a bitter smile obvious to the situation

Zach Squated his eyes in confusion while sofia understand he's still not over on the incident happened two days ago.

" ok then I'll take my leave now " Zach said ignoring the fact couple in front of him are acting weird.

" atleast have lunch with us, it's too much for just two of us " sofia asked

" next time, actually I've a lunch date with val and I don't want to let her wait for me " Zach said before telling Kevin to pick up his call next time.

" Kevin " she whined just after zach closed the door behind him,leaving them alone

Kevin seat on his chair again before opening the file in front of him completely ignoring her presence.. Well actually he's trying, when she again whined and walk to his table

" don't you have any work to do today " he asked before looking at her and again diverted to the file, she sigh deeply before closing the file and taking a seat comfortably on his lap, he looked at her innocent face like she's been wronged

" don't be angry with me please " she pleased sweetly and that's the look one can never get to see

" I'm not angry at you " he said holding her waist securely

" oh drop the act already, you didn't even came home last night " she complained as she didn't even able to sleep without him, being habitual to sleep in his arms for last one month

" I'm really not angry, I'm just upset on your carelessness towards yourself if it was not for the bodyguards to block the bullet, I even don't know if you are still sitting with me here but despite everything you don't want to tell me anything, do you take me as fool I know you are hiding something to yourself or do you not trust on me enough " Kevin said, he's hurt and that's clear by his eyes, she sigh

" It's not like I don't trust you it's just I don't want to push in danger " she said looking at his shirt button at this moment it's the most beautiful thing in the world.

" do you think if something happen to you, I'll be able to live without you" he said and lifted her face by holding her chin making her look into his eyes.

She closed her eyes as if making the most critical decision of her life "I'll tell you tonight, I promise" she said with faint smile, understanding that it's good to share burden with your partner rather than making them misunderstand their importance.

He smiled and lightly kissed her forehead before kissing both of her cheeks then peak at her nose button, she panicked knowing his next move he leaned a little just inches away from her lips before he meet her sweet lips, she sneezed moving her face

She looked at him making an apologize face, he looked at her adorable face and said "Let's have lunch before it gets cold" she nodded before getting up and served everything on table at present She's look like a brilliant house wife making him smile widely.

They were in middle of their lunch when office door Again opened without his permission making him growl annoyingly

Intruder burge in without caring about anything like she own the place

"honey" she said excitedly

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