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A man in his forty's sitting on a chair facing glass window drinking wine elegantly but from his face expressions one can tell he's not enjoying... Not even a bit.

"What should we do now? After doing so much and getting this far, we can't just back out but that brat!!! " a women in her late thirty's said looking all frustrated

" Do you think it's not effecting me? I thought we can control her by using her twin name but now it's getting out of hands. We must do something before we even lost control from everything we've left with. " he replied caressing his forehead

" Do something? What can we even do, she's way too smart and not even acknowledge you as her father anymore " she said coming closer to his study table , she leaned closer to his chair and said " and you will be abandoned once more with no power and wealth. I mean didn't you noticed how that old man agree with anything she say. She yesterday's matter itself he didn't even opposed her in Williams deal and even scold you saying you always cause trouble. "  her vicious tongue spout everything to enrage him.

" from the very starting that old man never acknowledged me and Give more importance to that brother of mine. He was always best in everything may it studies, sports or business that father of mine always feel proud of him and introduce him to everyone happily but me... I am the worst mistake of his who always love to embarrass and disappoint him. Even in university every girl approached me to get close to him, every teacher compared me with him what can I expect from others when my own father do the same thing. When we get graduated he inherited family business while me, no one even ask what do I want. I really hate them and last stuck happened when he forced me to marry that whore knowing very well I like someone else. " he throw the wine glass breaking it into pieces, hatred is clearly visible in his eyes like he's talking about his enemy not family

" and at that night everything was planned... His death was planned but that time to he fucking take away such an important thing from me. We never planned to kill Xavier after all he was the diamond who can get everything back for his father but that fucker have to be so  curious which caused his death.

Their was no other way that's why everything automatically fall in Sofia's hands but she never recreat my saying because of guilt but now... Now she wants to have everything to herself but I'll never let that happened at any cost.... Even if the cost is  her life I'll take it in same way as my beloved brother " he started laughing like maniac not feeling a bit of guilt for killing his own brother and son... And even wants to kill his daughter. Is he still a human or what?

" don't be angry anymore, look we are together at the end. I'm here we will definitely find a way to tackle her this time as well " she sit on his lap putting her hands around his neck and continued" it's not like that's first time when we try to kill her but she always been lucky to escape but not anymore just wait little more "

" that's why I love you no one understands me the way you do " he said and smacked his lips on her and didn't even noticed when his study door opened. His wife is looking at them not even shocked like she's already used to seeing this kind of scene.

Revika was first one who noticed her and smirked at her Shamelessly before saying sweetly " sister-in-law is here, I guess I should go I'm also tired and will try to find a solution, this time permanently" she kissed him one last time before taking her handbag from table and going not before smiling at her like she wasn't the one who's sitting on her husband's lap just minute ago

"you whore what do you want, get the hell out of here don't show me your face slut " he shouted at his wife like always

Revika pace out of his room Smirking like she's enjoying whatever is happening and walk in her room happily. She threw her hand bag on small sofa and walked in washroom to change.

In a apartment three people sitting silently like no one is there looking at the laptop shocked of what they just heard. They were no other than Sofia, Kevin and Xavier who don't even know what to say after hearing such a shocking new.

Sofia knew that after her refusing the deal they definitely will come and that's the good opportunity to find out who is fake Revika's companion. So they decided to instruct a device in her hand bag so they can able to hear everything but never expected such a result there own..... Father?

"I never think it to be that much deep " sofia said coming out of daze although he never treated her well and she don't even like him but still... How can he...

As Kevin was about to close the laptop after seeing her reaction but suddenly the ringing of phone call voice stopped his hand in mid and they again concentrated

"hello boss "

" yes everything is going as planned, he's such a fool even agreed to kill his only daughter "

" don't worry that drug will may show its effect soon and then he'll not have many days left... We just have to take care of sofia "

"OK I'll contact her again and see if we can do anything "

" OK don't worry about it I'll handle everything you just wait for the good news "

And then line is dead again inviting a wave of silence but it was break by sofia who laughed loudly even the other two didn't felt any guilt.

Serve them right they'll end each other themselves.
They just have to find the mastermind behind everything now...

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