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" I never thought that one day sofia brown will invite us, is it a dream or what?"  a man in his late 30 said looking at sofia

" why mention uncle, how can you let me forget your presence " sofia said with a 'kind' smile, sitting beside Kevin on other side of dining table from him.

" I see still no change, same arrogance like ever " Grayson stare at her sharply like he just wants to kill her right there and then

" you're also didn't change, I mean same looks and crooks... Nothing changed at all " she glare at him coldly like telling him she already know what he's doing

" well alright let's eat you even didn't had breakfast in morning " Kevin interrupted them putting more in her plate

But tension is still present on the table between them, in the name people sitting on the table is a family but in reality there's nothing more than one's interest and schemes.

After lunch everyone gathered in living room

" Fia will you tell now, why did you invited us all of sudden " her dad asked looking at her in disdain. He never liked her attitude and the way she carry herself but the good news is same thing goes around.

" please I don't wants to fight with you in your last days,otherwise it will also put on my head that I killed you, so talk less don't waste your energy too much " sofia said while smiling at him fully

" are you cursing me? You brat " he asked angerly

" there's no need for me to curse till there's good people around... No aunty? " she stare at Revika as if telling her to stop pretending anymore

" you.. "

" enough stop fighting like animals, sofia you say directly what's going on " grandpa intervened between them, sofia looked at her watch and smiled before saying

" grandpa I've a surprise for you it'll be there soon " before she say more doorbell rang " oh so fast, I'll go to open the door "

She walk out of there with a sweet smile.

'What is she up to now ' Grayson thought looking at her confident back before looking at Revika like asking if she know anything but to his loss she shake her head lightly while taking a glass of wine.

Hearing the heavy footsteps everyone looked at entrance of living room only to be shocked, Revika's hand slipped the glass shattering it into pieces.

There standing police but that's not what was earth shaking but the handsome man in black suit standing between them confidently while putting his one arm around Sofia's sister and other in pocket looking devil from hell

" I heard you troubled my little sister while I was away " his voice was pleasing to hear but the coldness in his voice shiver one's spine. His side smile is enough to push one's in endless abyss not to mention his cold bloodthirsty eyes

" how's that possible? How can you come back? Were not you dead in car accident five years ago? " Revika stand up excitedly like she had seen a ghost

" why are you sweating so much? Aren't you happy to see me back.... Aunty " he asked looking at her coldly

" how can it be, I'm very happy after all you are only son of the family " she exclaimed, before he say something Kevin intervened

" are you done being cool? If yes then return my little wife back to me " he pull her to sit beside him, Xavier look at him shocked to say anything

" can you be any less Shameless than this. She's my sister you fucker and she's not even your wife yet " he said recovering from shock but felt even more engraved seeing him ignoring him and continues" I'll deal with you later "

" like I'm afraid of you " Kevin said Carelessly

" Kevin Smith lets have a fight " Xavier said taking a step forward but sofia quickly stand up in between

" OK ok stop being childish " she said Xavier cool down but only until he see victorious smile on Kevin's face but still control himself, as matter in hand is more important than this bitch

"now I'm not in a mood of any show. Officer please take them away " Xavier said nodded to Grayson and Revika , Xavier really wanted to play with them but now *sigh* it's alright life is never been fair to anyone.

" Mr Grayson and Mrs Revika you both have to come with us to police station for murder of Mr and Mrs Brown, murder attempts of sofia brown and Xavier brown, smuggling, drugs dealing and many other illegal things. " officer said nodding to other subordinate to get them handcuff.

Looking at them Grayson take few steps back" don't put fake allegations on me, what evidence do you have to arrest me. I'm not going anywhere " he said confidently as everything he does is very secretive so where the hell evidence came from. According to him they don't have any evidence with them and just wanted him to confess himself....damn you bloody Xavier, created a blender as soon as he came. Do he perhaps think his sister is less of a problem that he also come back but the most important thing is how the hell he can be alive!!! Shouldn't he be dead with his uncle then how..

" Mr Grayson we've arrest warrant against you and Mrs Revika so technically we also have every evidence, so please don't force us and follow the orders " officer said sternly

Grayson trembled and started sweating he don't know what to do know as he never expected to see this day so of course he's not prepared at all. Although he did many bad and illegal things but never expected to be in such a condition or be in a position where his mind is completely blank.

But still he's sure about a thing and that is he can't go to jail, he don't want to be in a prison or be a prisoner. He look around to find something to save himself when his eyes fall on Xavier's father who was standing just a hand distance from him looking at Revika with disbelief and shock as he can't immune that much in one go.

Taking advantage of situation Grayson bend down quickly and pull out a sharp knife from his ankle band, his moves were so fast and clean like it's not first time he's doing something like that.

And put the knife on his neck and shouted " don't move even a inches otherwise I'll separate his neck from his body" sofia's father yelled in fear....


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