Chapter 7: Barely grazing catastrophe.

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Minato walked into the kitchen to find Sirin stranding in front of the stove, surrounded by various of pots and pans.

This wasn't what he expected to see after he just woke up from yesterday's trip.

"What are you doing?" Minato asked, trying to keep himself from laughing.

"... You weren't awake, so I decided to cook instead of waiting for you." Sirin replied, her expression dead serious. "You will pay for this dearly for making the queen to do all the work instead of you, servant."

Minato raised an eyebrow at that and took a closer look at the kitchen. He wasn't even sure he would even call it that, considering it looked like more of a warzone than a kitchen.

He wondered why the smoke detector in his kitchen didn't even set off considering the amount of smoke coming from the stove alone was filling the room completely. Minato quickly opened the windows, trying to clear the smoke away.

He'd ought to check that smoke detector out with his landlord soon.

After filing that mental note for later, he walked over to Sirin, and with a deadpan expression, he asked. "Have you ever even cooked before?"

Sirin spluttered before sheepishly averting her gaze in shame and embarrassment.

"Gods above, save me from Herrschers."

Minato muttered under his breath before he decided to help her. Sirin ignored the irony of his comment.

"Alright, looks like I'll just have to teach you how to cook then." Minato offers, glancing at Sirin who huffed. "It would be better for you to set the apartment on fire on purpose rather than by accident."

Sirin glared at him but there was no heat behind it. "Hmph. Whatever." She grunted, crossing her arms.

Minato gave her a light small as he began to teach her the basics of cooking. Granted, he wasn't the best at the field of culinary arts but, he still had plenty of experience in the kitchen.

"Alright, look closely, this is how you chop the onions..." said Minato, demonstrating how as he spoke. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sirin tried to follow along, but failing to do so.

As Minato tried to help her cut the onions, Sirin suddenly lost control of her knife as it went flying.

"Woah!" Minato exclaimed, dodging the projectile that flew across the room. Minato for a brief second was reminded of their first encounter, as the knife bounced off the wall and left a noticeable gash.

It hit the wall once more and left a large gash. Minato's expression quickly shifted from fear to long suffering irritation.

"Alright..." Minato started, trailing off and glanced at Sirin whose cheeks were reddened. "Let's try that again, shall we?"

However, the entire thing was far from over. Minato watched in horror as Sirin accidentally added too much oil to the pan, and soon the entire kitchen was once again filled with smoke.

"Holy shit!" Minato rushed over to turn off the stove, frantically trying to wave the smoke away.

"What have you done!?" Minato exclaimed, eyes wide in horror as he looked at the war-stricken battlefield that was once he called a kitchen.

Sirin, mortified, looked away.

Minato let out a long-suffering sigh but couldn't bring it within himself to admonish Sirin for her mishaps.

He took a deep breath and decided to cook breakfast for the both of them as usual. He allowed Sirin to assist with some parts of the process but this time, he made sure to closely supervise her this time lest she causes more accidents and mishaps.

Minato couldn't help but smile as he noticed that Sirin was actually learning this time, the rest of the cooking process went by smoothly as he saw Sirin was beginning to grasp the basics of cooking.

"Good job!" Minato praised after she does the finishing touches to their meal. They were making simple egg sandwiches with onion, but he really wasn't expecting Sirin to improve this much in a single day.

Sirin smirked as she crossed her arms, an immense sense of pride and satisfaction filled her.

Minato was glad to see her happy, the Sirin he knew now was a sharp contrast to the person she used to be months ago.

Minato got their plates and silverware ready as they sat down to enjoy the breakfast they made together.

"Well, it looks like you can cook after all." Minato said with a teasing smile. "Next time, you should really try to learn how to cook all on your own. That way, you can prepare our meals without waiting for me."

Sirin playful grin faded as she shot him with a mock glare. "Hmph, I only cooked because I was tired of waiting for you to wake up. Do make sure to not disappoint your queen next time."

Minato chuckled at Sirin's response. He took a bite of his own egg sandwich, savoring its taste. "You're right, I need to step up my game. Afterall, it's not every day that I have a queen to cook for."

Sirin felt a slight blush creep up on her face as she heard what Minato said.

"Idiot..." She mumbled under her breath.

They continued to eat their breakfast, as the both of them continued on their playful banter. Minato doesn't recall the last time when Sirin was actually this talkative but he didn't mind it, he found himself comfortable in her presence for once.

As they finished, Minato took their plates to wash them later.

"Oh, by the way." Minato said suddenly, grabbing her attention. "Your new clothes are now already washed, so you can use them for tomorrow's trip."

"A trip? Do explain yourself." Sirin replied, curious.

"We're going to the park tomorrow." Minato answered cheerfully. "It's been quite awhile since I've last went into my favorite park, and I think my bones are creaking from the lack of exercise I've been having."

He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the stiffness from looking at his computer screen for too long.

"And besides, I can't have that idiot calling me a basement dweller, I still have yet to get back at him." Minato admitted with an embarrassed smile.

Sirin looked at him oddly for a moment before shrugging. "Hmph. Alright, but I'll rest for now so do your best to not disturb me."

Minato mockingly saluted at her. "Aye aye, your majesty." He said with a grin.

Sirin rolled her eyes before going back to her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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