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Same Night
Institute – Infirmary

Izzy, Alec and Robert Lightwood were in the infirmary with Izzy and Alec seated on the bed while Robert helped fix up Alec’s wound.
“Don’t squirm.” Robert said.
“I’m not.” Alec scoffed. “It doesn’t even hurt.”
“Really?” Alyssa asked, with a deadpan look. “Mr. Lightwood, why don’t you apply a bit of pressure to the wound so we can see if those words are true?” Robert, deciding to humor Alyssa and did as she asked, making Alec groan. “Still gonna say it doesn’t hurt?” Alec just shot her a glare. “Thought so.” Just then his phone began to ring. He picked it up to see that it was Jace calling. He was about to answer when Alyssa snatched the phone and gave it to Izzy.
“No talking, just healing.” Izzy said then walked away to answer the call. Alyssa turned her head slightly to listen in.
Alec, I need you.’
‘It’s Izzy. We need you. There’s been an attack at the Institute.’
‘An attack?’ Jace asked, putting the phone on speaker so Clary could hear the conversation as well.
‘Yeah. Valentine created a Forsaken that went through the wards.’
‘That’s not possible, Izzy. Nothing can get through the wards. There’re… there’re warlock spells to defend against all Downworlders.’
‘With the exception of one. Anyway, not this one. It had Seelie blood with angel properties. Jace, it went after Hodge and Alec.’
Are they okay? Is Alec--’
‘They’re banged up but they’ll live. Alyssa killed it.’
‘She what?’ Jace asked, his eyes wide. Clary was also shocked but worried. 'Is she alright? Is she-’
“She’s fine, Jace. It was after the-’
‘The Cup.’ Clary finished.
‘Izzy, I’ll be there as soon as I can.’
Izzy just nodded and hung up.

Training Area

Alyssa walked into the training area to find Izzy ranting to Alec who was busy hitting a punching bag.
“She calls Meliorn in and arrests him, then acts like it’s out of her hands.” Izzy stopped her pacing to look at her brother worriedly. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.” Alec stopped and held his arm.
“I’m fine, Izzy. It was the Clave that gave the order, not Lydia.” He said to her.
“Are you sure about that?” Izzy asked, giving him a look.
“I’m sorry, does someone want to fill me in?” Alyssa asked.
“Lydia arrested Meliorn on some trumped-up charge and is pretending this wasn’t her doing.” Izzy informed.
“It wasn’t. Like I said, the Clave gave the order.” Alec defended.
“Did they? And why are you even defending her? Not too long ago, you were pissed off at her.” Alyssa pointed out. Alec didn’t answer. Jace walked in at that moment. He gave Alyssa a kiss as he came to stand beside her.
“Hey.” He said then looked at Alec. “You all right?”
“I’m fine.” Alec answered, seeming annoyed that yet another person was asking if he was fine.
“I just spoke to Robert and Maryse. They’re being sent back to Idris.” Jace informed. Even Alyssa was confused and surprised at this.
“What?” Izzy asked, just as surprised then shot a look at her brother. “Another ‘order’ from Lydia?”
“Who’s Lydia?” Jace asked, confused.
“An annoying woman who just blew in and decided the previous leadership of the Institute wasn’t good enough.” Alyssa said. Jace was even more confused so Izzy clarified.
“She’s in charge of the Institute.” Jace’s eyes widened in shock.
“She’s what?”
“Temporarily.” Alec defended again then shot a look at his sister and Alyssa.
“Don’t give me that look, you know I’m right.” Alyssa said.
“And now she’s convinced the Clave that Mom and Dad aren’t doing their job?” Izzy questioned frustrated.
“Well, maybe they aren’t.” Alec shot back. “The Institute was under their control when the Forsaken got in.”
“Are you just looking for excuses to be mad at your parents? In case you’ve forgotten, Lydia had already taken over the Institute by then. If anything, that one is on her. You’re just looking for anything, any excuse to blame on your parents because of what you just found out about them.” Alyssa said. Jace’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Mom and Dad were members of the Circle.” Alec revealed. Jace and Izzy were surprised.
“What? But they don’t have Circle runes.” Izzy said in denial.
“That’s because they made a deal with the Clave prior to the Uprising. In exchange for their cooperation, they were pardoned.” Alec explained.
“I’m sorry and that makes them guilty for the Forsaken attack? I cannot believe I’m the one defending your parents but seriously Alec? You're not thinking they’re in league with Valentine again, are you, because that would be ridiculous.” Alyssa said, trying to get through to Alec. Izzy scoffed at her brother in anger.
“You’re questioning their loyalty?” She asked her brother in disbelief.
“Valentine is back. The Circle is rising-they’re under suspicion.” Alec shot back.
“No way. Robert and Maryse took me in-they raised me as one of their own-I know what kind of people they are.” Jace rebutted.
“Are you sure? They lied to us -for years, they’ve been tell us how to act- that we have to uphold the Lightwood name.” Alec said in spite.
“Because they’re afraid you’ll make the same or similar mistakes that they made when they were just as young as you are. Why can’t you see that?” Alyssa asked, feeling frustrated.
“They’re the ones who tarnished our name. They’re hypocrites.” Alec said angrily. Alyssa threw up her hands in frustration.
“You are making it really hard for me to refrain from knocking some sense into you despite your injury.” She muttered. Lydia chose that moment to walk up and over to them, going to stand by Alec.
“You must be Jace Wayland.” She said with a smile. “Lydia Branwell.” She held out her hand to him. “You’re quite the legend back in Idris.” Jace looked down at her hand and up at her then wrapped one of his arms around Alyssa.
“Don’t believe everything you hear.” He said. Lydia sighed and dropped her hand then looked to Alec.
“Did you tell them?” She asked.
“Tell us what?” Izzy asked, eyeing them suspiciously. Alec swallowed before speaking.
“Lydia and I are engaged.” The news shocked the other three while Lydia just looked at them excitedly, oblivious to their shock.
“I’m sorry, what?” Alyssa voiced out.
“We’re getting married.” Lydia said.
“We know what the word, 'engaged means', Lydia. Thank you.” Alyssa snapped. “Alec?”
“You’re not serious?” Jace said, still shocked.
“You’ve known her all of five minutes, how can you be engaged to her?” Alyssa asked.
“You were supposed to tell them no.” Izzy yelled at her brother. “It’s your life to ruin.” She said angrily then walked away.
“Not sure what to say.” Jace said, shaking his head.
“Well I am.” Alyssa said.
“How about, ‘none of this matters. We have to stop Valentine,’?” Alec suggested, almost fed up.
“Finally, something we agree on.” Jace said snippily then went to walk away. He looked back when he saw that Alyssa wasn’t following. “You coming, babe?”
“I’ll be right there.” Alyssa said, keeping her eyes on Alec. Jace nodded and walked away. “Lydia, could you excuse me and my brother? I’d like to have a word with him.”
“Your brother? And why can’t you say it to both of us?” Lydia asked. Alyssa looked away to glare at her.
“Lydia, I asked politely and nicely. I hardly ever do that, especially with people who’ve started to get on my bad side. Don’t make me repeat myself, because if I do you’ll not like me anymore than you already do.”
“Lydia, just give us a minute.” Alec said. Lydia looked at up him then at her and nodded. Alyssa watched her walk away and made sure she was out of earshot before speaking.
“Alec, what the hell is wrong with you?” She questioned.
“Nothing’s wrong with me.”
“You’re marrying Lydia? You just met her today. You’ve known her all of five minutes and all she’s done is turn your life and everything upside down. What has gotten into you? Is this about your parents?”
“Nothing has gotten into me. I’m doing the right thing. I’m doing what’s right for my family, something you wouldn’t understand since you don’t have much of that.” Alec said spitefully before realizing what he had just said. His expression dropped when he registered the hurt on Alyssa’s face from his comment. “Lyssa, I didn’t…” Alyssa just held up her hand and glared at him.
“Go to hell.” She growled out then walked away.
Alec sighed heavily and run his hand through his hair, regretting what he had said to her.

Sometime later…
Main Room

Jace, Alyssa, Izzy and Alec were all looking at the screen of one of the larger computers in the room. They were watching Lydia question Meliorn in the main office.
“This is insane.” Izzy voiced out. “We have to put a stop to this.”
“Yeah, well, enjoy portalling back to Idris with Mom and Dad.” Alec remarked.
“Meliorn is here because of me.” Izzy said, looking at her brother.
“Alec’s right. There’s nothing we can do to stop this interrogation.” Jace input. Izzy scoffed at this.
“You’re on Alec’s side?” She asked, as if Jace had betrayed her. Alec rolled his eyes at her words, as if she’d said the most obvious thing ever.
“We swore to protect each other, of course he’s on my side.” Alec said.
“I’m not picking sides. Jace Wayland is Switzerland. We have got to find Valentine. Let’s let this play out, Izzy. Meliorn might have some important information.” Izzy rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Alyssa, hoping for some support. It was then that she noticed the other girl’s body language and almost blank expression.
“Alyssa? Are you okay?” She asked. Jace looked over at his girlfriend, trying to get a read on her emotions but she was blocking him out.
“I’m fine, Izzy.” The girl replied softly, without looking at Izzy. Her voice was almost so soft they almost didn’t hear it. This worried Izzy and Jace since she’d never been like this.
“Alyssa…” Alec tried but was cut by a very dangerous growl and a glare that promised pain from the girl, her eyes glowing bright green. Izzy and Jace were surprised at this response. They were all then distracted by Lydia speaking to Meliorn.
“Forensics don’t lie. Tell me what you know about the blood in the Forsaken.” Lydia said to Meliorn.
“Have you ever considered that the blood in the Forsaken came from out dead scouts? Scouts sent to help you hunt for Valentine. Why do you think we would side with a murderer?”
“Seelies always play both sides.”
“You should talk to your own people about playing sides.”
“Excuse me?”
“You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you? If only Shadowhunters had a better relationship with us…Downworlders, you’d know that Valentine’s daughter and the wolf Alpha’s daughter have the Cup.”
“And who is the wolf Alpha’s daughter?” Meliorn smirked at this.
“Alyssa Fairchild.”
On the other side of the screen, Jace, Alec and Izzy looked worriedly at Alyssa who didn’t look the least bit bothered.
“And he wonders why I have a strong dislike for his people.” She remarked then walked away with Izzy, Jace and Alec watching after her.
“Still think we should let this play out?” Izzy asked, almost mocking Jace.

Clary’s Room

Alyssa and Jace entered her sister’s room to find multiple Shadowhunters, searching the rooms, rummaging through Clary’s things while Alec stood by watching with Lydia. Alyssa then noticed one Shadowhunter looking through a drawer which he pulled a bra from. His name is Raj. Jace hurried over and snatched the bra from him and put it back, closing the drawer. Alyssa followed behind him.
“I’m pretty sure that’s not the Cup you’re looking for.” Jace said.
“Give me a break, Wayland. I’m just trying to do my job.” Raj said.
“Is that so?” Alyssa asked.
“Oh well then this is me doing my ‘job’ as a big sister.” Alyssa said, smiling falsely then grabbed his head and slammed it against the drawer, then pushed him to the floor. This caught the attention of the other Shadowhunters. “Anybody else want to claim they’re just doing their ‘job’?” Jace looked to Alec with a furious expression.
“Alec, call this off now.” He said.
“I guess Clary’s room is in part of Switzerland?” Alec mocked.
“We can’t call it off. We have to find the Mortal Cup.” Lydia said, walking over.
“I’m sorry, was Jace speaking to you? Or did your name suddenly become Alec when you agreed to marry him?” Alyssa said, irritated. Lydia turned to her.
“Just the person I was hoping to speak to.” Lydia said. A Shadowhunter then walked up to her.
“It’s all clear.” He said. She nodded to him and turned back to Alyssa.
“Alyssa, where is the Cup? Meliorn said both you and your sister had it.” She asked.
“Oh really? Did he now?”
“Yes. Seelies can’t lie so we know he’s telling the truth. Where’s the Cup?”
“You know the funny thing about the truth, Lydia? It is only the truth when you’re telling what you think you know as truth or what you actually do know. It becomes a lie when you tell anything in contrast to that.” Jace smirked as she said this while Alec just rolled his eyes. “Meliorn told you I have the Cup because that’s what he thinks he knows. Sorry to disappoint you but I don’t have the Cup and if my sister has it with her, then I don’t know where it is.”
“So where is your sister?”
“I don’t know. I’m not her keeper nor am I her owner. She’s 18 and her own person.” Lydia narrowed her eyes at the older Fairchild girl then turned to the Shadowhunters in the room.
“Take her in for questioning.” She ordered.
“What?! Hey!!” Jace exclaimed. Two of the Shadowhunters approached her as Alec held Jace back. Alyssa calmly stood and let the men restrain her.
“Calm down, Jace. I’ll be fine. I’ll play along for now.” Alyssa said, watching Lydia with a smirk that made the other woman uneasy. The two men led Alyssa to the main office and seated her on the couch, removing her restraints then left. Lydia entered a few moments later, followed by Maryse who entered minutes after Lydia did.
“Maryse, there’s no need to be here. I have it under control.” Lydia said.
“If it involves Alyssa Fairchild then I will be present.” Maryse said, her tone brokering no argument. Alyssa caught the look in her eyes and read the unspoken message in there. She smiled at the older woman who gave her the barest of nods. Lydia grudgingly turned back to Alyssa.
“Where’s your sister, Alyssa?” She asked.
“Like I said before, I don’t know.”
“How can you not know where your own sister is? Your little sister.”
“Again, like I said before, I’m not her damn keeper or her guardian. She’s her own person and an adult who can very much take care of herself. She doesn’t need me to keep track of her whereabouts. And before you ask again, as I said before, if my sister has the Cup then I don’t know where it is.”
“You’re lying. Meliorn said…”
“Meliorn said what he did because he is a self-preservationist ass who was willing to sell anyone out to save himself even if when he doesn’t know the actual truth or story. He told you what he thought he knew, what he thought was the truth. Knowing something and believing it to be true does not necessarily make it the truth. The truth is relative to who is saying it and what they know and believe. Some believe Valentine to be doing the right thing. They believe his words and consider them truth but that doesn’t mean it is the truth.” Lydia stood there, considering her words and seeing the logic in them. She said nothing and left the room. Maryse sent the Fairchild girl a tiny smile and left the room as well. Alyssa sighed and leaned back in the couch. Her phone chimed with a message from Jace.
30 minutes later just as the door to the room reopened. She looked up to see Maryse enter the room.
“Jace told me about your bond with him. Your soul bond.” Alyssa’s eyes widened. Maryse took a seat beside her on the couch. “I was curious about his sudden involvement with you and why the fact that Lydia had you detained had him worried and unsettled. Your bond is something that has not been heard of in a hundred years. Most people believe it to be a myth.”
“Do you?”
“Not anymore. To be honest, when he first told me, I became scared for him. We took Jace in when he was alone and love him like our own son. Seeing how unsettled he was just knowing you weren’t beside him. I thought maybe it was making him weak. Jace has always been strong and I never want him to be weak, to feel like he can’t do something. I thought that was what the bond was doing to him at first but I realized, he’s actually stronger because of it. With you, he’s stronger than he’s ever been and that makes me happy. To have found someone who would not only fight for him but make him happy as well.”
“He does the same for me too.” Maryse nodded.
“I can tell and I’m glad for that. I just need you to promise me something; that you’ll always be there for Jace, no matter what.”
“I promise. He is my life and I am his. Nothing will happen to him if I can help it.” Maryse smiled at her answer.
“Good. Then go.” She said, nodding towards the door. Alyssa smiled at the woman then got up and left the room.

Training Area

Jace and Izzy were getting ready to leave. Izzy was angrily shoving things into a duffle bag.
“You might wanna pick up the pace.” Jace said.
“You do not want to get on my bad side right now.” Izzy snipped at him.
“She’s right, babe.” Izzy and Jace looked up in surprise to see Alyssa walking over to them. “You really don’t want to get on her bad side. It’s not pretty.” Jace immediately pulled her into a hug.
“Are you okay? How did you…”
“I’m fine, Maryse let me go. But enough about me, are you gonna be okay, Izzy?” Alyssa asked, worried for her friend.
“The whole world is turning upside down. Simon turned into a vampire. Now Meliorn might die because of some…” Izzy ranted.
“It’s not anything you did. They just put a bunch of unrelated facts together and came up with a big lie.” Jace said, trying to reassure her. Izzy sighed and grabbed the bag.
“I wish that made me feel better.” She said. Jace and Alyssa shared a look, then with Izzy, turned around to leave, only to come to face Hodge with a mug in his hands.
“Hodge, we were just about to-” Izzy began but Hodge cut her off.
“Lie to me?” Alyssa silently looked at the man. Something about him made her uneasy and she always trusted her gut instincts.
“Clary needs us, Hodge. The Clave is looking for her. She could be in serious danger.” Jace said. Hodge looked around and then at them.
“Well, in that case, I’d make a timely exit before anyone of importance notices you’re gone. Especially you, Alyssa. You already have the Clave interested in you thanks to Lydia. ” Hodge warned, moving to the side. Alyssa eyed the man while Jace just smiled slightly.
“We won’t forget this.” He said gratefully then pulled Alyssa with him, both of them leaving with Izzy.

Hotel DuMort – Outside

Jace, Izzy, Alyssa and Luke were waiting outside. Alyssa and Luke were talking to each other quietly with the latter pulling the former to his side into a hug. The back door opened and out ran Clary with Simon following after her as she ran towards Jace.
“Hey. So this is your hideout, huh?” Jace asked softly with a smirk.
“Well, you think the Clave is gonna look here?” Clary asked with a smirk of her own.
“Can we please focus on the matter at hand? Unless no one here cares that the Clave is planning on murdering Meliorn.” Izzy snapped tensely.
“What?” Clary asked, her eyes wide in shock. Jace nodded and crossed his arms.
“They think Meliorn has more information on Valentine and the attack than he’s saying.” He explained. Izzy set the duffel bag down.
“They’re taking him to the Silent Brothers.” She added.
“We have to stop them.” Clary said.
“Why do you think we’re here, Clarissa? That’s the plan. Rescue and recovery.” Alyssa said from where she stood beside Luke. Clary looked at her sister, thinking back to their last conversation.
“Alyssa, I…” The older sister raised up her hand and stopped her.
“Don’t. I don’t want to hear you apologize for something you’re definitely going to do again. It’s not your first time and I’m sure it won’t be your last so just…don’t. Let’s just focus on saving the ass that sold us out. No offence, Izzy.” Clary looked hurt by what she’d said but said nothing in return.
“None taken, Lyssa.” Izzy told the girl with a smile then turned serious again, going back to the topic of saving Meliorn. “We get him from the guards, in and out, no one gets hurt.”
“That’s debatable.” Alyssa muttered. Clary looked at the three Shadowhunters as if they’d gone insane.
“You want us to go up against the Silent Brothers and an elite Shadowhunter guard unit?” Clary asked.
“Without any backup?” Luke asked, incredulous.”
“That pretty much sums it up, yeah.” Jace said.
“Is Alec coming?” Clary asked. At this question, both Jace and Izzy looked down.
“Unless he’s the one leading the charge, no. Not this time.” Alyssa said.
“If they’re doing this to the Seelies, no Downworlder is safe.” Clary said. “But we can’t go alone, not if we don’t want to be detected.”
“My pack will track the unit, create a distraction.” Luke offered.
“As if there was any doubt. There’s no way you’d have let me do this on my own even if we didn’t need the extra help.” Alyssa said, grinning up at her father.
“You’re damn right, I wouldn’t.” Luke said, kissing the side of her head. The others watched them with a smile.
“I would suggest the vampires but I doubt they’ll cooperate.” Simon said.
“As much as I hate to agree with Simon, vamps aren’t exactly team players.” Jace added.
“Not with others, they aren’t. But I know my brother, with the right persuasion, he’ll fall in line.” Alyssa said with a smirk.
“Then let me talk to him. I think I can persuade him.” Clary said, confidently. Alyssa raised an eyebrow at her then gestured towards the door.
“Be my guest.”

Hotel Lobby

Some vampires were gathered with Raphael in the front while Jace, Izzy, Simon, Clary, Alyssa and Luke stood on the other side, facing them.
“We’re offering an alliance with the Seelies.” Clary started and then looked at Luke.
“And the werewolves.” He said with a sigh.
“Why would we believe you?” Raphael asked. “You killed our people. You violated our home.”
“Mmm…and why do you think they did that, hermano? Hmmm? Oh that’s right, you kidnapped a mundane and held him captive as a bargaining chip for some stupid artefact that only brings trouble to your doorstep.” Alyssa said, glaring Raphael down.
“That was me.” Simon said, comically raising up his hands.
“Luckily for you, you were just following that bitch, Camille’s orders, which more or less gives you some reprieve since you couldn’t exactly disobey her without, well, dying for what she’d have considered treason, I’m sure.” Alyssa said.
“Alyssa’s right. She violated the Accords. You’re a different kind of leader.” Clary said, pausing before she continued. “We’re a new generation of Shadowhunters, we believe everyone can be equal. But we have to work together to stop Valentine. And to ensure the Clave doesn’t repeat past mistakes. What do you say?”
Raphael looked behind him, at the group of vampires behind him, reading their faces then back at the group before them.
“This decision requires a consensus.” Raphael said.
“I vote yes.” Simon said, taking a few steps forwards.
“Well, well, well, baby’s first words.” Raphael said with a smirk. Alyssa narrowed her eyes at him, suspecting he was up to something.
“Don’t make me regret them.” Simon said, glaring at the vampire leader. Raphael looked at him, seeming to find something he wanted then turned back to Clary.
“If our newest member pledges his loyalty to his new leader and joins out clan, we’ll all stand beside you.” Raphael propositioned.
“Simon is not a pawn.” Clary said immediately.
“No, I’m not.” Simon said, looking at Clary then looked back at Raphael. “But I accept your deal.” Clary looked at him, shocked.
“Simon, what are you doing?” She asked.
“Whatever it takes to protect the Downworld. It’s my world now.” Simon said to her, his tone having a conviction to it. His acceptance pleased Raphael.
“Then we’re in.” He said.

Warehouse Building

The Shadowhunters led the two groups of Downworlders into an abandoned warehouse. Both Downworlder groups were led by their respective leaders. Clary looked around and inhaled sharply.
“This doesn’t look like the City of Bones.” She said.
“This is the Downworlders’ entrance.” Jace explained.
“The City of Bones had a service entrance. Perfect.” Clary said sarcastically.
“That’s one way to put it.” Alyssa muttered.
“Let’s hope I have better luck here than I did last time.” Simon said. Jace gave him a look. “I’m just saying.”
“I don’t even want to know.” Alyssa said, shaking her head.
“But you do know. You have my memories of that night, remember?” Jace said. Alyssa just shook her head at him and rolled her eyes playfully. They all came to a stop.
“Everyone knows what to do?” Clary asked.
“Text when you’re in position.” Jace said. Luke went to move when Raphael whistled making him stop.
“Stay.” Raphael said with a smirk. “Good dog.”
“You have got to be kidding me.” Alyssa muttered.
“Bite me.” Luke said, rolling his eyes.
“Roll over.” Raphael shot back.
“Play dead.” Luke snipped back.
“Boom!” Simon said then fist bumped Luke with a smirk. This earned Simon a glare from the vampires but they moved on. Then one of the wolves purposefully bumped into Simon making him stumble. The vampires moved to his side and hissed at the werewolves who growled back. Jace and Clary moved to stop them from fighting but neither side listened.
“THAT’S ENOUGH!!!” Alyssa yelled out, her voice deepening and becoming louder as a result of her wolf side coming into play. All the werewolves and vampires froze immediately and turned to see her eyes glowing a bright green and her lips in a snarl, her fangs displayed. She moved forward and grabbed the neck of the werewolf that had bumped into Simon, and with her strength, threw him to the ground, face down and placed her foot on his back. When he tried to get back up, she pushed him back down with her foot, pressing her heel down. “Make another move and I’ll break your spine.” She said threateningly. This stopped the werewolf’s struggling.
She looked back up to see the others looking at her in shock and awe. She retracted her fangs and turned her eyes back to normal but kept her glare on both species. “If you idiots are just going to have a go at each other like immature children, then you can get the hell out. We'll handle saving the Seelie ourselves. I’ve had enough of people making stupid decisions. All our lives are at stake and you can’t get past your egos to work together. It’s time to put aside your petty differences so we can work together. We’re all Downworlders tonight and I don’t want to see any of you picking a fight with the other just because they’re of a different species; unless you want to see me seriously pissed off. You can go right back to hating each other after this, I could care less but for tonight you will all work together. Is that understood?” She looked to Raphael, who nodded, then at her father, who also nodded. “Good. And Raphael?” The vampire looked at her and flinched at the glare in her eyes. “Make another dog joke like that and I’ll rip your throat out…” She bared her fangs at him. “…with my teeth, understood?” Raphael nodded at her, knowing she’d make good on that threat if he provoked her. “Now that that’s settled, let’s move out.”
The groups still remained looking at her. “Is there something on my face? Do I have horns growing from my head? No? Then, move out! Now!” She yelled. This got the groups moving. She lifted her foot off the wolf on the ground, who scrambled to get up and join his pack, glaring at her. She glared right back, making him flinch a little.
“You’re scary when you’re angry.” Simon remarked, eyeing the girl who just smirked at him. “I guess I should expect people to hate me for who I am now. I’ll get used to it.” He said with a sigh.
“Never get used to it. You hear me?” Clary said.
“Let’s do this.” Izzy said, nodding towards Simon before they both moved away.
“Simon is right, you are scary but you also look sexy when you’re angry.” Jace said, amusement lacing his voice. He wrapped his arms around her from behind.
“I have my moments.” She said, turning her head to look up at him with a smile then leaned in to kiss him.
“I’m still here, guys and we have an execution to stop.” Clary said, making the couple pull away.
“Duly noted, Clarissa.” Alyssa said then pecked Jace’s lips. “I’m gonna go with Izzy.” Jace nodded at her and pecked her lips again.
“Ok, stay safe.” Alyssa nodded then walked away to join Izzy. She found her just as she warned Raphael to remember not to hurt anyone. Raphael looked up as she walked over.
“Hermana, I thought you’d be with your boyfriend?” He asked.
“He and Clary can handle getting Meliorn, hermano. Besides, I’m needed here.”
“I see.” He said nothing else and went to stand in his position with Simon. Alyssa then turned to Izzy.
“You ready for this?” She asked her.
“Yeah. Here, I almost forgot.” Izzy then handed her a whip just like hers, in its bracelet form. “A year ago, Magnus and I planned to give this to you for your birthday but it wasn’t ready then and by the time it was, your birthday had already passed. I wanted to give it to you when I asked you to be my parabatai. I wish it wasn’t under these circumstance though.” Alyssa smiled and placed the bracelet on her arm,
“Better late than never. Thanks, Izzy. I’d be honored to be your parabatai. Let’s get through this and we’ll see about making it official.” Izzy smiled at her and nodded.
It took sometime but eventually, they heard footsteps. Alyssa’s breath caught when she took in a breath and caught Alec’s scent.
“Dammit.” She muttered then looked over to Izzy. “Alec’s here.” She whispered.
“No turning back now.” Izzy whispered back and Alyssa nodded, turning her focus back to the mission at hand.
Izzy pulled out her stele and hovered it over a smoke bomb, drawing a rune on it. Alyssa did same on a smoke bomb on her stele. Her ears perked up as she heard Alec speak.
I’ll take Meliorn inside. Just stay here. Nobody gets through.’ She heard two pairs of footsteps walking away then looked to Izzy and nodded. Izzy turned to Raphael and Simon and also nodded at them, giving them to signal. The two vampires rushed away to do their part. She and Alyssa then threw the smoke bombs under the truck they were behind. With that distraction and cover in place, she and Alyssa swung their whips in sync, each grabbing the ankle of a Shadowhunter then pulled them down to the ground, knocking them out. They then dragged them out of sight. Three vampires showed up and took care of the rest of the guard unit. With this taken care of, Alyssa, Izzy and the Downworlders left the location, to avoid being seen.

Hotel DuMort – Outside

Alyssa, Izzy and Meliorn were waiting for Jace and Clary to come outside. Meliorn and Izzy were kissing each other, while Alyssa just looked away, feeling happy for her friend. She looked up when she heard the backdoor opening and saw Jace and Clary stepping out of the hotel.
“Finally. Took you long enough to get out of there.” Jace grinned at her then he and Clary looked over at the couple kissing. Clary cleared her throat then Jace spoke up.
“I hate to break up this reunion, Izzy but we have to go.” Meliorn and Izzy pulled away then.
“You’re in good hands.” Izzy said to Meliorn who nodded. Izzy then turned to look at the other three. “I have to get back to the Institute, see what hell has broken loose. Try and talk some sense into Alec. Take care of him.”
“We will.” Clary said. Izzy and Meliorn kissed one more time before Izzy walked away, leaving. Meliorn looked at Alyssa and Clary.
“Isabelle told me it was your idea to rally the vampires and werewolves. That you spearheaded my rescue.” He said to them.
“Don’t give us too much credit. Isabelle made this happen. We just helped.” Clary said.
“She’s being modest.” Jace said. “You’re a Shadowhunter now.”
“I’ve been surprised by more than two Shadowhunters tonight. You risked everything to unite us.” Meliorn said. Jace gave him a look as he said this.
“Right after you tried to sell Clary and my girlfriend out.”
“Girlfriend?” Meliorn asked with a confused look. “Forgive me, but I thought you both shared a Shadowhunter soul bond.”
“How do you know about that?” Jace asked.
“He’s a Seelie. They can see stuff like our bond just like Warlocks. It has to do with their magic.”
“Exactly.” Meliorn agreed.
“Ok, but why are you surprised he called me his girlfriend? That is what I am.”
“You don’t know?” Meliorn said, confusing Alyssa, Jace and even Clary.
“Know what?” Jace asked.
“Your bond binds you together not just as soulmates but also, as husband and wife. The bond connects you in heart, mind and soul and to an extent in body as well.” Meliorn said, shocking the three young adults.
“What? Magnus didn’t tell us that.” Alyssa said. “Why would he keep that from us?”
“Maybe he didn’t want to put any pressure on you. Maybe he wanted you two to get used to your bond before telling you something like this. I mean you two only found out recently.” Clary suggested.
“What do you mean, they just found out recently?” Meliorn asked.
“It’s a long story. One, I’m sure, you might hear about later.” Alyssa said, running her hand across her forehead.
“Very well. You know, Alyssa Fairchild, my queen still wishes to see you and you have yet to honor her invitation.” Meliorn said. Alyssa raised an eyebrow.
“Well then she’s going to be waiting for a long time. I don’t trust your people, especially now after you tried to sell me and my sister out.” She said with a glare. Meliorn nodded.
“Not my finest moment. Which is why I’m offering you a gift…for your sacrifice.” He said then looked at Clary as he spoke again. “If you’re ready…I can help you find your father.”
The three Shadowhunters looked at the Seelie in shock and confusion.

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