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Same Evening
Institute – Main Office
Alyssa and Lydia were still lying unconscious in the office. The door to the office opened and Alec and Magnus entered to see the two women lying unconscious.
“Alyssa.” Both men rushed to the women, Magnus to Alyssa and Alec to Lydia. Alec immediately pulled out his stele and run it over Lydia’s Iratze rune on her arm while Magnus used his magic on Alyssa.
“You’re gonna be okay.” Alec murmured. Lydia woke up slightly and looked to where the Mortal Cup had been and spoke weakly.
“Hodge…” She groaned then slipped back unconscious. Alec just looked at her confused wondering what she was trying to tell him.
Main Room
Izzy was sitting at the computers while Jace and Clary stood behind her, all of them worried for Lydia and Alyssa but mostly for Alyssa. Jace looked pained, clenching and unclenching his fists. They all looked up when Alec walked over.
“How’s Lydia?” Clary asked.
“Better.” Alec replied, exhaling deeply. “Magnus is doing what he can to help her but…it’s bad.”
“And Alyssa?” Izzy asked.
“She’s also doing better. Her healing is kicking, from both her werewolf side and from her Iratze. Magnus also helped her with his magic so she’s doing better than Lydia. Magnus says she’ll be back on her feet sooner than we think. And the Cup is definitely missing.”
“So is Hodge.” Jace said, inhaling deeply and running his hand through his hair. He was barely holding up without Alyssa being around.
“Maybe he was attacked too.” Izzy said, turning to type on the keyboard and pull up the security cameras.
“Maybe he was the one who attacked them.” Clary suggested.
“Hodge? No way. We’ve known him our entire lives. He would never do that to us.” Izzy denied, looking for the right footage. She found it and clicked on it to replay. They saw Hodge throw Alyssa into the wall which made Clary gasp and Jace, Izzy and Alec flinch at the sight. Then they saw Hodge proceed to knock Lydia into the coffee table, knocking her out and then going for the cup. They saw that he turned to see Alyssa trying to sit up then he went over to her. She seemed to say something then Hodge threw her again into the wall on the side then he slammed her head against it, knocking her out. All of them felt an ache in their chests, watching Alyssa get hurt. They all had unshed tears in their eyes, only Jace had a few slipping from his eyes down his cheek. He clenched his fists tightly.
“I led him right to the cup…to Alyssa.” Jace said, his voice thick with pain. Alec placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
“We treated him like family. How could he do this to us?” Alec said, feeling angry. Izzy switched the footage to one in the infirmary, showing Hodge placing a ring onto his finger.
“That’s how. What is that ring?” Clary said.
“Looks like he’s talking to someone.” Izzy observed.
“And I can bet who it is.” Jace said angrily.
“Valentine.” Clary spat. They all watched Hodge turned his neck to side, exposing his circle rune before it disappeared.
“Well, that explains how he deactivated his Punishment rune, but it doesn’t explain where he got the ring.” Alec pointed out.
“You think someone smuggled it past the wards?” Clary asked thoughtfully.
“Maybe.” Jace said then turned to Alec, looking at him pointedly. “Hodge wasn’t the only ex-Circle member around here.”
“Look, I know I don’t always see eye to eye with my parents but they’re not traitors.” Izzy defended.
“Really? Isn’t that what you just said about Hodge?” Jace said, his anger getting the better of him. “It’d have to be someone we trusted, but if there was an intruder inside the Institute, we would have found them by now.”
“What about the Forsaken attack?” Clary suggested.
“No.” Alec denied, shaking his head. “We killed that thing and I didn’t see a ring.”
“He didn’t have one during the autopsy but…maybe there’s something in the footage.” Izzy said, pulling up the footages from that day and looking through them.
“Go to the other camera.” Alec said. Izzy did as told and displayed the footage from the training room that day. It showed Hodge taking the ring from the Forsaken’s body, trying to be discreet.
“There.” Jace pointed out. Izzy zoomed in and they saw Hodge taking the ring and putting it into his pocket.
“So it wasn’t a random attack.” Clary surmised.
“He was just a delivery boy.” Jace realized angrily.
“If he gives that Cup to Valentine, he’ll create an army of Shadowhunters. With that kind of power behind him, he’ll kill thousands.” Alec said.
“He’ll kill thousands just creating the army. Most mundanes won’t survive that.” Izzy added.
“We won’t let that happen.” Clary declared.
“I’m gonna make sure of it.” Jace said, a hard look in his eyes. He turned to leave but stopped when he saw something, or rather, someone walking over.
“I can’t believe that you guys are plotting justice without me.” The others turned at the voice to see Alyssa standing there with a smirk on her face. She was still in her dress from the wedding but she looked all healed up and fine.
“Alyssa.” Clary exclaimed then rushed to hug her sister. “We were so worried about you.” Alyssa chuckled and hugged her back.
“It’s gonna take more than a knock on the head to take me out of the game.” She said, pulling from the hug. Izzy was next to hug her.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in the infirmary right now? You’re supposed to be resting and healing.” Alec said, worry infusing his tone. Alyssa just chuckled at him.
“Don’t worry, big brother. I’m all healed up and Magnus gave me the all clear to go on a mission before leaving to his apartment.” Alec gave her a look of disbelief.
“Did he? Or did you disregard his advice to rest?” Izzy asked.
“Oh heavens, no. Even I have a line I do not cross with Magnus, especially when it comes to my health. Besides, if he didn’t give me the all clear, I wouldn’t be here right now. I’d be bound to the bed by his magic, only to be released when I’ve gotten the rest I would have needed. So don’t worry.” The Lightwood siblings and her sister still gave her disbelieving looks. “Oh my God, will you guys chill? I’m fine. No pain, no aches, no bruises, no bumps, I’m fine.”
“Alright. But any sign of pain or fatigue or whatever, I will put you to bed myself and lock you in your room without your stele.” Alec said. Alyssa rolled her eyes.
“Alright fine. Can I get my hug from you now?” Alec rolled his eyes playfully and pulled her into a one-armed hug. Alyssa pulled back to see that Jace was gone. Alec noticed her looking around for him.
“Go find him. You need to talk to him.” He said to her. Alyssa gave him a smile and hugged him once more before leaving to find Jace. She ended up at his room. Taking a deep breath, she entered the room without knocking. Jace turned immediately he heard her open the door. They both stared at each other as Alyssa closed the door behind her and walked away from it, taking hesitant steps and stopping when she was just three steps away from the door.
“Jace…” Whatever she’d been about to say got cut off as Jace moved to her and pulled her to him, hugging her tightly. Alyssa let out a breath and hugged him back just as tight, burying her face in the crook of his neck.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.” Jace whispered, repeating it over and over.
“It’s okay. I forgive you.” Alyssa said, pulling back to lean her forehead against his.
“No, it’s not okay. I shouldn’t have done what I did. I shouldn’t have pushed you away and shut you out.” Jace began to ramble but Alyssa cut him off, pressing her lips against his in a kiss which Jace wasted no time in responding to. They pulled away panting for breath after a few moments.
“Just don’t do it again, okay. I can’t handle it if…”
“I won’t. I promise I won’t.” Alyssa looked in his eyes for a while and nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck to hug him once again and Jace hugged back. While this was happening, they both unconsciously opened both their sides of the bond, allowing the other in. Both of them felt a sense of wholeness as they reunited, feeling revitalized. Jace sighed and pressed his lips to her temple. “When Alec told me what had happened, I got scared. I was afraid I was gonna lose you. Especially when I’d spent the last few days avoiding you and shutting you out. Seeing what Hodge did to you, it…”
“Shh, I’m still here. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” Alyssa pulled back but not from his arms and smirked up at him. “Besides, it’d take a lot more than that to put me down.” Jace chuckled at this and kissed her forehead.
“Yeah, you’re definitely fine.” Alyssa chuckled with him. “I’m gonna make him pay for ever laying his hands on you and for betraying us.”
“No.” Jace looked down at her and saw her eyes flash green in anger. “We’re going to make him pay for his betrayal and ever thinking to try and take me out.” Looking at the fury in her eyes, Jace almost felt sorry for Hodge, keyword being ‘almost’. But he held a similar fury towards the man he’d considered a mentor and as family and without a doubt, Hodge was definitely going to feel that fury from him and his wife.
Training Room
Jace and Alec were there, changed from their attire from the wedding into normal clothing, getting ready to leave. Jace grabbed Alec’s bow and handed it to him. Clary walked over to him, still unchanged from her dress.
“Jace, what are you doing?” She asked.
“Every second we waste here, Hodge gets closer to Valentine.” Jace said, grabbing his seraph blade.
“Hey, we’re a team, alright? I know you’re mad right now but Hodge could be dangerous.” Clary said.
“Three of us, one of him. Check the math…but I’m pretty sure he’s outnumbered. Way outnumbered.”
“Three of you?” Clary asked confused. Jace nodded and tossed a seraph blade to the side. Clary turned her head to see Alyssa catch the blade as she walked over.
She tucked the blade into a holster behind her. She then took her throwing knives and spikes sheaths from Jace, strapping them to her thighs.
“You didn’t think I was going to let him go alone, did you? Besides, if you think Hodge’s dangerous, then you’ve clearly forgotten how I can get when I’m extremely pissed off, Clary.”
“Ok, what is with you guys?”
“Clary, now is not the time for chit-chat. And Jace, if you start talking about how all this is your fault because you couldn’t kill Valentine, I will knock you over the head.” Alyssa said, pinning Jace with a look and making him lift up his hands in surrender. Alec looked like he was trying not to laugh at how Alyssa managed his parabatai.
“Jace, you can’t let your emotions cloud your judgment. Your words, remember?” Clary said to Jace. “When I first wanted to find my mom, I didn’t care about anyone else. But you were the one that taught me that it’s a world that’s bigger than us.” Alyssa raised an eyebrow at her after she finished speaking.
“Clary, don’t take what I’m about to say as offensive. I’m saying this as your big sister calling you out on your wrongs: you’re being a hypocrite. Why don’t you take the log out your eye, before you pick out the speck in someone else’s eye?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Clary asked defensively.
“It means you’re one to talk when it comes to seeing that the world is bigger than us. Just yesterday, because you were desperate to find a way to wake your mother, you forgot that a man had just died and you were ready to go through his things as if he was someone no one even cared about, forgetting that he was Magnus’ friend and that Magnus was distraught over his death. I’m not saying this to be spiteful, Clary. But you need to think before you make hypocritical statements. Make sure you’re not guilty of the very thing you’re trying to advise against because it makes your argument less strong.” Clary stared at her for a long minute before she nodded in acceptance. “Good. Now you should focus on waking your mother up.”
“Alyssa’s right. She was his prisoner and his wife. If anyone can stop him, she can.” Jace said, making Alyssa side-eye him.
“Doubt it. However, like Jace said, she was his prisoner. Even in her comatose state, she might have heard something that we may be able to use against that bastard. After all, if I remember correctly, auditory senses are always to last to fade when a person is unconscious. For some, especially those in coma, those senses remain active.” Alyssa said. She looked up from fitting her fingerless gloves to see three pairs of eyes on her. “What?”
“How do you know that?” Jace asked. She rolled her eyes.
“Just because I’m a Shadowhunter doesn’t mean I didn’t get an education. I took some online classes while I was staying with Magnus. And I had a lot of time on my hands so I took most of the pre-med courses and I have a degree in each of them. I just didn’t apply for MCATs.”
“What other surprises do you have for us, academically?” Alec asked.
“I took a brief course in Forensic Science.” The three stared at her. “Ok, enough about me. Can we focus on the tasks at hand, please?”
“We’re coming back to this.” Jace said.
“Sure. Can we get going now? For all we know, we might already be too late to find Hodge.” This brought back the somber and angry atmosphere. “Clary, just concentrate on waking Jocelyn. As for us, we have a certain traitorous bastard to find.” Alyssa said, then walked out with Jace and Alec on her tail.
“Jace, how are we gonna find Hodge? He didn’t leave anything we can track.” Alec said as Alyssa took out her phone and gave it to Jace who immediately began to dial a number. “I might be able to ask Magnus for help.”
“Big brother, you need to stop thinking with your stele. And I think Magnus could use the break from Shadowhunter business at the moment.” Alyssa said, turning to look at Jace who nodded at her and placed the phone to his ear. “Besides there’s more than one way to track and luckily for us, my dad has a bunch of friends who are excellent in one such way. As am I.” She continued then glowed her eyes at Alec with a smirk giving him a hint as to what she was saying. Jace joined them then, nodding to answer Alyssa’s silent question before the three of them headed out.
Subway Station
Hodge walked through the station then came to a stop when he spots a wolf looking around and towards where he’s standing. He pokes his head round the wall he’s hidden behind, looking towards the wolf. A wolf howl is heard in the distance and the wolf howls back, running off as several more howls are heard. Hodge lets out a sigh of relief, thinking he’s safe then inches back, trying to slowly walk away. He’s suddenly pulled back by someone and slammed into the wall behind him. He looks up to see Jace glaring angrily at him.
“Where is it?” Jace growls.
“Jace…I’m afraid you’re too late. Valentine already has the Cup.” Jace looks at him in shock and looks down. Taking advantage of Jace’s shock, Hodge shoves him backward making Jace almost stumble. But Jace recovers immediately and throws a punch towards the older man which he dodges. Hodge grabs Jace and throws him to the wall but Jace quickly pushes against the wall with his legs and flips over Hodge, throwing him instead into the wall.”
“How could you?!” Jace asked angrily as they began to circle each other.
“It was the only way to earn my freedom. I’d been caged long enough.” Hodge replied, panting.
“Caged?” Jace repeated. “You were our teacher. We treated you like family. We loved you!”
“Family? Family?” Hodge asked incredulously. “The Lightwoods cut a deal, Jace, to have me punished for crimes that they themselves committed. Don’t you see? I was their prisoner. And besides…” Hodge stopped moving, a confident look taking over his features. “…let’s be real for a moment. You can’t win.” He chuckled softly. “I taught you everything you know.” He said, pulling out his chakrams. Jace pulled out his own weapon, a short staff from which two blades appeared on each end.
“Not everything, Hodge.” Hodge tilted his head, nodding slightly as if acknowledging the statement. A light smirk then came on Jace’s features, confusing the man. “Not to mention, you made a huge mistake. You hurt my wife.” This further confused Hodge. “And you managed to piss her off.” Before Hodge could try to understand, a spike was thrown into his shoulder, making him cry out in pain, before a whip wrapped around his waist and tossed him into a wall behind him, slamming his back into it. Hodge let out a grunt of pain as the spike was pushed deeper through his shoulder. He glanced down at the spike and pulled it out, tossing it to the ground then looked up to see Alyssa standing beside Jace with her whip in hand and a glare set on her face towards him. A look of surprise came on Hodge’s face at the sight of the older Fairchild girl.
“Did you really think what you did was gonna keep me down and out of the game enough for you to escape, Hodge?” Hodge pushed himself off the wall, walking forward a bit and stopping a few feet from the couple. Alyssa’s whip transformed back into the bracelet on her forearm. “Oh, I’m sorry. All you did is give me a headache that just pissed me off.”
“You’re Jace’s wife? And how are you all healed? You were unconscious and bleeding badly when I left you in that office.” Alyssa gave a devilish smirk at the question. Hodge grew uneasy at the smirk as he and the couple began to circle each other.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Alyssa said, still smirking as she pulled out her seraph blade and glowed her eyes at the man, shocking him.
Taking advantage of his shock, Alyssa moved quickly to kick him back. Jace then rushed towards him with the bladed staff, raising one end to strike him but Hodge had recovered enough and blocked the move. He and Jace exchanged blows and strikes which the other easily dodged or blocked. Jace then hit Hodge in the stomach, catching him off guard. Alyssa rushed into the fray then, jumping up over Jace and kicking Hodge across the face then hitting him on the side, making him move backward. Hodge looked up to see Jace rush over again with his staff. Hodge then hit Jace’s staff away, dropping one of his chakrams. Alyssa moved in and punched Hodge in the stomach. Hodge tried to hit her with his remaining chakram but Alyssa caught his arm and punched him in the face twice then head-butted him making him stumble back. Hodge then flipped back and away from her to create some distance but Jace immediately closed that distance, rushing after him with his blade and trying to strike him. Alyssa followed same and began to strike as well, leaving Hodge to defend against both of them with his remaining chakram. Alyssa jumped up and kicked him. Jace punched him three times across the face before finally, Alyssa put him on his back, swiping his feet from under him with a sweep kick. Then in pure anger, Jace swiped his blade and cut off his hand with the chakram with a yell, making Hodge scream out in pain. Jace then raised his blade to kill him but Alec ran in and tackled him to the ground. Still angry and feeling Jace’s anger as well, Alyssa flicked out her claws, her fangs growing out then she moved to pounce on Hodge but luckily for Hodge, Luke appeared right then and restrained her, holding her by the arms from behind. Alyssa snarled and growled at him.
“Hey, hey, hey. Calm down, baby girl.” Luke said. Hearing her father’s voice, Alyssa calmed down slightly though she still snarled and struggled against him. With Jace and Alec, Alec was trying to calm his parabatai down, holding him to the ground.
“You nearly killed him.” Alec yelled.
“Maybe I should have killed him.” Jace yelled back. “He sided with Valentine. The Clave let him go once before and look where that got us.”
“What are you gonna do? You’re gonna kill every ex-Circle member, even our parents? Even your wife’s dad?” Alec questioned
“Robert and Maryse are not my parents.” Jace said, breathing heavily.
“You said it yourself. They raised you. They are your parents.” Jace calmed down at that, laying his head on the ground, panting. “Just calm down. Your anger is setting Alyssa off.” They both looked over to see Luke still trying to calm Alyssa down and having little success. They both got up and run over, Jace taking Alyssa into his arms and making her calm instantly. She breathed heavily into Jace’s chest and leaned into him.
“I’ve never seen her lose control like that. Not even on her first full moon as an adult.” Luke said, looking at them worriedly.
“Jace’s anger was fueling her own.” Alec supplied for him, making him nod in understanding. Alyssa pulled away from Jace and looked towards Luke.
“Hey, daddy. I’m sorry I lost control like that.” Luke shook his head and hugged her.
“It’s okay, baby. It happens even to the best of us.” He then moved towards Hodge and dragged him by his jacket. “There’s a dungeon in Idris with your name written all over it.” Alec walked over and run his stele over Hodge’s healing rune, making him scream out in pain. Neither they nor Alyssa noticed Jace grabbing the ring off the finger on Hodge’s cut off hand and moving slightly away.
Sometime later, Hodge was propped against a wall with his cut arm wrapped and in complete, utter pain. Jace and Alec stood near him, watching over him while Luke stood to the side on the phone, with Alyssa by him, not wanting her anywhere near Hodge, more for his safety that hers.
‘Alaric, we’ve got Hodge. Call off the rest of the pack. We’re gonna need a pickup……’ Alec walked over to them. ‘We’re at the subway station near Bergen…Yeah. I’ll see you in five.’
Luke hung up then looked to Alec. “How’s Hodge doing?”
“He’ll live.” Alec said.
“Which he should be thankful to the both of you for.” Alyssa muttered. Luke nudged her. “What? He got what he deserved.”
“While I agree with that since he hurt you…it’s Jace I’m worried about.” Alec said. “Valentine really messed with his head.” Alyssa rolled her eyes at this but kept quiet.
“What, at Renwick’s?” Luke asked, his brows furrowing.
“Yeah.” Alec said, placing his hands in his jacket pockets. “He went through a lot recently. I thought we had settled it but something’s killing him inside. I don’t know what it is.”
“This is all too familiar.” Luke said, inhaling sharply. “I saw a similar thing with Valentine 18 years ago.”
“That’s not the same thing.” Alyssa said. Alec and Luke looked at her. “That thing that’s killing him inside, it’s called guilt and insecurity. He feels guilty that he couldn’t kill Valentine and end it once and for all when he had the chance and then Lydia and I got hurt by Hodge who gave the Cup to Valentine. Then there’s the fact that he’d played Jace, pretending to be his father. Jace thinks because he was raised by Valentine and not his father, there’s a darkness inside him. He is not Valentine, Dad.”
“Not yet.” Luke said back.
“And he never will be. Valentine is a sociopathic psycho and everything that Jace is not.” Alyssa defended.
“Point is, we gotta keep an eye on him.” Luke said, looking at Alyssa firmly. Alyssa rolled her eyes but nodded at him. Alec nodded too.
“Alright.” Alec agreed. Luke then glanced behind Alec, towards where Jace and Hodge were.
“Where’d they go?” He questioned, confused.
“What do you mean?” Alec asked, both he and Alyssa looking confused as they turned around to see Hodge and Jace no longer where they were.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Alyssa growled as Alec and Luke exchanged a look, all walking forward.
Alyssa paced back and forth as Alec tried to call Jace. Once again, Jace had shut down his side of the bond and it had Alyssa worried. After a few tries, he finally picked up.
“Where the hell are you?” Alec questioned immediately drawing Alyssa over, as he put the phone on speaker.
“I’m going after Valentine. You and Alyssa go help Clary.”
“You are doing what?!” Alyssa demanded, making Jace wince on the other side of the line.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me. Are you stupid or are you making an extra effort to be today?” Alyssa said angrily.
“You’re acting crazy. Alright? Whatever Valentine’s telling you, it’s not true.” Alec added in.
“That’s just it, Alec. It is true. Valentine pretended to be my father-he taught me to fight, not to be weak.”
“That doesn’t make him your father, Jace. He is not your father. Don’t let him have a hold on you over this. We’re supposed to be a team. We’re supposed to be in this together, Jace. Going after him isn’t going to prove that you’re not as weak as he said you are, because you are not weak.” Alyssa said.
“Alyssa’s right. You can’t let him control you like this. This isn’t you.” Alec argued.
“It is me. It’s always been me. He raised me to be a killer. Now I’m gonna make him regret it.”
“Jace, please don’t-” Alyssa began to plead but he cut her off.
“Go help Clary. She needs you.”
“No. You don’t have to do this. Alright? You’re not a--” Jace hung up before Alec could finish. “Jace?” Alec looked down at the phone with a sigh then at Alyssa.
“Let’s go.” Alyssa said. Alec nodded and together they left.
Magnus’ Apartment
Alyssa and Alec walked into Magnus’ apartment along with Izzy, coming upon the scene of Camille with her lips locked with Magnus. Magnus pushes her away and looked towards them.
“Well, this is awkward.” Alyssa moved quicker than anyone could see and grabbed Camille by the neck, slamming her back into a pillar. Camille tried to free herself but Alyssa just gripped her throat tighter and pressed her against the wall harder.
“Ah, ah, ah. Try it and one of my poisonous spikes goes into your heart. It won’t kill you right away but you will still die. Now I’ve had a crappy day so I’m gonna ask this once. Where’s the book?”
“It’s complicated.” Magnus said, exhaling and chuckling nervously.
“Clearly.” Alec said sarcastically, causing Magnus’ face to fall.
“I have it.” Camille said, smirking down at Alyssa
“And she’s graciously offered it in exchange for her freedom.” Magnus said, holding a finger up.
“Has she now?” Alyssa mocked.
“And her freedom requires a lip lock?” Izzy asked, annoyed, looking at Magnus. Magnus held up a finger again, looking at Izzy. Alec then looked at Camille.
“We don’t negotiate with prisoners.” He said.
“Prisoner?” Camille repeated. “I beg to disagree. You see I’m your only chance at saving the world.” Magnus twirled his hand at his temple to indicate that she was crazy. “You need me.” Camille said, feeling smug as if she held all the cards
“Do we?” Alyssa smirked. “Oh Camille, if I recall correctly Valentine’s desire for the Mortal Cup was to make more Shadowhunters, loyal to him and with a severe hatred of Downworlders such as yourself. What do you think he’s going to do when he gets his army? Oh yes, that’s right, he’s going to murder Downworlders, like you. If anything you need us to save your ass. So, if I were you, I wouldn’t be so cocky thinking you hold all the cards. There are several ways to skin a cat and several ways to find an item. We can get rid of you if we so please just to be done with you. Is that clear?” Camille grudgingly nodded, defeated as she glared at Alyssa. “Good.” Alyssa released her grip and turned to walk away but then stopped as if she’d remembered something. “Oh and one more thing.” She quickly turned and before Camille could react, punched her across the face with enough force to send her to the ground. Magnus and Alec watched on with wide eyes while Izzy just smirked. “That was for both of my big brothers. Mess with either of them and you won’t be alive by the next sunrise.” She then looked up at Magnus. “Where’s Clary?” Magnus pointed behind him. Alyssa nodded at Alec and Izzy and the three of them walked away, with Izzy throwing a glare at Camille as she walked past her. They found Clary and Simon sitting on the bed in Alyssa’s room. They looked up at when the trio entered.
“Alyssa, Alec, did you find Hodge?” Clary asked, standing up. Alec exhaled at the question.
“Yeah but…Valentine has the Cup.” Clary’s eyes widened.
“What? We’re too late.” She said, looking back at Simon who got up. She then looked back at Alec noticing the absence of one person. “Where’s Jace? Is he okay?”
“He’s fine. He just decided to go on an adventure to prove himself to be a big strong man who isn’t weak in any way.” Alyssa said, confusing Clary and Simon before she walked out of the room. Alec sighed and rubbed his hand over his face.
“Alec, what is she…”
“Jace went after Valentine by himself. It’s like he’s totally lost it. We tried to stop him but he wouldn’t listen. And Alyssa’s not taking it well. She, herself, is not okay. Not since we found Hodge.”
“What do you mean?” Izzy asked.
“She and Jace found him first and she lost control and almost tore him apart after I stopped Jace from trying to kill him. Luke had to hold her back until Jace calmed her down.”
“But Alyssa’s never lost control.” Izzy pointed out.
“Well she’s married and bonded to our brother who has a very vicious temper when provoked which adds to her own vicious temper since they can share emotions.” Alec said by way of explaining, which Izzy understood.
“Oh my God, we have to find Jace. He’s in a dark place. We don’t know what he’s gonna do.”
“Slow down, short stack.” Alyssa said, coming back into the room with a bottle of water “Jace is a big boy, he can take care of himself out there. Besides, my dad is out there looking for him.”
“Jace wants us to stay on mission. That means we have to find the book.” Alec added in.
“He’s right.” Simon agreed. “We have to wake up your mom.”
“It’s our only way to stop Valentine.” Clary said resignedly.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Alyssa muttered right before Camille walked in with a sheet of paper smiling as she walked towards Simon.
“Ready to sign?” She asked.
“Hold it there, bitch. You’re not getting your pardon yet. Take us to your apartment, give us the book or at least show us where it is, then Simon will sign. Isn’t that right?” Alyssa said. Simon cottoned onto what she was trying to do.
“Yeah, that’s right.” Simon said. Camille looked at each and every one of them in the room then back at Simon, still smiling but this time her smile was false.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She said. Alyssa smirked at her.
“Good. Let’s go then.” Alyssa said, walking out.
Camille’s Apartment – Hallway
The group, including Magnus, got off the elevator and followed Camille into the library. Alec looked around in awe.
“Wow. You’ve got a lot of books.” He commented.
“I’ve got a lot of time on my hands.” Camille replied. A man walked towards them and spoke to Camille.
“Welcome home, Madame Belcourt.”
“This place creeps me out.” Izzy said, looking around.
“Yeah.” Alec agreed. “Let’s check the perimeter.”
“Good idea. If I know Camille, she’ll have a trick up her sleeve.” Magnus said, leaving with Izzy and Alec. Alyssa looked around, feeling uneasy. She followed after Clary, Simon and Camille but barely paid attention to what they were saying. She faintly heard Camille saying she didn’t know where the book was and snapped back into focus.
“Dot gave it to you though.” Clary said, looking annoyed.
“I’m sure it’s here somewhere. But if the idea was to hide it, telling me would defeat the purpose. Dot must have put it somewhere when I wasn’t looking. But I’d start now. I’ve got four more rooms just like this own.” Just then Alyssa’s phone rang. She looked down at it to see that it was Jace calling and moved away from them to answer the call.
“I am going to kill you for…”
“Where are you?” Jace asked cutting here off.
“We’re at Camille’s apartment. Upper East Side, Alucard building, 13th floor. Why?”
“You need to…”Before Alyssa could hear what Jace had to say, the phone was suddenly pulled from her hands. She was about to turn and yell at whoever had taken her phone when a blade appeared at her throat.
“Hello, Alyssa.” A cold voice whispered into her ear. Alyssa froze up, having a feeling as to who it was but hoping she was wrong. “I’ve been wanting to see you for a very long time since your mother took you and your sister away from me.” Just then, Izzy, Clary and Simon ran in, coming to a stop when they see Valentine holding a blade to Alyssa’s throat. “Clarissa. So good to see you again.” Circle members immediately restrained Izzy and Simon. “Where’s Jonathan?”
“You think I’d tell you?” Clary spit out.
“You won’t have to.” Valentine said. Alyssa decided to take action then. While Valentine had been talking, she’d discretely reached for one of her spikes. She stabbed it into his thigh, surprising him and making his grip loosen so she could spin out of it and pull out her own blade. Valentine let out a laugh and pulled out the spike, tossing away. “I’ve heard about your fighting capabilities. Come on, show me what you got.” Alyssa growled and moved swinging her blade at him with him dodging and blocking each strike with ease. He kept smirking at her. The others watched helplessly. Alyssa finally jumped up and kicked Valentine away from her, kicking away his blade in the process. But almost unfazed, Valentine pulled out another blade and held it in front of him, still smirking. Alyssa just glared at him. “I’m impressed, I admit. Your fighting prowess is just as impressive as I’ve been told. But you should know, I never carry just one blade.”
“Neither do I.” Alyssa snarled then quickly threw 3 of her knives at him. Valentine expertly hit each of them away but in his distraction, he missed a fourth and fifth knife that Alyssa threw immediately after the first three. They hit him in the shoulder and upper arm and made him stumble back slightly. He looked down at them then at her in surprise. “I’m smarter than I look.” Valentine scowled at her and pulled out the knives.
“That you are. You also have your mother’s bravery.” He began to move towards her but Jace ran in at that exact moment.
“Stop! Don’t touch her!” Jace said, stepping in front of Alyssa slightly, holding his blade. “This time you’re not getting away.”
“Finally ready to kill the man who raised you?” Valentine asked, stretching his arms open, goading Jace.
“You abandoned me.” Jace said, his voice low.
“I was protecting you. You weren’t ready then, but you’ve grown. You’ve become the warrior I’ve trained you to be.”
“You trained me well.” Jace said.
“And yet I still have so much to teach you.” As this exchange was going on, one of Valentine’s men walked over to Alyssa and tried to restrain her, making her drop her blade. Alyssa struggled until another placed his blade at her throat. “I brought you here for a reason. Fight me and watch your friends…” Two Circle members walked in with Alec and Magnus, holding blades to their throats. “…and your wife die.” At this, Jace and Alyssa looked at Valentine, surprised. “Ah, yes. I know about your soul bond. It’s amazing how you turned out to be bonded to the daughter of my traitorous former parabatai.”
“You’re the one who betrayed him, not the other way round.” Alyssa growled, struggling to free herself again. Valentine ignored her and spoke to Jace.
“See, you are strong, but they…make you weak.”
‘Jace, don’t listen to him.’ Alyssa thought to Jace through their bond.
“Let us go.” Clary said, bringing Valentine’s attention to her. “You can have the book. We won’t be able to stop you without it.” Valentine smiled and took a step towards her.
“Ah, Clarissa. So like your mother. Willing to do anything for those that you love. I’m touched but…the book was never part of my plan. I want you to wake your mother. I know that you all, including Alyssa even though she is not my daughter, will join me eventually. It’s fated.”
“You are really delusional if you think we’ll ever join you, you son of a bitch.” Alyssa growled out, glaring heatedly at Valentine. Valentine eyed her.
“Oh you will and especially, you.” He said, then turned to Jace. “You ready?” Jace hesitated, letting his guard down as he looked at each and every one of his loved ones, his gaze lingering on Alyssa, who pleaded with him with her eyes.
“If I go with you…promise me you won’t hurt them.” Alyssa’s eyes widened and she began to struggle against her captors even more.
“No, Jace, no.”
“You have my word.” Valentine said.
“This is insane.” Clary protested.
“No, Jace, please.” Alyssa pleaded, holding Jace’s eyes with her own. “Please, don’t.”
“I’m sorry.” Jace said sadly.
“Jace, what are you doing? You can’t be serious.” Clary said. Jace looked over at her. “Valentine is wrong. You’re not like him. I’m not. You’re not.”
“You don’t know that, Clary. You don’t know that.” Jace said shaking his head.
“I do! I know you. We all do, Jace. Please, don’t do this.” Alyssa said, tears pooling in her eyes and threatening to fall. “Don’t let him turn you into someone you’re not.”
“Let them go.” Valentine told his men. The Shadowhunters did as ordered and moved towards the portal that had opened behind him. Izzy, Magnus and Alec stepped towards Jace, to try and stop him. Jace immediately held up his blade, wielding it defensively.
“Get back, get back! Alec, I mean it.” He yelled.
“Jace, please.” Alyssa pleaded once again, her tears falling now as she tried to step forward. Jace looked at her sadly and inched towards Valentine.
“I have to, Alyssa. I’m sorry.” Alyssa shook her head. Valentine grabbed his arm pulling him toward the portal. Jace stopped briefly and turned to face Alyssa once again.
“Alyssa, I…” He didn’t get to finish his sentence as Valentine pulled him through portal at that moment.
“No, Jace!” Alyssa screamed out in anguish. She looked ready to follow him through the portal, but someone held her back. “Let me go, Alec. We have to get him back.” Alyssa struggled against Alec. Alec had read her body language and intentions and caught her before she could act on them.
“I’m sorry, Lys. You know what would happen if you went through the portal, not knowing where you were going. You’d be stuck in limbo forever.” Alec said, holding onto her tightly, amidst her struggles. Alyssa watched as the portal finally disappeared and with it, the strength to hold herself up any longer. She sank to her knees in defeat, bringing Alec down with her as her whole body became numb with her anguish at losing Jace, her eyes becoming dead as she stared blankly at the place where the portal had been. Alec brought her against him and hugged her tightly, trying to comfort her. Izzy looked down at her sadly and went to her knees as well placing her hand on the girl’s back and putting the other hand on her shoulder. “I can’t feel him. He’s gone.” Alyssa whispered sadly and silently broke down, clutching onto Alec.
Institute – Main Room
The group was walked in and watched as Hodge was dragged away by two guards. They all glared at him as he was being led out, all except for Alyssa. Her expression was blank as she leaned against Alec. Alec shared a look with Izzy then both of them led her away.
“At least we got Hodge, right?” Simon said. He turned to look at Clary when she said nothing. “Clary?”
“We have to find Jace.” Clary said, looking at Simon. “He thinks Valentine did something to him. Raised him to be evil but…He’s good. He…Alyssa needs him.” Simon nodded and reassured her that they were going to get him back, encouraging her not to lose hope.
Jace’s room
Alyssa had asked to be left alone for the moment. She sat down on the bed, taking off her shoes. She leaned against the headboard and picked up one of Jace’s jackets that was on the bed. She held it up to her face sadly, breathing in Jace’s scent which calmed her yet made her even sadder. Her inability to sense Jace through their bond wasn’t helping matters either. She leaned her head back against the wall, closing her eyes and making a few tears slip from her eyes, down her cheeks at the feeling of emptiness in her. She stayed that way for a long while, replaying the events of the last few hours.
Her eyes snapped open when she heard the door being clicked open. She tilted her head slightly towards it, expecting it to be Alec or Izzy or even Clary. She was however surprised to see who it rather was, making her sit up. It was Jocelyn, staring at her sympathetically.
“What are you doing here?” Alyssa questioned in an emotionless tone, her eyes turning cold at the sight of the woman who called herself her mother.
“Alyssa.” Jocelyn said, taking a hesitant step forward, away from the doorway. “Clary told me you were here. She told me what happened.”
“I’m gonna ask again, what are you doing here?”
“I just…I just wanted to see if you’re okay. I came to check to see if you…” Jocelyn said awkwardly.
“You came to see if I was okay?” Alyssa repeated, standing up from the bed.
“I know, it’s not easy and…”
“You came to check on me and see if I’m alright? As if you’re my mother who cares so much.” Jocelyn winced.
“As if you’ve always cared about me and if I was doing fine or not. As if you never abandoned and left me to take care of myself.”
“Alyssa, please just let me explain.”
“Explain what, Jocelyn? How you wanted to free yourself of me so you could focus on protecting just Clary?”
“Alyssa, it wasn’t like that. If you just let me…”
“You said you wanted to see if I was okay. Well, clearly I am not and the last thing I need right now is you being here so get out.” Jocelyn opened her mouth to speak again but Alyssa wouldn’t let her. “I said, get out.” Clary chose that moment to walk in.
“Mom, Alyssa.” Alyssa snapped her eyes towards her.
“You told her I was here? You told her to come here.” Alyssa asked.
“Well, yeah, I was filling her in and I thought maybe you needed her, after everything.”
“Are you serious right now?” Alyssa said. “I just lost Jace to that madman who thinks of himself as your father and seems to think he’s doing the world a favor. And you, in all your wisdom, thought I need the woman who abandoned me without a second thought, to comfort me. Clary, are you serious right now? Again, I just lost Jace, my husband, the man I love, and you think I’m ready to deal with her right now.”
“Alyssa…” Jocelyn tried to say.
“Did you think because my emotions are all over the place I would forget everything she did and just welcome her presence with open arms?”
“Alyssa, why don’t you just hear her out? Maybe…”
“Maybe nothing, Clarissa! I don’t need to hear anything from her. I don’t need her. I don’t need her comfort or flimsy explanation for anything. I don’t want to hear anything from her. As far as I’m concerned, she’s just your mother and no one to me.” Jocelyn gasped at these words.
“Alyssa, please.”
“The only reason I’m using her name is because I can’t use my dad’s at the moment and also because of you. I want nothing to do with Jocelyn Fairchild.” Silence reigned after this declaration as Clary and Jocelyn stared at her, mouth open in shock at her words. “Both of you, get out.” Alec and Luke entered the room at that moment, having heard Alyssa’s voice from across the hallway.
“What’s going on here?” Alec said, moving to stand by Alyssa.
“Jocelyn, what are you doing here?” Luke asked.
“I…I…” Jocelyn stuttered. Luke then turned to Clary.
“I was just…I didn’t…” Clary also stuttered.
“I believe I made it clear when I told you both to leave.” Alyssa said. “Do so before I do something I might not regret.” Luke immediately recognized the signs of an impending outburst.
“Sweetheart, calm down. Okay? Don’t lose control.” He said, taking her face in his hands as her eyes began to shift colors.
“Tell them to get out, Dad. Tell them to leave.” Luke nodded and looked to Alec, giving him a silent message. He then ushered both Jocelyn and Clary out. Alyssa sat back down on the bed once the door closed behind them, her body racking with sobs, as she broke down again and cried. Alec sat down beside her and took her into his arms. Alyssa immediately wrapped her arms around him and cried into him.
Outside the room, Luke led mother and daughter down the hallway, away from the room.
“Luke, I need to talk to her. I need to…” Jocelyn tried to say, coming to a stop. Clary continued on, leaving the two adults to talk.
“You need to stay away from Alyssa right now.” Luke interjected.
“What? Luke…”
“I mean it, Jocelyn. If you go near her in the state that she’s in right now, you’re only going to get hurt. Her emotions aren’t stable and she could shift out of control at any moment.”
“Shift?” Jocelyn asked, confused.
“Yes, shift. Or did you suddenly that Alyssa is also part wolf?” Luke asked, a hard edge to his tone. Jocelyn paled at the reminder.
“Until Jace returns, stay clear of Alyssa. She still hasn’t forgotten or forgiven what you did. And with the way things are, I don’t think she ever will.” Jocelyn looked down at Luke’s words.
Back in the room, Alyssa had cried herself to sleep. She was still in Alec’s arms since she refused to let go of him. Any attempt to shift her to lie fully on the bed proved futile as she only tightened her grip. Alec resorted to laying on the bed with her on his chest, as he stroked her hair with his arm around her. He’s taken off his shoes and jacket, to get comfortable.
He looked up when he heard the door open and saw Izzy entering quietly.
“How is she?” She asked, keeping her voice down.
“She cried herself to sleep. She’s not so good right now. Jocelyn came here and she almost lost control.”
“How did Jocelyn even know she was here in the Institute and in Jace’s room?” Alec looked up at her and gave her a one word answer.
“Clary.” Izzy sighed.
“We have to find Jace. Not just to free him from Valentine but for her and for you. You both need him.”
“And we will find him. No matter how long or what it takes. We will bring him home.” Alec said with conviction, sharing a determined look with his sister.

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