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Hi everyone!

Part one of Her Unholy Desires is complete.

I'm so excited to announce that Her Unholy Desires has been bought by GoodNovel they offered me an exclusive contract to sign and I accepted it.

Wattpad is my home and without it, I wouldn't have reached this far with my writing career. I appreciate you guys for supporting me and always sticking by my side.

Now if have any questions you can message me privately. I'm not sure but I have mixed plans with Her Unholy Desires. I am fond of the plot and want to take it to the next level but I'll see how things go in the future.

Part two of Her Unholy Desires will be published on GoodNovel by next week I'll be taking down most of the book and only leaving 5 chapters to read.

If you're not don't want to continue the story on GoodNovel then you can sign up on my Patreon where an exclusive well improved Her Unholy Desires will be uploaded! 

The link is or you can find it in my author's description. 

On my Pateron you will have access to a fully edited completely different  version of the story so it will be different, have more tension and flow a lot better. 

For those who were expecting to read Her Unholy Desires on Wattpad, I am so sorry that I am taking it down all of a sudden but this is the next step for me and proceeding with my writing.

I love you guys and thank you for always supporting me.

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