Safer With Him

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I had awoken from the sleep that had withheld me after the late night into early morning tragedy that had happened, the light went into my eyes as they cracked open, and for a minute I had forgotten where I was, but then it hit me. I sat up in bed gathering my thoughts, then I saw my bags in the room, my stuff had already been brought from my motel room. I chose that motel so I could spy on a client, on Camila's orders of course.

I looked through my bags for a fresh set of closes, I pulled out a Black shirt with a pair of jeans and low-heeled boots. I went into the bathroom and looked at my face in the mirror, I gently washed the dried blood off of my face, one wrong move and the cuts would break back open.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, there stood James smoking a cigarette and reading the newspaper. "Hey," I said softly, he then looked my way. "'re bleeding" I touched my face then pulled my finger away, and sure enough, there was blood. he walked over to me "sit, let me take care of it" he said, I nodded and sat on a chair by the counter. He went into one of the Cabinets and brought out a small bottle of rubbing alcohol and two small hand towels. By that time the blood was starting to run down my face.

James took one of the towels and gently wiped the blood off of my face, after that he took the second one and poured the rubbing alcohol then gently pressed it to the cut with one hand while the other gently held the other side of my face making sure I stayed still.

After disinfecting the cut he stuck a small bandage that would hold it closed, he then discarded the towels and looked back at me "that should hold it for a while" he assured me. "Thank you" I replied. He nodded.

"Are you ready to start the day?" He asked me, I looked at him "yeah, what do you have planned?" I questioned curiously. "Well, the first thing is, we're getting lunch then we figure it out from there alright?", "Okay," I said with a half smile. "There's that smile of yours," he said softly before grabbing his keys to his car "let's go", I nodded and followed him out to the car.

We both got into the car, James then drove to one of our favorite places to have lunch, we would usually do it a few times a week while we were working, other nights we would wait until after work and then would grab a beer or two. In those days I didn't have to worry about Nick, half the time he would be on the couch high as a kite anyway.

He pulled up into a parking spot and we walked inside the place, we sat down and ordered our food, and talked while we were waiting.

A half-hour later we finished eating, paid the check, and left to continue on the day, that's when James's phone rang. He picked it up hearing whoever was on the other end speak, I stood not far from him at that moment. he had exchanged a few words before hanging up.

"Who was it?" I asked, he looked at me "Camila, looks like we get to come into the warehouse today" he answered. I was puzzled for the moment being, "did she say why?" I questioned. He shook his head. "Well let's go," I said.

We got back into the car and went over to the warehouse where Camila was standing there waiting for us. We walked toward her. "Julia, there is something I'd like you to see, come with me," Camila said looking at me. I gave a nod, she turned around walking into the back room which to my surprise had a woman laying on the floor asleep. But it wasn't just any girl, it was my sister Teresa.

I was in shock, I hadn't seen Teresa in years since we had gotten separated in Culiacan when we were kids. How did she end up here? why? was she in trouble? My mind raced with questions as Camila was staring me down "I can tell by your face that you know who she is...I wouldn't expect anything less considering that she looks just like you, why didn't you tell me about her?" I looked at her "because we were separated as kids, that's how I ended up here" I said, I tried not to get an attitude because if Camila really wanted to, she could make my life a living hell.

She nodded and looked back at the still unconscious Teresa, I had to do whatever it took to help her but I had to find away around Camila.

She had noticed I had been silent, "go back with James, I'll take care of her" she said, I nodded and started to walk back to the car, James was waiting for me "I heard yelling, what was that about?" He asked me, "that was just Charger making a fuss again, he's always on about something" I replied "don't worry, I was just answering a few questions that Camila had for me" I added. He nodded not asking any more questions.

We both got back into the car, thoughts were still racing throughout my mind, my sister had somehow ended up here, I couldn't just leave her in the middle of whatever she was in....she's my sister!.

I had to get her out, or at least help her get ahead of the game without setting off Camila. Once she gets where I stand she'll be untouchable, though to everyone else I looked like Camila's runner girl, I was way more valuable to her. My brain held information that none of Camila's most trusted men had no clue about.

James started the car up again and looked my way "listen I've got a couple of loose ends to tie up today, since you're already here I'm taking you with me, I just need you to stand by and be a witness, fair?" He explained, "yeah, sure" I replied. He gave a nod then drove to one of his connections apartment. The two had met inside, and discussed business that they had, that's when James pulled a gun on the guy "you screw Camila over again and it won't be me that you deal with!" He shouted, my gaze went back and forth between the two men. I watched as the man quivered in fear of being shot.

With the point being made James took his leave, I followed behind him as intended and we went back to the car. I didn't ask questions, I didn't need to, it was very clear to me why that just happened.

I have to say that I'm safer with him around.

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