Just Another Day

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(Three weeks later)

I was now back full time with Camila and I was promoted in the cartel ranks again, I was promoted to basically being Camila's left hand considering she had James as her right hand, which meant anywhere she went, I went as well. I was let in on quite a few business operations as well. In the meantime, I was helping my sister to get to a higher position by mentioning some lines that she should not cross when it came to Camila, I tried to make sure that Teresa kept herself out of trouble and keep her from making the same mistakes I did when I was in her position.

James and I were still living under the same roof until he moved out to live with his girlfriend Kim, he basically gave me the house since we got along good before anyway, though I've been with Camila a bit longer than him, we shared a bond from day one. Camilla had taken a liking to me after she had seen the way I worked with clients in my mule days, the other women were bitches to me but I didn't give a shit, I learned fast, I worked smart, and I moved quickly, those are some of the best traits to have in a business like this.

I sat across from Camila's desk at the club, I gave her a stern look as she explained the task at hand. "Listen, I need you to go check out a crime scene, One of our men were murdered in cold blood last night, I need an update on what's going on, I have the whereabouts of the location and you fake ID and badge, for the rest of the morning you're a detective for the Dallas Police, and you will answer to nothing but detective Herrera" Camila explained, I gave a nod "I'll give you an update as soon as possible" I replied. Camila gave me the paper with the location and my fake badge and ID And I walked to my car, I started it and got moving.

The sun was blasting as I arrived at the scene there were officers roaming the perimeter, I got out of the car and crossed underneath the crime scene tape, one of the officers came my way "ma'am you're not aloud to be here", I shook my head softly pulling my badge out of my pocket "Detective Herrera, Dallas police department...am I aloud here now?" I asked, "my mistake right this way" "you need more training Rookie..." I glanced over at the officer while walking toward the body, "give me the case file..." I said, the officer looked at me "that wasn't an ask, it was a demand" I added, the officer quickly gave me the file, I quickly flipped it open reading the contents within it. After I read up on the situation I pulled out my phone, dialing Camila. She answered quickly "hello?", "hey, Gino is the one that's dead, six bullets to the chest, two to the stomach, the report says a bullet to the heart is what killed him, the body is still on the scene" I explained "thanks for the information, I'll make sure his family gets what they need to survive, come back to the club, we've meeting with an ally this afternoon"  she replied, "alright, I'll be there soon" I hung up and walked back toward my car.

I headed back to the club, as soon as I walked in I saw James sitting with Camila "Julia come here, there's been a change of plans... that detective work you've been doing, I need you to do one more job, one of the mules got busted on our rout, the sheriff is having a difficult time getting release papers, so you're going to go over there and get the girl instead" she said putting me in another dangerous situation, not that I'm not used to it, but it gets tiring, though it was best not to complain, at least not out loud.

I just gave her a simple nod "I've notified the sheriff, he knows you're coming in, in fact he said will do his best to make sure that you succeed with this" Camila added "alright, I'll go down there now" she nodded, I went to leave James followed behind, he was assigned his own task with my sister, at least that's what I had assumed because that's all that Camila had him doing since she arrived. I was going to talk to her later on, hopefully when Camila went home for the day.

I headed out to my car and I drove out, making my way to the sheriff's department. Traffic wasn't as bad as earlier, but I still had my focus on the mule in police possession. I drove to the sheriff's department, the sheriff himself was outside waiting when I got there. I parked my car and got out, the sheriff led me inside and toward the holding cells, he unlocked the one with mule in it "Thank you, I will Camila know that everything went smoothly, I assume you're in charge of getting her back to headquarters?, am I correct detective Herrera?" He said out loud to ensure that someone heard him "yes, she'll make it back in one piece, I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused the department, I assure you this will not happen again" I said giving him a small nod "no inconvenience at all, I appreciate you taking this young woman off of our hands" he replied "no problem".

I took the mule by her arm "let's go" I said practically dragging her to the car and putting her into the passenger seat, I was hot under the collar as I got into the driver's seat "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I shouted at her "do you know what you could have done to Camila, putting her at risk to be caught by the DEA or the FBI?, Which can take one dirty cop to spread to the Mexican federales!, then all of us are done for!, do you really want that?, huh?, not to mention you're giving me a bad name in Camila's eyes, I told her I would train you and what do I get?, a kick in the ass?, an unexperienced girl that acts like a child?" I shook my head "just wait until Camila gets a hold of you" I said starting up the car and driving back to the club.

The drive was silent, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I was pissed off big time, when we arrived at the club I got out of the car and went over to the passenger side, I then grabbed the mule by her arm and drug her into Camila's office. "Got her" I said, Camila looked at me "Julia go get some air, you're hot under the collar, I get it but just go outside, I'll handle it" she said. I did as I was told and went outside. I leaned up against the wall. I then pulled my pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, rested on of the cigarettes between my lips and gave it a light, I didn't smoke very often, just when I was stressed out or angry. It calmed me down, I sometimes I can't control my anger and I could get a little over protective, It gets terrible. I wasn't always like that... truth is, I'm a mother, I had my daughter when I was fifteen, young love am I right?, doesn't get you anywhere but in a shithole where you have to work for a cartel, but I love my daughter with all my heart, she's my one and only. I'm in my mid twenties,my daughter lives eith her father at the moment though I've made an effort to be part of her life so she never wondered what it was like to have both parents, I never wanted to put her through that, I would never forgive myself. Do I think that she would be better off away from this life?...yes I do but I can't do anything about that at the moment, but I'll work hard to make sure that one day I can, if I play this job of mine by the book, I'll find my way out of it somehow, that was always my plan, I had to have one, a good one at that. The best choice I hade made for my daughter was to keep her a secret...from everyone, I was taking a big risk, but I wanted her to stay safe so my mind was made up.

After a few more hours of working I drove down the warehouse, it was quiet because it was the end of the work day. I happened to see Teresa and pulled her aside, it was the first time I had talked to her since she had arrived in Dallas. "Listen to me, you're doing great with Camila, she likes you....get on her good side, that's how I made it here...do what she asks of you, don't question her" I instructed, she nodded softly "I love you, don't forget that...I will keep you safe as best as I can" I added  "I love you too" Teresa replied, we both set into an embrace that lasted for a few minutes, I felt relieved that something was normal, or at least it felt that way. After we both pulled away from each other I looked at her with a soft tone "now go get some sleep, you have a long day tomorrow" she nodded and I walked back to my car and drove home.

After I got home I took a shower and laid in bed, I had no idea what was in store for tomorrow and I didn't even want to know.

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