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(Dating back to 12 years ago)

I ran and ran, the feeling of bullets flying over my head scared me,  I held my stomach,I stuck out like a sore thumb considering that I was eight and a half months pregnant at the time, the thought of giving birth to my child in a situation like this was absolutely terrifying, it had scared me since I had found out that I was going to be a mother, I had no idea what end was up, but then again I was fifteen and hadn't had much experience with a Cartel since I had ran away from Camila months ago. Before anyone had realized I was pregnant. My boyfriend Daniel had ran beside me, one arm wrapped around my waist. We were both attempting to get to the safe house, I looked at Daniel "what is this about, what happened?" "I'll explain later, I just need to get you to safety"

I nodded as we turned to hide around the corner "Pinche pendejos" I said quietly but furiously. After the two men that were shooting at us went by, we quickly made out way to the safe house that was down the block. I got inside and sat on the bed "explain, now" I demanded looking at Daniel, he sighed "their from the Jimenez Cartel...we stepped on to their territory last week and they've been following is ever since", "who is we?" I questioned him "my mentor...the one that Camila put me with" I shook my head "great, we're gonna die" I said "Listen I'm going to the bathroom" I added and walked over slamming the door behind me. I stood by the sink, I considered running and I considered ending it all for myself.

That was the moment it happened, the moment I had dreaded for the past hour,my heart sank as my water broke. I didn't like the feeling...it was terrible...that's when the pain started coming through "uh, We have a problem" I said opening the bathroom door as I saw him pacing around the room, but he stopped when he saw me "what's the matter?" He asked me "my water just broke..." I got right to the point "what?, the baby wasn't due for another two weeks!" He panicked and helped me to the bed "I know" I said groaning slightly at the first bit of pain that had came through.

This had been my worse fear ever since I started my pregnancy...I knew what I had gotten myself into, so did Daniel, you could say that I didn't look scared in that moment...you'd be wrong, I was terrified, there was a million different things that could go wrong in that moment and I knew that.


An hour had passed and the sounds of gunfire died down a bit, my labor pains were terrible at this point, I couldn't go on much longer feeling like this. Daniel wanted to call a doctor but he couldn't risk leading the sicarios to our safe house door, unfortunately he had no choice but to give in and call in a contact that was a doctor, 'finally' I thought, at this point I was half naked laying under bed sheets trying not scream in pain. One of the hardest things I had to do in my life.

Shortly after, the doctor arrived, I sighed in relief as I was checked out, most women were in labor for hours, sometimes even days...not me, due to abnormalities in my body I was dilating quicker than I thought, I was due to have that baby any minute, it felt like torture from the inside, out. It was just a waiting game at this point.


Surprisingly I lasted another two hours I was just about ready when someone came through the safe house door "this couldn't possibly get any worse" I said out loud as Daniel shot the guy "Listen, I'm gonna go make sure the cost clear, don't move" he said, I was in so much pain at that moment I yelled out as he left "where would I possibly be going!".

It was just the doctor when the sound of pinche gunfire was heard again, that's when that baby decided it wanted out of me. I pushed, and pushed until the small sounds of an infant could be heard. There born under the sound of gunfire was my daughter Hermosa. Daniel and I had a name prepared from the start, just in case something happened to him and he wasn't able to be there when the baby arrived.

Within a few minutes Daniel rushed back into the room to find me holding our daughter in my arms. "There she is, Hermosa North", I gave Daniel a look of death in that moment "that's not what we agreed upon when we were deciding on the name, we agreed to keep it Mendoza" I explained, he sighed "you're so pig headed, we said she should have my last name" he responded, "no we agreed to keep it Mendoza because we're not married!" I snapped back in a low tone. "I didn't plan on marrying you anyway!" He was angry "I knew I should have listened to my mother" he added. "That's right, always do what mommy says because you can't make your own decisions" I said, that must of bruised his ego because he went quiet.

"Can I hold her at least?" He asked breaking the silence, I handed Hermosa carefully to him. He smiled while looking at her "see, look at you already causing trouble" he joked, I made smile.

We stayed in the safe house for the rest of the night, it was peaceful as I was resting and Daniel was keeping a close eye on Hermosa.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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