Chapter 12 (Saturday)

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Kwayo headed outside, still dressed in his pajamas, groaning at the sunlight. His stomach growled, louder than a tiger. Kwayo knew; just yesterday he'd been one.

Glumly staring at the teleporter shed--the thing was still broken--he shapeshifted into a small sparrow and flew towards the cafeteria. Below him, a few people trudged around, probably just as annoyed as him that they had to walk.

He touched down in the field beside the cafeteria and shapeshifted back. He yawned, entering the building and heading for the cereal. They didn't have that many options available--unusual--so Kwayo filled a bowl with boring corn flakes and sat down to eat. Stomach no longer demanding his attention, his mind slipped to the massive amount of homework he had to finish today. And the planning for Monday night's event.

He sighed into his cereal. Tara was, again, making them plan every little detail for what was supposed to be a fun event. It was literally called "Funzone Frenzy," an insanely hyped-up relay race. Yet Tara insisted they had to create equal teams within the sixth grade instead of just going with whoever.

Kwayo slurped down the rest of his almond milk and left the dead-silent cafeteria, flying back to the dorm building as a scarlet macaw. He tromped to his dorm, Teremki and Ryn in the common area talking about dinosaurs in quicksand. He entered the living room, and they didn't pause to greet him, so he plopped down on the couch with them.

"Uh, do you mind?" Ryn said.

"What?" Kwayo asked.

"You're bouncing the couch," she glared at him.

"I am?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, when you sat down. Do you mind?"

"Um, sorry," he grumbled, standing up and pulling one of the two chairs to the opposite wall. He plunked down and crossed his arms.

"Anyway..." Ryn turned back to Teremki. "I was saying quicksand doesn't actually suck you down."

Teremki looked hopelessly between them. Someone else knocked on the door, and Teremki managed the barest sigh.

"I'll get it!" Ryn popped up immediately.

"This is fun," Kwayo muttered. Teremki just shrugged.

Ryn returned, Kami in tow. They sat by each other on the couch, and Ryn yawned. "Let's get this over with quickly. I've got homework to do, but Tara threatened to punch me in the face if I didn't come."

Kami stifled a giggle.

"So," Ryn glanced at each of them, "I think we should just go through everyone's strengths in an obstacle course. Like, remember last year in gym all those crazy courses we did? What were we all best at?"

"Well," Kwayo said, "I--"

Ryn cut him off. "Let's start with Kami."

Kami looked at Ryn, pursing her lips. "If we're starting off with ways our abilities help us, then my harnessing spirit energy can act as a sort of battery, giving me extra endurance. I can also drain things--though I'd rather not," she shivered, "and heal things a little. You know," she glanced at Kwayo, "clear chakras, align bandhas, reaffirm ujjayi breath, center chi and stuff."

Kami's face remained blank, but Kwayo had to fight not to smile. The others frowned in confusion. They probably didn't even know what "ujjayi" meant, and it wasn't helped by the fact that there was no such thing as reaffirming it.

"Okay..." Ryn hesitated. "What about like, non-power skills?"

"I'm pretty skilled with sabers," Kami swung two imaginary blades about, "and combatting multiple foes at once. Plus, like I mentioned, I've got good endurance. So if we need to run a long way, or hold our breath, or something, I could do that part."

Close to the Covert Rains **Book One**Where stories live. Discover now