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The tavern hangout was soon over , every one had said their goodbyes. Aether decided that he would part from Diluc for a few hours as he rested in the great Dawn Winery . He stepped out and began to wander among the strong smell of nature and wild life . He felt powered by the smell of fresh air , giving him more air of freedom. He had walked all the way to windrise . Yet, the wind had gone dry all of a sudden .. dead . The smell of blood and agony filled the air , it reminded him of the fight. The . Fight. The fight where he had lost everything, his soul, his emotion, his sibling.. and friend . Yet the smell of the blood immediately rushed to his brain , making it all fuzzy as he began to cry , the picture of his sisters body in his head . He ran to where the smell was coming from, immediately knowing that this .

This was the Anemo Archon.

He fell to his knees by the archons side , patting around the body. They had been stabbed in the stomach, yet, he picked up a new scent. Abyssal energy . He panicked , immediately hugging Ventis corpse as he continued to pat around . Someone had killed him on purpose , this was no accident . Blood was everywhere , no wind , just blood and pure evilness . Who would even dare cause harm to an archon so sweet? Who would hate the archons so much . Aether broke into tears as he squeezed the body , crying into the shoulder of the corpse of his best friend .

"I thought you archons were immortal .. why. Why must you leave me Venti. Why can't you just play one more tune , I couldn't even say one last I love you, or hug you one more time .."

They had always embraced each other and told each other how much they platonically love the other . Venti had no interest in any romantic relationship, yet him and Aether had such a strong bond where they could say such and mean it. This was the last time Aether could hold his friend .. and the last time he could say that he loved him .

"I love you.. please don't leave me . Tell me you'll be back Venti, tell me .."

There was no telling to do , Aether was hyperventilating in fear . Shaking and quivering, was this it? Was this the last time he was going to see his friend .

Was this ; the last time .

𝓐𝓷 𝓤𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓭 𝓙𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓮𝔂Where stories live. Discover now