Cruel Summer

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El verano, el momento del año con el que todos sueñan, el momento que va a cambiar sus vidas sumergiéndoles en un mundo desconocido. 

El verano para ellos está a punto de dejar de ser el mar, las tardes bajo el sol y los paseos en bicicleta, miles de futuros diferentes les esperan a las puertas de ese verano.

brooke norton

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brooke norton

"and when I felt like I was and old cardigan, you put me on and said I was your favourite"

"i was so afraid, Fernando, we were young and full of life and none of us prepared to die"

"cause there were pages turnes with the bridges burned, everything you lose is a step you take"

"cause there were pages turnes with the bridges burned, everything you lose is a step you take"

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liam caxton

"I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything but I know I miss you"

"and I try to fall for her touch but I'm thinking of the way it was"

"and I think you should come live with me and we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry"

"and I think you should come live with me and we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry"

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sasha price

"what do you think I'd say to that? does a scorpion sting when fighting back?"

"maybe it is all a test, 'cause I feel like I'm the worst so I always act like I'm the best"

"picture me, thinks as thieves with your ex-wife, and she looks so pretty"

"picture me, thinks as thieves with your ex-wife, and she looks so pretty"

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margot emerson

"but I can see us lost in the memory, august slipped away into a moment in time"

"don't look too deep into those ocean eyes"

"this scene feels like what I once saw on a screen, I searched aurora borealis green"

"this scene feels like what I once saw on a screen, I searched aurora borealis green"

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connor bailey

"all these people think love's for show, but I would die for you in secret"

"I'm not worried about where you are, or who you will go home to, I'm just thinking about you"

"come on, baby, with me we're gonna fly away from here"

Nota de la autora

Bienvenidos a Cruel Summer!

En primer lugar, gracias por estar leyendo estas palabras y formar parte de este proyecto, desarrollar esta idea está siendo un reto muy enriquecedor para mí y espero que vosotros disfrutéis de este trabajo. 

A partir de estos capítulos conoceréis a personajes con historias muy especiales con las que espero que podáis conectar, estaré muy agradecida de escuchar todas vuestras opiniones. 

instagram: andrreabarres

tiktok: andrreabarres

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