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I sat cross legged on the couch with a novel Sister Angelica had bought for me on my lap. I was by the window, trying to multitask. That is, reading and observing nature at the same time. I was the only child left home. All my siblings were away, after all, it was a fresh week.

Moments later,my phone received a notification. I picked it up to check...a Gmail. I knew who it was.

It read:
"Hello Princess! How far? Hope you doin' well...😊"

I had to reply.
Hello Sedinam. I'm cool. Yh, I'm doing well. Don't forget to call me Your Royal Ladyship!🙄"

He sent a laughing emoji. I thought it was rude.

Seconds later, the phone was ringing. An unknown number was calling. I immediately knew who it could be so I picked up the call.

I waited for the person at the other end to speak.

"Hello Your Royal Ladyship!" He s said in a mocking tone.

"How rude, Sedinam!" I resolved not to call him a prince anymore. "How did you get my number?"

I sharply but calmly retorted, in the way a princess had to speak.

"I have my ways." He said laughing at the other end.

"Ain't you supposed to be in school? What do you want from me? What made you think I'd be home and that I didn't go to school? Huh? What the heck?! Or you're monitoring me from afar?"

I found it all irritating once more. He didn't have the time to give answers to the questions I posed at him because I cut the call, blacklisted his number and switched off the phone...

It was a eight days later and I had gotten well. Everyone began to pamper me once more. I had spent the last eight days with my parents in their quarters. I remember being sick and spending all day in bed. My sister-in-law came for her rounds. Yes, she was the family doctor.

I never felt right when she attended to me, but I had no option. I could see that she was trying hard to behave that nothing had happened. We never talked much; it was just the patient doctor relationship.

I remember everything vividly: I went unconscious after Daddy had beaten the hell out of me. When I awoke, I was still at my parents' place. My sisters and brothers had all rushed over when they detected that I had still not returned to our own quarters. When I awoke, I could see clearly that Mummy was so upset with Daddy. She was a soft and kind woman, as a result, she rarely got angry. But seeing the state I was in because of the 'small' mistakes I had made, she broke apart. Her heart was torn into pieces. There were times I caught her crying when she thought I was asleep.

She had a foundation and so had a lot to do. Yet, she stayed back home during all those days and worked virtually. That was when she, myself and my siblings got closer and closer.

From their conversations at night when they thought I was asleep, Daddy was sorry and looked really apologetic. There wasn't a night he didn't kneel down to beg Mummy. Plus, it was obvious that Daddy had regretted everything. I wondered how he announced what he had done to the family. I would ask Sister Gloria later. I knew he would behave alright before his subjects. He would behave normally, powerfully, et cetera.

Grandma came around and never ceased to tell me how much Daddy loved me, and how everyone makes mistakes. She never let a day go by without thanking God that the issue didn't go that far.

Sister Angelica's wedding was coming off the following week. She was fast speeding up her plans. She knew no one would go to her rescue, only herself was available. She was in great distress. We couldn't tell our brothers because we knew that no matter how they were to us, they would not be able to understand us ladies. Plus, they knew their opinions wouldn't matter and Daddy's decisions were sacred and not subject to change.

I used to be in my parents' quarters till I turned five. Going back there and staying there for some time was among the best days in my life. Even though I was supposed to be in school, a sick leave had been taken for me. I spent all the days watching all kinds of movies, reading all kinds of stories, learning my textbooks and having all sorts of conversations with Mummy.

It was hard for me to let go of everything Daddy had done to me. Right, I was the one to be blamed but he had gone too far. Everyone was trying their best to bring us back together. I talked with him, occasionally, but only a few sentences.

I tried very hard to let forgiveness work. It was at that point I realized that I didn't really know what forgiveness was like. I began looking at various sources.

At some point, I chanced upon a Christian article which read that, when one forgives a person truly, no negative emotions would be experienced when one encounters the same person again. Rather, they would be an outburst of joy and a good feeling.

My issue with Daddy was delicate, I wouldn't allow a third party. I began to see him in a certain negative way I never saw him as.

I began pondering over why he was forcing Sister Angelica into marriage while she was uninterested and unhappy about the whole affair. Meanwhile, they were other equally reputable men. And why did he have to imposed so many restrictions on us?

Luckily, Mummy had been able to help me get rid of all the scars. After all, I was a princess.

There were days Sister Angelica would buy us KFC on her way home from work. Other times, pizza and coke. She would also buy us the latest outfits. As royals, we didn't buy anything.

All what was needed was to give the list to our maidens who were in charge of that particular job. The lands of the kingdom belonged to Daddy so they could take whatever they wanted from the markets and malls without questioning. After all it was the culture. Bulk shopping was done for the household every three months as well.

Other companies also delivered the various items to us. Sometimes, we wanted to buy certain things on our own. Daddy's elder sister in the states did the shopping and shipped it to us. We got our money from donations from the kingdom, large gold reserves in the kingdom, government, among others.

Sister Angelica was trying her best to make her last days enjoyable for us. Fortunately for us, none else knew the plan, even though there were cameras all around. Sister Gloria had told us to trust her with it, and it looked like we really hadn't made the wrong choice.

She could go on outings, only if she was protected. This is because she was quite an adult. And, the public didn't notice her as the King's daughter when she went out. The public didn't know any of us, for our protection sake and other reasons.

Being on King on earth was fun, looking at everything. But there's one thing: there's a greater King above all.

I couldn't wait to get to my beloved school, Saint Louis' Girls' High School the following day. I was keenly looking forward to it.

I picked my phone to remove Sedinam from the blacklist. The door bell was pressed, I had to go and check first...

Maybe Mummy, or?


The Prince is being so clingy!😂 No doubt he's in love.

Do you trust Angelica to pull through.

Reminder: TAP THE STAR.😇

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